My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Sunday, February 17, 2013


-it doesn’t exist
how could it?
God is Love
He wouldn't allow
such a place to be
-a ridiculous myth of
fear-mongering by
over-zealous right wing
control freaks
-who cares?
-doesn't fit my belief system
-not worth thinking about
-probably not that bad
-no one's going there anyway
everyone's going to be saved
-f bomb hell
what if it exists because we
want it to exist so
we could go there
just like in the beginning when
angels chose to be devils
chose not to bow down to
anyone but themselves-
what if it exists because it
most aptly defines who we are?
what if we wanted the
darkness and death of
sin's deceitful pleasures?
created with the
dignity of free will
would not God allow us to
freely reject Him
no matter what
the consequences?
refusing Love
choosing to live by
our own rules
we enthrone our
as gods
convicted to be
worshiped and adored
idols all leading
back to a self more
precious and deserving than
the One who 
holds the Keys of
Life and Death
where each is king
ruling kingdoms of
the mind bowing to no One
in this way
hell exists because
it is a reality of choice
a pattern of living death
centered around
some other thing
rather than the
Lord of Heaven and Earth
who offers Freedom
from the bondage of
inherited and
deliberate sin
received only through
conversion of heart
a decision to give oneself
in mutual love and service to the
One who Died and Rose for us to
bring us New Life but
when that is refused
we separate ourselves
from the God of Love
we embrace a
way of life which then is
continued and fulfilled
eternally after death
so then Mercy's Grace
remains an offer till the end
as does freedom's call for Justice
to all passing through the
Gates of Eternity
so choose carefully because
“wide is the gate and broad
is the road leading to destruction,
and many enter through it
small is the gate and
narrow is the road
that leads to eternal life
and only a few
find it.”

-What is the description of "Hell"?
-How is hell a "reality of choice"?
-Why don't we talk about hell?

-How do mercy and justice coexist in a God of Love?
-What does "conversion of heart" mean? 
-Do you think many people go to hell? Why/not?
-What does Scripture say about who goes to hell?
-What does the Church teach about hell?                              

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