My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Poison

I see your wounds...
I know how you have been 
hurt...each has impacted your life...
yes... you have been changed
and didn't deserve
to be treated that way whether
by sins of commission or omission 
they were egregious....plain and simple...
it was wrong...but...still...I call 
you to Forgive...not for their sake
but for yours...Unforgiveness
is a Poison for your soul...
it's as if when you consume the
contents of its cup you expect 
your offender to does 
nothing to punish the transgressor...
they could care only destroys 
the one who imbibes its toxicity 
in a futile attempt at an execution 
of justice but whose caustic fruit 
blossoms on your tree of bitterness 
deformed from its diseased roots -
demons' deceptions / accusations /
lies falsely promising retribution
for your offender but in reality
you are the only one who reaps
the dark harvest in your soul -
not only in this life but jeopardizing
the as I 
Forgive Merciful as 
you have received My Mercy...
that is the Antidote for the Poison 
of Unforgiveness... and....notice...
I did not say 'Trust'...that must be
earned...but...if you do not Forgive...
how then can you expect Me to Forgive 
you?...the Fruit of Forgiveness allows 
you to no longer be oppressed by 
resentment...repressed hatred...
suppressed victimhood and the
triggered emotions which erupt 
at any given moment...think about
this.. who has been more Unjustly 
treated than I?...despised / rejected /
mocked / cruelly tortured...Profanity 
of Profanities -The Son of God...
Crucified! - yet even in My 
weakened humanity I asked My 
Father to Forgive is 
My Offer to you...Grace to... Forgive...
Let go of your offender's punishment...
Pour out the cup of poison...
Give your offender over to Me...
Trusting Me to Heal your wounds 
no longer being infected by your 
sins of hatred / revenge.. but...what 
of your pain?...the suffering thrust 
upon you?...the hurtful memories 
arriving without notification?...the 
struggles to let go?...your feelings 
of frustration at your perpetrator's 
lack of repentance?... Know that -
even here - I make all things 
work for good for those who
Love Me...I Offer you the 
Opportunity to Join your suffering
with My Passion for the sake of 
those you love...a Deeper Union 
of  our Hearts...a Transformation
for the sake of the Kingdom...
and Know as well that I AM the 
Just One...the One who brings Justice -
whether in this life or the next -
My Grace is Offered to All - both
to Repent and to Forgive - for
All have sinned and fallen short
from the Glory of the Father...
I Am the Way...Truth...Life...
Each is Free to Come to My
Consider and Choose...It is 
Freedom if you Receive...A 
Painful Captivity if you Refuse...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is it crucial for your well-being to forgive?
-Why is it difficult to forgive?
-What is the relationship between your feelings and your will in forgiving?
-Have you experienced the Grace to Forgive? How?
-Have you experienced the poison of unforgiveness? How?
-How does 'letting go' of an Offender bring healing?
-If you have sinned against anyone and not repented to them...ask for Grace and take care of it.
-How does this poem describe 'Redemptive Suffering'? 
-Have you experienced that?  How?

