My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Ultimate Q & A

it gnaws at your inner stability...
in silent but poignant thrusts it 
sporadically yet persistently pounds 
at your security foundation despite 
all your outward protestations of 
stable satisfaction from awards for 
hard-fought victories over the challenges
of life...circumstances that have 
embodied your incessant hunger for 
happiness - a fulfillment that never 
quite arrives despite all your passionate
endeavors of sensual indulgence...
ego gratification....pleasing others...
ambitious achieving...competitive
recognitions...and all the benefits of 
material is not enough 
and despite your exhausting schedule
it remains a perpetual merry-go-round
consistently bringing you back again
and again to where you first began
your quest....winning trophy after 
trophy which then reluctantly rust 
in the recycling bin of meaninglessness...
in the face of such Desolation one is 
compelled to ask the Ultimate Question -
What is the Purpose of  your life?...such 
a fundamental question can either be 
viewed through the lens of hopelessness 
or leading to an uncertain 
ending...the other to a New Beginning...
Desolation is not merely a negative if it 
leads to the Consolation from the Ultimate 
Answer - but for that to occur it must have a 
Certainty about it and cannot be a 
temporary solution - here today and 
gone must be never-ending...
final...Eternal....nor can it be an imperfect must be Perfect -or else the glass 
of your soul remains forever half-full...
nor can it be a finite / limited one for 
your desires have no must 
Fulfill your Infinite / Eternal Desires what is that Ultimate 
Desire?.. that for which you long...cannot
live without...maybe can run from...
never admit...pretend you don't need but
in the the still of the night
when you are alone in your inmost
thoughts.....dreams... must finally 
accept that what you Truly Desire -
beyond all the empty promises of 
this world - is to Love and Be Loved...
logically...that is only possible from 
One who is Infinite...Eternal and 
Perfect...The One who has Revealed 
Himself to be your Creator. .that, yes, 
even you - with all your weaknesses...
faults... you who have never even 
bothered seeking Him with any 
determination and having been an 
obsessed lover of self but such a lax 
lover of is it that you 
should be Offered such an Unimaginable 
Gift? can only be because That is Who 
He is...Creating you out of Love and For 
Love...even when all Humanity chose to 
walk away from Him...the One Revealed 
as the Father of all Creation...who sent 
His Son to bear the Cost for their Return....
which means it is Only by Grace that we 
have been Saved...New Life has been 
Offered... written in the Blood of the 
Lamb Sacrificed but Risen so that our 
life can be Rooted and Grounded in His 
Love by sharing in the very Nature of 
the Devine by the Power of His Spirit...
His Story can become our story...the 
darkness of this fallen world which 
surrounds us...which is in us...can be 
Transformed by His Light by saying 
yes to His Invitation to Follow Him...
Receive Him as your Personal Lord 
and Savior...become His Children and
Be Filled with the Power of His Holy 
Spirit in order to Live His Life...Bring 
His Kingdom / Word /Love / Light into 
this world...and Ultimately Be in His 
Loving Presence for all Eternity...and...
yes in this life there will still be troubles...
even death....but He has Overcome this 
world...and in the End...we share in His 
Victory over All sin...evil...death...for 
Jesus is the Ultimate Answer to the 
Ultimate Question...Our Purpose in Life 
is to...Love Him above all...Love one
another...Serve Him and Build His 
Kingdom which will last...Forever...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Have you asked / answered the Ultimate Question?
-If yes, describe your experience.
-If no, describe how this poem affects you.
-Have you asked Jesus to be the Personal Lord / Savior of your life?
-If not, Simply Invite Him in your own words. 
-How are you living out your Purpose in Life?
-What can you do to Grow in your Love for the Lord / others?
-What needs to change?
-What is the Lord calling you to do to serve Him?
-Have you "earnestly desired the Spiritual Gifts" as in 1 Corin 14?
-What Gifts of the Spirit do you have?
-How can you grow in those Gifts?

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