My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Great Awakening

are you awake yet? or...
are you still slumbering in
your own dream of reality?
do you now see or is your
vision still obscured by
the darkness?

Awake and See...
the Great Tribulation is here...
it is a time of great terror for
those who reject My Word...
yet it is also a time of
Great Mercy for those who
respond to My Grace...

Awake and See...
Reality as it truly is
no longer hidden beneath the
cloak of Satan's Deceptions
I AM lifting the Veil of Life so
that what was Unseen Now is Seen
that you may See clearly
what is True and what is False
so as to Choose to be
with Me or against Me...

Awake and See...
who would ever have imagined...
your world is turned upside down...
nothing remains as it was...
stability-of-life- so
taken-for-granted- is
only a vague memory...
securities are now fragile.....
vanities are useless...
what was so important yesterday is
today inconsequential when the
basics are now priorities and
all that remain are questions with
only uncertain
invisible terrors stalk the night...
now...busyness has ceased... time-
so precious and in such
short supply before all this-
now is on-your-hands so I
Encourage you use it wisely to
reflect on your life so as to
evaluate its basics / intricacies
and change as needed...
what is most important to you?
why is that?
what is your purpose in life?
what does life really mean?
what do you believe in?
what happens when you die?
is this all there is?
No...there is More...

Awake and See...
there is this Temporal World-
Secular in its essence-
with all it allurements...
here today...gone tomorrow
the merry-go-round of it all...
up and down...grasping for
as many shiny trinkets of
accolade as you can--targets of
success ... wealth / power / fame
beauty / sensuality / pleasure...
building-blocks of pride-
ego's self-centered illusions-
secured by rebellious self-will on
islands of self-sufficiency-.shaky
foundations of stability which now
begin to crumble from an unimaginable
catastrophe causing wide-spread fear /
anxiety as the dread of desperation
overwhelms your meager defenses and
your phantasms of safety vanish-
along with your confident assumptions-
in a nightmare of revelations that...
your entire narrative is an illusion
when faced with stark realities like..
life is short...death is certain and
the future is fragile and in doubt...

Awake and See..
these are simultaneously
part of the Spiritual Realm but-
in Truth-idols of a fallen humanity-
all rooted in the Pride of Self-
which never satisfy while only
leading to Sin / Darkness / Death...
when you choose Idolatry
you are choosing to worship
Self by placing yourself at
the center of your universe and
thereby under the power of
Satan-the Prince of this World...
the Accuser...Liar...Murderer...
whose greatest deception is
that he doesn't even exist...
and if you continue to live under
his dominion to the bitter end
you shall be choosing forever the
Kingdom of Darkness

Awake and See...
the Kingdom of God- for
I AM the Light of the World-
your True Source and End-
for this you have been Created-
your True Purpose in life...
by My Death and Resurrection
I have paid the Price
for your Salvation...freely
taken all your sin upon Myself
out of Love for you...that you
may share My Divine Life...
there to remain

Awake and See...
in Mercy I warn you who scoff at
the mention of the Gospel and
contemptuously rebel at the mere
notion of Absolute Truth..insisting
upon its Relative Nature....mocking
the 'foolishness of God'..having the
very same attitude that cried out
'Crucify Him'...rejoicing in your
sophistication... adamant in your
'hardness of heart'... gushing adulation
to all lifestyles of immorality in the
name of freedom- even terminal
Choices at the beginning or end -
deliberated by one when two are
involved and yet the weaker is
cast aside by the stronger-the defenseless
by the defender-asserting the Supremacy
of Self over the other's dignity / rights-
even life itself- as all who share the
delusion celebrate the courageous decision-
an arrogant reveling in mortal sin-
all effortlessly deceived by lies only
to be enslaved by the Evil One...
Behold I have permitted you to be
handed over to that which you adore
there to experience the insidious fruit of
your wicked ways..yet know that
I still Love you and My Offer of
New Life remains but if you do not
turn to Me humbly accepting the
Grace of Mercy and Forgiveness that
I freely Offer you..then when
your time comes to an end and all
you have gained is shall
die in your obstinate refusal having
chosen Eternal Death rather than Life...
forever to rage in the Fires of Hell...