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Agenda

Stupid Humans!...sitting ducks....
ignorant of our existence - let alone 
our Agenda - even our Enemy's Bride 
is too busy being ravaged from within 
to hinder us and BTW...nice work
comrades...decades in the making...
we now have the opportunity to go put it simply...It's The 
Children Stupid!...Ha!...everything is in 
place for the last of the dominoes to fall -        
their most vulnerable and our most 
delectable - thus when we get the 
Children we get the Family then all of 
Creation!...of course we could not 
succeed without the Human Nature being 
so easily deceived...weak 
willed...attracted to evil...rooted in ego's 
selfishness / pride...then there's the 
Culture of the World - Sin's playground - 
we have it all - media / entertainment...
social organizations...
governments... courts...medical fields...
and best of - 'get 'em while 
their young' as they say... we now have 
the table set to wreck havoc and bring 
many many more to our Eternal Fiery now...let me review -
and this is so so common since their -
and by that I mean 'Our' - Cultures no 
longer prize 'Marriage' - 'who needs it?'
so...their Baby-Daddies have fun then run...
that leaves their Baby-Mommies to mostly 
abort - killing is always my personal favorite - 
or go it alone.. but if they stay together... 
no worries...we've got 'Our' Cultures 
working on it...which brings us to the 
Kiddies...Ahh yes...the fertile 
for sowing an Orphan spirt...insecurities...
fears...abandonment...desperation for 
affirmation...and so deliciously naive so
as to innocently consume our Ideological
feast of  Sexualization called wink wink 
Health Class that has a 'Revolutionary Menu' 
including Gender Identity - where 'Feelings 
Reign' and you can pick one or more of the
'Heinz 57' varieties.. make the objective 
subjective...normalize confusion...then it's...
how can you be sure?... feelings are totally fluid...
so many to choose from...which one are you? 
how do you know?...maybe you too can be 
really really special... . and Shhhhh...don't 
worry we won't tell Mommy and Daddy what 
you want to be called....they just wont understand... 
and then to our delight... they say bye bye to 
Reality ..and jump on the Kiddie Car of Lifestyle
Indoctrination which goes GROOM...GROOM....
GROOM off into the Darkness of Deception!!!...
Ahh...yes...the Joy of Delusion!...then it's ..just 
have fun....hey why not?...pleasure is everything...
anything with do you know 
unless you try?...haven't you ever felt like doing 
X...Y...Z...? they all feel so GOOOOOD....
accompaniment anyone?...thus we banish 
Innocence to the Eternal Incinerator of Idolatry...
Ahh...the fruit is delicious and a monument to 
our Pride in making the 'Immutable forever 
Mutable' - thus to make that which is 'true' 
to be 'false' and 'false' to be 'true' which invites 
all to imbibe our cocktails of  deception / 
delusion / depression / despair -and best of 
all...death - first of the soul then if we can... 
the body...both our final time 
is now for us to redouble our efforts...pressure... creative...use what the 
humans call 'Cancel Culture' to enforce our 
Agenda upon them and solidify our gains - 
it's either... Celebration or Cancellation....
we will win are vigilant in preventing 
our Enemy's forces from mobilizing to resist
our Agenda by stirring up our 'Woke Minions' 
who in their vain arrogance will vociferously 
disparage them as 'Haters / Bigots' - anything to 
marginalize / demonize / isolate...whatever it 
takes to shut them up and if we persevere we shall 
have Victory! so remember...and all together now...
It's The Children Stupid!

Reflection / Discussion:

-lifestyle: the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level etc. that together constitute the   mode of living of and individual or group.
-objective: influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, prejudice' based on facts; unbiased
-subjective: existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought   (opposed to objective) 
-sexualization: the act of endowing with sexual characteristics, or of excessively   emphasizing  those characteristics .
-indoctrinate: to instruct in a doctrine, principle or ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific or
  partisan biased belief or point of view.
-deceive: to mislead by a false statement or appearance; delude
-true: being in accordance with actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false
-false: not true or correct; erroneous

-What is the teaching of Scripture / Church on Original Sin and it's consequences?
-What does Scripture / Church teach about Satan?
-What does Scripture / Church teach about the 'World'?
-How is our culture shaped by the 'world / flesh / devil'?
-What is the Agenda? 
-How do you know Satan is behind it?
-How are the media / entertainment / courts / world organizations / governments / 
  education used to attack the Family?
-How does 'Sex Ed / Gender Identity' attack the Family?
-What does making the 'Immutable Forever Mutable' mean?
-How is the Church ie the Lord's Bride being attacked from within?
-How are children vulnerable to Satan's attacks?
-What does 'banish Innocence to the Eternal Incinerator of Idolatry' mean?
-How does 'Cancel Culture' work to destroy the family?
-What does 'it's either Celebration or Cancellation' mean?
-What is the Lord calling you to do to fight for the family / children?

