My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Spiritual War

the stakes couldn't be higher for the 
Spiritual War in which we are 
automatically involved merely by 
our human existence...if you win...
it's heaven - but .if you's hell...
both are turning back no 
second chances...when you die - and 
you WILL die and BTW relatively soon..
'you do not know the day nor the hour'...
you will be Judged by Jesus on how you 
have chosen to live your is as 
Sacred Scripture says in Sirach 15:15-17 
"If you choose, you can keep the 
commandments, and to act faithfully is 
a matter of your own choice. He has placed 
before you fire and water, stretch out your 
hand for whichever you choose. Before 
each person are life and death, and whichever 
one chooses will be given them." simply
speaking, how you choose to live NOW in 
this life is the Warfare you are involved in -.
but Satan - your Enemy - the liar / deceiver /
murderer- is as they say 'out to get you' and 
is working full-time to destroy your life and                      
drag you to hell...sound scary?...well...that's
because it is... so just to be clear...if you don't 
believe you are in a Spiritual War - you're losing - \'
no God? devil? heaven? hell?...losing...everyone goes to 
heaven?'re a 'good person' / 'nice' but 
have your own 'truth'? one's going 
to tell you what to do or not do... thankyou? 
losing big you winning or losing?...
if you think you're wining however...a word of not be overconfident...your Enemy 
doesn't give can still fall's not 
'once saved always saved' IS a War..
humanity was originally Created in Union with
the Father but was then deceived by the Evil One and 
Chose to seek their own way of life - not the Father's 
Way - to decide for themselves right and wrong / good 
and evil...and as a consequence of their Original Sin
humans were thence oriented to evil by having
disordered desires - everything centered around 
""...a darkened intellect subject to 
deceptions and a weakened will easily swayed  by 
those same fickle feelings all the while living in a 
rebellious world / culture hostile to the things of 
God and dominated by Satan's deceptions / values 
tempting clueless humans into destructive habits 
of deadly sins - pride...envy...lust...greed...anger...
gluttony...sloth - all leading into pits of darkness... 
seems pretty formidable doesn't it?...that's because 
it is...however....on the side of Light / Life is 
GRACE...Jesus is LORD / is Jesus 
vs Satan - BUT. they are not equal...Jesus is God,,,
Satan is a creature - more powerful than humans
but a creature nevertheless and Jesus  by His 
Death and Resurrection has already conquered 
sin / death / Satan and has provided The Way to 
your Victory - Eternal Life / Joy / Peace / Love - 
but ONLY by your choice can you share in it...
Now....If you think you haven't chosen yet you 
are losing because 'not to choose is actually a 
choice'...but then you can simply choose to start 
winning - Repent...turn away from your sin...and 
Believe -.Live - the Gospel...Choose to follow 
Jesus as your Lord and Savior...ask to filled 
with the Power of His Holy Spirit to start living a 
dedicated life of prayer and making His Word 
part of your daily life...start 'putting to death the 
deeds of the flesh'...Love Jesus above all...Carry 
your Cross by laying down your life in service to 
others.. find supportive relationships with fellow 
believers....resist temptations and the lies of the Evil 
One...Be an Intentional Disciple...Remember...
Before you is fire and water...Light or Darkness...
Life or Death...Choose NOW - before it is too late...

Reflection / Discussion:
-What is the Spiritual War?
-Where in you personal life / culture do you see the Choice?
-Start making the necessary changes in your life to support your Choice.
-Is it being talked about? Why / not?
-Find the support you need from others who have chosen to 
 follows the Lord even if it means changing parishes.
-Be disciplined in a daily prayer time / Scripture reading and
 a healthy Sacramental Life.
-Sample Commitment Prayer: "Jesus, please forgive me for not choosing you, for all the sins I 
 have committed, I give my life to you. I Choose to follow you as My Lord and Savior. Pour
 out your Holy Spirit upon me to help me follow you faithfully day by day. Thank you for 
 your Love and Mercy. I Love you and give my whole life to you:. 