Awake and See..
My Shepherds...Examine yourselves
Intensely in My Presence.. your flock is
being scattered by wolves preaching
an Anti-Gospel..false teachers sewing
destructive heresies.bringing confusion
division and dissension by... plying and
kneading My Word with the words of
false empathy to justify licentiousness...
by changing Church Teaching thus
forming an Anti-Church built upon the
shifting sands of the latest modern
theories but- worst of all- even
bowing down to graven images and
processing them into My Sacred Space...
See...My betrayal continues...
Repent and Return to Me with All
your Hearts Preaching the Gospel as
I have bestowed upon you...
See too their turning away because of
scandalous hypocrisy by hiding heinous
crimes or leading deceitful double-lives
rooted in the disordered desires of the
flesh or both...Repent... Be Holy as I
AM Holy...Still there is More...
you who do not Preach / Teach the
Truth because of your dread of
suffering...fearing to offend...not
wanting to be 'hated' nor 'make waves'.
giving into human respect while
desiring acceptance and adulation...
Repent... Take up your Cross and
Follow Me for I will Give you Strength...
Faithful know who
you not lose Strong
in the Lord - Set your face like flint
and Stand using all the Weapons I
have Given you- the Enemy is on the
prowl seeking to devour the deceived..
support one another for you are not
alone...Rest in My Love each day
knowing I will never Leave you nor
Forsake All My Shepherds...
Preach the Word in season and out of
season...Convince..Rebuke..and Exhort..
Be Unfailing in Patience and Teaching...
Speaking the Truth in Love...

Awake and See...
My who profess to
Follow Me...Listen to My Words for
they bring Life if you heed them and
Death.if you do not...Examine yourselves
to See if your lives match your words..
you say you are a Believer...but is it
on your own terms...when and
how you want...picking and choosing
what to you think I do not
Know what is in your Hearts?  before
a word is on your lips I already Know
it...many have taken on the World's
Ways...not My Ways... and with
ears itching search for teachers to
justify their sinful decisions believing
wrong is right and right wrong..
based on the intensity of personal
feelings- a tyranny of seduction...
My Word is Plain and Clear...My
Teaching has not changed..many
come to Receive My Body / Blood-
not with Faith but Unbelief- while
their spirit is dead because their
Hearts are of the World promoting
even murder as a right...and perversity
as good and thus Condemn themselves-
Repent...for The Truth Shall Set you Free...
Put to Death the deeds of the flesh...
Turn from Sin...Change your Hearts....
Make Me the Center of your Life for
I Love you and I have More for you.....
Lastly...all who Truly Love Me...
who Walk the Narrow Path....I
know your weakness...I hear your
pleading for My Grace..Be Faithful
in Coming into My Presence each
day for.I AM with you and Will
Never Leave you nor Forsake you...
Do not look for comfort elsewhere as
some seek it in the flesh thus becoming
enslaved to impurity...Let Me be your
Comfort and Break your chains for.I
Will Always Love you...My Spirit is
upon you especially to avoid the near
occasions of sin...Rely on Me not
yourselves for you are Called to be
My Witnesses in word and deed...
Seeing All these Trials as your Purification
Being Patient and Steadfast in the Faith
Remembering your Call to Holiness
Loving One Another as I have Loved you
Resting in My Presence...Entrusting
yourself into My Care... Knowing that
My Grace is Sufficient for You...

Awake and See...
I say to All...
Freely I
Freely Receive...Behold I Stand
at the Door of your Heart and
Knock...Hear My Voice....
Open your Heart to Me and
I shall Enter and Remain with
you... Choose to Accept Me as
your Lord and Savior...
Receive My Holy Spirit.with
Power to Live My Word ...
Trusting in My Strength for the
Battle...being Consecrated in the Truth...
Fierce in your Determination to Love Me
and to Help Set the Captives Free...
Come share the Divine Life of
Father...Son...Holy Spirit
Choose Life....not Death...
Repent and Live Believing the Gospel
for when I Return Again I shall
Judge the living and the dead-
Eternal Life or
Now is the Acceptable Time for
tomorrow is never assured....
Come...Join in the
Great Awakening!

Reflection / Discussion:

-What is the Great Awakening?
-Why is it both a Great Tribulation and Grace?
-What is Idolatry?
-What is the root cause of it?
-Who is Satan?
-Why is Satan the 'Prince of this world'?
-Where do you see his characteristics in this fallen world?
-What does it mean to "accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior'?
-How do you do that?  See Prayer below!
-What is the first thing you have to change to follow Jesus?
-Some quick starters....take some time each day to pray...see below...
 begin to read Sacred Scripture...find other Believers for
 support and open to share your experiences
 with others whom the Lord brings to you...if Catholic...
 go to Confession and Holy Mass regularly...and always realize....
 There is More!

Daily Prayer help: Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Prayer of Salvation: 
"Lord Jesus, come into my heart, I desire that You be the Lord of my life so that I may be a
Child of the Light to know you as my personal Savior-for I know and believe that you died on the
cross for my sins.  You rose again from the dead on the third day and you are coming again
in glory.  I believe in your forgiveness and I desire that you help me overcome any temptations that
would keep me separated from Your everlasting Love."