My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Metanoia Mindset

Blow the Trumpets!...Sound the   
Alarm!...Open the Gates of your
Mind!...Change the way you think
what I'm going to tell you will
radically transform your world if -
and this is the key - you receive it...
believe it...act on it...
faithfully...nothing will remain the carefully...I have 
Good News to tell
are being offered a New Life with
New Eyes to See...New Ears to 
Hear...a New Mind to Think...a 
New Heart to Love...for Behold!
the old things will pass away and
ALL things will be made NEW...
Change your Mind about what is
possible and Believe the Gospel
and you shall Receive POWER
from on High to live Beyond your
Human Nature...Beyond your 
Natural are 
being Chosen to Receive a Gift 
Beyond your wildest dreams...So...
Added to the Dignity of a Natural
Human Being Created in the Image 
and Likeness of God is the Super-
Dignity of a Supernatural Sharing / 
Participation in the Very Life of the 
Infinite / Eternal / Perfect / Divine 
Creator of the Actually 
become His Adopted Son / Daughter 
because He becomes your Loving 
Abba become Divinized 
with ALL the Rights / Access to His 
Divine Presence and Personal Love 
as well as a Share in His Infinite / 
Eternal Inheritance of  Perfect Joy...
Peace...Love...Beginning In this 
Present Life and Fulfilled in the Life 
to Come...What an Amazing / Astonishing  / 
Holy Identity you have been Chosen to 
Receive aa a Pure Gift!! - Talk about 
being "Special"!!. response 
to such an astonishing revelation you 
justifiably can ask... How can this be Why you?...and 
if you are forthright - you who are so...
how can I say this... politely?.... how 
about...imperfect?...most likely done 
many things that you are not proud of...
things you did / failed to do...and if you 
really think about it...even 'worshipped' 
false gods of money / success / pleasure / 
vanity / self-centered lifestyles / given to 
anger / resentment / unforgiveness...ALL 
of which leads to a Justified Eternity of 
Destruction...A Fiery Separation from the 
One who is again...why 
you? you don't deserve which I say...
yes...I agree. can it be?... is not just you...ALL of us have 
sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God...
ALL Humanity is Fallen...ALL are Wounded 
by Sin...ALL need to be Saved from their 
Fallen Nature inherited from our First Parents 
who Freely Chose to Rebel against Abba Father...
were deceived by the Evil One and are prone 
to evil...enslaved to self and live in a world 
infatuated with sin...and thus there is an Infinite 
Chasm that separates the Holiness of the Divine 
and the Sinfulness of Humanity that ONLY ONE 
who is Both  Human and Divine who can Perfectly 
Span that abyss...and now here is the GOOD NEWS..
Jesus has accomplished this by His Outstretched 
Arms upon the Cross... Jesus - the Sinless One - 
the only Begotten Son of God who Became 
Man...took upon Himself our Sins and the 
Punishment of Death - WHY? a Word...
Mercy... out of Love for you and me He was 
Pierced...Tortured...Mocked...Murdered but 
on the Third Day ROSE from the Dead and is 
ALIVE / REAL...and thus Conquered Death / 
Sin / Satan and Now OFFERS this Victory to 
ALL - including YOU...who CHOOSE to Receive 
Him as Lord and SURRENDER and 
Receive.....Forgiveness / Mercy to ALL who Repent / 
Turn away from Receive  A New Life...
New Hope...New Love...a Sharing in His Divine 
Life...His Very Nature...Ask to be Filled with 
His Holy Spirit...Become His Disciple to Follow 
Him...Take on His Mission and Purpose for your 
Life... to Live a Supernatural Life here and now 
using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to 'Do what He 
is doing...Say what He is Saying'.. to Go Make 
Disciples by Living the GOOD NEWS as... 
Behold...He Makes ALL Things NEW.!!!

Discussion / Reflection:

-What is the 'Good News'?
-How does 'Metanoia' - 'Change your Mind' - prepare you for the Good News?
-How does it make you feel when you hear that you are Loved  as Jesus Loved you?
-What does it mean to Repent of your Sins?
-If you are Catholic, go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
-What does it mean to Choose Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?
-Have you decided to Follow Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?
-If not, I encourage you to do it now in your own words.
-Find a Support Group of Committed Believers.
-Become involved in Service.
-Break ties to your sinful past.
-Develop a daily Prayer Life including Scripture Study.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Abiding

it is My Desire that you
Abide in Me...
always and everywhere
for that is where you have
been Created to Be...where
you will Flourish as Children
of the is My Spirit
that Empowers you to Rest
in Me and Receive a taste of 
My Eternal Joy and Peace
as you become more and more
One with Me in Mind and is both your Calling
and Battle - Life in Me and 
death to self in this world of                                                                                                                   
chaos and confusion made
so by humanity's Fall from 
Original Grace when the evil 
one's deceptions lured them to 
choose selfish pride instead of 
Selfless Love thus sealing a
fatal inheritance of a wounded
nature racked by conflict
where passions are like 
wild stallions running this way
and that attracted by evil ends
resistant to control from 
a weakened will and a mind
clouded and blinded subject to 
error in a body now sentenced
to deterioration and death 
under the dominant influence 
of the evil one who relentlessly                                            
seeks to remove your focus                     
on Me and turn you inward                      
upon yourself thus bringing
the disorder of the world into 
Our Sacred Space - it is a 
Spiritual Battle which rages for 
the minds and hearts of All who 
have been rages 
within and without...false teachers 
promoting false doctrines created to 
captivate and lure the unsuspecting and 
naive into the darkness of doom
dressed in rays of light weaved
together from strands of both 
true and false words until 
Reality cannot be distinguished
from unreality by disordered
feelings leading round and
round until it is halted by 
death and eternal destiny is
Resist these temptations by
My Grace and so Remain in 
Me as I Remain in you for it 
is in Me that you find your True
Self as a Son / Daughter of
the Father...where you find 
your True Affirmation as 
One Beloved by the Father 
Called to Share Our Divine
Nature now and Forever
I have Given you All that you
need in the Battle of Life 
and Death...My Word is 
Light and Truth...My Spirit
is Power to Discern and 
Live in that 
Speak the Truth in
Carry the Cross of Love 
and Truth - even to Die
there as a Witness to My
Victory over the Chaos
and Confusion of Sin /
Death - My Resurrection to
Eternal in Me
and I in you...then...Stand!..
for I AM the Resurrection and 
the Life...the One who Brings it was 
in the Beginning when all is 
well as it is supposed to Be...

Reflection / Discussion:

-What does it mean to 'Abide' in the Lord?
-How can we make that the 'normal' for our lives?
-What habits can we form to do that?
-What is a 'quick' way to get back into His Presence?
-One way is the 'Jesus Prayer'...what is that?
-What are some of the 'lies / deceptions' in the world that 
 cause 'chaos / confusion'?
-How can we combat them?
-How do you 'speak the Truth in Love'?
-How should our 'feelings / intellect / will' work together in us to
 keep us in His Presence?