My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Agenda

Stupid Humans!...sitting ducks....
ignorant of our existence - let alone 
our Agenda - even our Enemy's Bride 
is too busy being ravaged from within 
to hinder us and BTW...nice work
comrades...decades in the making...
we now have the opportunity to go put it simply...It's The 
Children Stupid!...Ha!...everything is in 
place for the last of the dominoes to fall -        
their most vulnerable and our most 
delectable - thus when we get the 
Children we get the Family then all of 
Creation!...of course we could not 
succeed without the Human Nature being 
so easily deceived...weak 
willed...attracted to evil...rooted in ego's 
selfishness / pride...then there's the 
Culture of the World - Sin's playground - 
we have it all - media / entertainment...
social organizations...
governments... courts...medical fields...
and best of - 'get 'em while 
their young' as they say... we now have 
the table set to wreck havoc and bring 
many many more to our Eternal Fiery now...let me review -
and this is so so common since their -
and by that I mean 'Our' - Cultures no 
longer prize 'Marriage' - 'who needs it?'
so...their Baby-Daddies have fun then run...
that leaves their Baby-Mommies to mostly 
abort - killing is always my personal favorite - 
or go it alone.. but if they stay together... 
no worries...we've got 'Our' Cultures 
working on it...which brings us to the 
Kiddies...Ahh yes...the fertile 
for sowing an Orphan spirt...insecurities...
fears...abandonment...desperation for 
affirmation...and so deliciously naive so
as to innocently consume our Ideological
feast of  Sexualization called wink wink 
Health Class that has a 'Revolutionary Menu' 
including Gender Identity - where 'Feelings 
Reign' and you can pick one or more of the
'Heinz 57' varieties.. make the objective 
subjective...normalize confusion...then it's...
how can you be sure?... feelings are totally fluid...
so many to choose from...which one are you? 
how do you know?...maybe you too can be 
really really special... . and Shhhhh...don't 
worry we won't tell Mommy and Daddy what 
you want to be called....they just wont understand... 
and then to our delight... they say bye bye to 
Reality ..and jump on the Kiddie Car of Lifestyle
Indoctrination which goes GROOM...GROOM....
GROOM off into the Darkness of Deception!!!...
Ahh...yes...the Joy of Delusion!...then it's ..just 
have fun....hey why not?...pleasure is everything...
anything with do you know 
unless you try?...haven't you ever felt like doing 
X...Y...Z...? they all feel so GOOOOOD....
accompaniment anyone?...thus we banish 
Innocence to the Eternal Incinerator of Idolatry...
Ahh...the fruit is delicious and a monument to 
our Pride in making the 'Immutable forever 
Mutable' - thus to make that which is 'true' 
to be 'false' and 'false' to be 'true' which invites 
all to imbibe our cocktails of  deception / 
delusion / depression / despair -and best of 
all...death - first of the soul then if we can... 
the body...both our final time 
is now for us to redouble our efforts...pressure... creative...use what the 
humans call 'Cancel Culture' to enforce our 
Agenda upon them and solidify our gains - 
it's either... Celebration or Cancellation....
we will win are vigilant in preventing 
our Enemy's forces from mobilizing to resist
our Agenda by stirring up our 'Woke Minions' 
who in their vain arrogance will vociferously 
disparage them as 'Haters / Bigots' - anything to 
marginalize / demonize / isolate...whatever it 
takes to shut them up and if we persevere we shall 
have Victory! so remember...and all together now...
It's The Children Stupid!

Reflection / Discussion:

-lifestyle: the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level etc. that together constitute the   mode of living of and individual or group.
-objective: influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, prejudice' based on facts; unbiased
-subjective: existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought   (opposed to objective) 
-sexualization: the act of endowing with sexual characteristics, or of excessively   emphasizing  those characteristics .
-indoctrinate: to instruct in a doctrine, principle or ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific or
  partisan biased belief or point of view.
-deceive: to mislead by a false statement or appearance; delude
-true: being in accordance with actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false
-false: not true or correct; erroneous

-What is the teaching of Scripture / Church on Original Sin and it's consequences?
-What does Scripture / Church teach about Satan?
-What does Scripture / Church teach about the 'World'?
-How is our culture shaped by the 'world / flesh / devil'?
-What is the Agenda? 
-How do you know Satan is behind it?
-How are the media / entertainment / courts / world organizations / governments / 
  education used to attack the Family?
-How does 'Sex Ed / Gender Identity' attack the Family?
-What does making the 'Immutable Forever Mutable' mean?
-How is the Church ie the Lord's Bride being attacked from within?
-How are children vulnerable to Satan's attacks?
-What does 'banish Innocence to the Eternal Incinerator of Idolatry' mean?
-How does 'Cancel Culture' work to destroy the family?
-What does 'it's either Celebration or Cancellation' mean?
-What is the Lord calling you to do to fight for the family / children?