Monday, August 2, 2021

The Tyranny

feelings are your servants
not your tyrannical masters
dictating true / false / right / 
wrong no matter the rational
objection nor evidence to the 
contrary...which necessarily
follows from the argument that - 
strictly speaking - they are YOUR 
feelings and therefore YOUR truth...
others may disagree but that is THEIR 
truth - not yours - because that is how 
YOU feel and that's all that matters...
others must respect that...accept you 
as you fact...celebrate your 
truth...and, if they don't...they're simply 
'haters' / 'bigots' since they can't tell 
you what is true for you...only you can... 
because...who are they to judge?.. and 
of course...all truth is relative which is 
absolutely true! it?...step back...
examine your past decisions...actions...
feelings. whether it's about identity...
career...finances...big or little things...
have you ever changed your mind about 
an important matter?  or felt impelled to 
do something which felt 'right' even 
though it might be 'risky' and then later
regretted it? or... gotten angry at someone 
for what they said / wrote because you 
thought they meant one thing when they 
really didn't mean that at all?... feelings
change...truth / objective reality does not...
but just because someone feels something
is true does not just 'make it true'...
many factors can influence your 
feelings such as making assumptions...
mood swings....alcohol / drugs...
not enough sleep...stress from work /
relationships.....incorrect information....
jumping to conclusions...lies from 
someone's agenda...the reality is that 
feelings provide data to our intellects which 
then need to be discerned / examined / 
evaluated  by our reason to put them 
into the proper perspective - many times 
with the help of others who can provide
us with other facts / data that perhaps we 
haven't considered / known / realized - so 
we can finally make a decision with our 
wills...feelings change...truth does not...
you may have a red cape and no fear of 
heights but 'feeling like you can fly'?....
hmmm...let's postpone 
your test flight for least until 
you take some lessons! may
feel like...not studying for your finals /
skipping your scheduled court appearance
for a moving violation...not...paying your 
rent / car payment / taxes or that somehow
were born in the wrong body and you
need to start treatments to change your
body to 'look how you feel' and then
everything will be 'right'  but then
what about all those who 'de-transition'?... 
feelings / emotions need to be put 
into their proper place in our lives...
put to the test...they are an important part 
of our human nature but are not what sets
us apart from other creatures...our
intellect and will - the ability to reason 
and freely choose are our highest faculties - 
our greatest dignity - feelings / emotions 
change  / can be fickle...influenced by a 
plethora of factors to the lies of
the evil one...the unbelieving world or even
our own illusions... so do not build your life 
around them...carefully examine them to 
determine their source...why do I feel this 
way? what I feel true 'objectively' not
 just 'subjectively'? what are the 'facts' 
behind my feelings?....when did they start?
what was going on then?...what is really 
going on now?...and don't be afraid to get 
help from someone who will not just 'tell you
what you want to hear' but who is wise and 
will be honest with you and who isn't just
being 'politically correct'...feelings play an 
important role in our lives but do not make 
them 'gods' which command you to obey at
all costs...let truth be your guide...truth that
doesn't depend on how you feel today...
make more measured - rational - responses 
rather than emotional - irrational - reactions...
more in-control than out-of-control...
servants...not masters....

Dictionary Definitions:

-'Reason': verb- to think or argue in a logical manner: to form conclusions, judgments or inferences
                  from facts or premises.
-'Irrational': not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical
-'Emotion': an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate or the like is 
                     experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness
-'Obsess': to dominate one's thoughts or feelings or desires: haunt persistently or abnormally
-'Discern': to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect
-'Logic': the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study
-'Data': individual facts, statistics, or items of information 
-'Fact':  something that actually exists, reality, truth
-True': being in accordance with the actual state or conditions, conforming to reality or fact, not false
-'False': not true or correct, erroneous
-'Illusion': something that deceives by producing a false or misleading of reality
-'Real': true, not merely ostensible, nominal or apparent: being an actual thing, having objective 
              existence not imaginary
-'Objective': adjective- not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations or prejudices: based on 
                      facts external to the mind rather than thoughts or feelings.
-'Subjective':  adjective- existing in the mind, belong to the thinking subject rather than object of                                   thought
-'Relative': existing or having its specific nature only in relation to something else
-'Absolute': free from restriction or limitation; not limited in any way

Reflection / Discussion:

-What is 'the tyranny'?
-What does "feelings are our servants...not our masters" mean
-Why do people have different feelings about an objective fact?
-Why do 'feelings' change? 
-If you feel something is true, can it still be objectively false? Why / not?
-What is the proper place of 'feelings' in making decisions?
-What determines if your feelings about something are "true or false"?
-How would you teach young children the art of making a decision?
-Give a simple example where danger / attraction are factors. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Surprise

it may Surprise you that I
Really Look Forward to being
With you in that Special Way
each time you come to receive 
Me in the Holy Eucharist...
Everything is Personal for Me...
I Know you...Everything about 
you...your strengths / weaknesses... 
what was going on before you arrived...
where you sit...who is with you...
around you...I know your thoughts...
what is on your heart / mind that day...
especially that you want to be with 
Me which is a Joy to Me because I 
Anticipate our being in Holy 
Communion so much and then 
when it happens...I Love it because 
I Love you...Intimately.. and even 
though you sometimes quickly get
distracted with this or that pressing 
situation in your life...which BTW 
I can appreciate and understand...
I just want you to let it sink-in -
to go from your head to your heart -
that you are Very Special to Me 
and that I Cherish Our Time Together..
now... that might be hard for 
you to accept sometimes knowing
your own weaknesses and areas 
in your life that need work[ng on 
but Please... Trust Me... I Do Love
Being With You...and one day 
we Will See each other face to Face
and it will never end...the Joy from 
the Love we Share will be Perfectly
Tangible and you will look back and
in a glance understand that I Truly
was With you...Working in you -
especially in those Purifying Trials
you struggled with but were so 
necessary to Free you...Heal you 
to become the Child of God I Created 
you to be...and that each Reception 
would be a Foretaste of Our Eternal 
Communion and the Fulfillment of 
your Deepest Desire - as well as 
My Mine for you - may 
Surprise you...but...It's Really True....

Reflection / Discussion:

-Does it surprise you? Why / not?
-What strikes you about this poem? Why?
-How is each Reception of Holy Communion a foretaste of Heaven?
-Is it helpful to look at the Eucharist from Jesus' point of view? Why?
-What can you do to get more out of Holy Communion?

Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Chosen

when you only focus upon 
your choice to follow Me
it can turn your attention back
upon yourself...'see what I
have done'...'look at me'...
evaluating your own efforts...
your accomplishments...
successes / failures...what gifts 
you have / how you want to use 
them...what goals you want to 
achieve in 'building the Kingdom'...
maybe comparing yourself to 
others for better or worse and 
without even realizing it fall into
the trap of  being a 'check-list 
Christian' striving to attain your
next 'merit badge' in the Kingdom
thus continuously gaging your own 
progress in gaining the praise of 
other 'disciples' put it simply...
becoming 'proud of your humility'...
it is a deceptive focus on self...a false 
independence which leads one further 
away from rather than closer to Me...
more of you and less of 
instead... focus on the fact that I 
Chose you to follow Me even though 
I knew your every thought . word / deed
every imperfection / sin...
every failure as well as 
every temptation your mused
upon and still... I Chose you...
before you even thought about it...
before you loved Me in return...
humbling isn't it?...Knowing 
you as I did and still I Chose you
why?...because I Love you
as you are...but I Love you 
so much that I do not Choose
to leave you as you are...rather
I Choose to transform you into a 
Perfect Image of Myself in order
that you may share My Divine Life
Perfectly for all Eternity...
that is My Plan for you and your
role is to Cooperate with My Grace
working in Follow My 
Holy Spirit wherever He Leads you..
to use the Gifts as He Directs...
to Live out My Life within you
by His Power...not by is
a Journey of Transformation that
begins and ends with My Love...
Calling out to you to Become One
with you experience 
your weaknesses...failures...sins...
when following Me becomes
really difficult...when I ask 
things of you that stretch your
boundaries...that require you to
repent / change / sacrifice in order 
to be a witness of My Love / Word
in a fallen world which may then 
cause you to be 'cancelled' / persecuted / lose your possessions / 
family even life itself...Know that I 
Love you...that I Am always with you-
even when you do not experience Me
I Am Faithful...You are Mine and 
I Belong to you... so...Remember...
Ponder this Reality...

Reflection / Discussion:

-How does it feel to be Chosen / Selected by Jesus Personally?
-In your own words, thank Him, tell Him what it means to you, 
  what kind of disciple you want to be and ask for His help especially to....
-What are some of the ways pride can influence our faith-walk?
-What are some of the 'merit badges' we can go after?
-How can we avoid centering our faith-walk around ourselves?
-How can having a spiritual director or sharing group help us?
-Remember how He Chose you...your story, so you can tell others.

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Line in the Sand

the day is at hand
time to choose
for or against
no matter the cost or
personal price to pay
they will not let you
slip away unnoticed 
hide in the basement
blend into the crowd
you will have to 
wear the badge if you 
disagree with them
a sign of your 
nonconformity - hatred
in their eyes but
nonsense in your eyes -
it will be your badge of
love / honor / standing
for the Truth / Reality
but ignorance / bigotry in 
their will have
to endure like your Master...
receive like unto what 
He will be 
they will come for you...
your family....job / business...
careers will have to change...
relationships will be ended...
friends will no longer be 
there for you...nor some 
family members despite 
your love for them...problems
will arise that you never
imagined would come knocking
on your door let alone take over
pressures of every kind even on 
your children....all because of 
Him...yes...He is the Line in
the Sand...the Pont of Contention...
what He Said...Taught...Passed on...
the Truth about Reality...Life...
Who you are...What you are
Called to Be in this World...
His Witness...Follower... speak as He say what He is
Saying now...Truth in Love...
to deny His Teaching is to
deny please the world
is to displease agree
with the world is to disagree
with Him...He told you this 
was coming...that they would
hate you because they first 
hated Him...only now it's 
not just written words...
it's your
your children's faces...what 
others - in times 
other places...cultures...
circumstances have had to do... you are 
called to replicate...make your own...
Stand...Fight - not with weapons
of this world but in Spirit / Truth...
not returning hatred but Love...
not by might / power but by Grace
for on your own you will fail...
you will not be able to live
Virtuously by merely trying will only be possible
if you are One with Him...
depending upon His Spirit of by day...supporting
one another in the Lord...loving
one another as He loves us...and
lastly...Rejoicing in the Lord...
that you are Chosen to suffer 
along side Him .knowing that 
He is Risen!...He lives within you...
He will never leave you nor 
forsake you...He will always
Love you...Dearly / Infinitely....
remembering that all you see / 
hear / experience will pass away...
only what is in Him will Stand... not fear those who 
can merely kill the body...rather
be in Awe of He who has 
Power over death...who can
Destroy the soul in Fire Forever...
He is the Line in the Sand so
Choose Wisely and Fearlessly 
Obey God rather than man

Reflection / Discussion:

-How is Jesus the 'line in the sand'?
-What are some of the issues at stake?
-How do you handle family members who don't follow the Lord?
-Where have you seen 'persecution' in Western society?
-What can you do now to prepare yourself / family for persecution?
-What is your prayer life like?
-Have you / family made a personal commitment to Christ?
-Be informed so as to make a 'simple / loving' defense of your faith.