My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Final Word

the Simplicity of
Life in the Lord is
Promised to all who Decide to
Follow Him as His Disciple- a
Journey from Eden by way of
Gethsemane through Calvary into
Eternal Life by the Power of the
Holy Spirit...despite all the complexities
of our lives which are blended with
suffering not of our own choosing 
by having to bear the consequences
of our fallen nature with all its
wounds / fiery distortions distilling
life through self's broken prism 
as well as when it is a byproduct of
a Wounding Process that includes
the sins of others against us..
our vows in response based on
the Enemy's accusations / lies
leading to our serious sins which can
get embedded into our ways of 
thinking / behavior / identity- that is-
our own Complicity...sinful / selfish 
decisions / attachments to this world's 
ways / ...all oriented to enthrone 
oneself in the kingdom of /
absorption  / will / rebellion / pleasures... now our 'old self' -
encased with a 'hardness' that must 
be Pierced by His Love in order to
'free' us to 'Love as He Loves'- is like a
multi-level building which now we 
are tasked to remodel from the 
ground up into the Pattern of a 'New 
Creation' by embracing a Healing Process 
having renewed our Commitment to 
'Take up our Cross and Follow Him' ..
and thus Willing to bear whatever Price
that must be Paid to Enter that 
Bright Portal on the Narrow Road to 
Eternity's Perfect Union...
Discipleship / Growing in Holiness /
Becoming a Man / Woman of God /
Renewing our Minds / Putting to
Death the deeds of the Flesh /
Being Perfect as our Heavenly
Father is Perfect....all come down to 
One Thing...Purification of the 'old self' 
while 'Putting On' the 'New Self'..
Sanctification...Growing in Holiness...
it sounds complicated / way too difficult...
and you may say...I even have trouble 
trying to exercise regularly let alone 
thinking about the "Way of the Cross'...
remember though....we are not 'in charge' 
so therefore we don't have to figure all this 
out by ourselves...'He who Loves us" is 
'in Charge'... and 'how' He 'Brings us into
Perfect Union with Himself' is up to Him...not us...
Therefore He will 'Allow' many 'Trials'
to overshadow us 'Along the Way' -
securities taken away...relationships in / financial challenges...
persecution...doubts / fears about the future..
so many storms of life...more than we can count...
all of which Bring our Weaknesses into the 
Bullseye of His Target Range - His
Purposeful Graces of Purification -  
at the same time we come to 'Know' His
Love and Faithfulness in ever deeper ways...
He becomes our 'Joy' and 'Peace' more and more...
we Grow in our ability to 'Trust' Him Even 
with our Very Lives...we have been Gifted 
with the Holy Spirit - Power to do what 
we cannot do on our own- as well as
'Brothers and Sisters in the Lord' to support 
each other..His Word and Teaching to
Instruct / Form / Encourage us...His Body and Blood
to Nourish us...we are Called to Follow Him 
who Promised to Never Leave Nor Forsake us...
Yes but... where is the 'Simplicity' in all
of this? Where do we even begin?  it seems
overwhelming...well...that's because it is...
it is supposed to is beyond us..
left to ourselves we would all too easily 
fall back into striving / discouragement /
even Pride in our own 'accomplishments' 
instead of Humbly Thanking Him...
He Knows our weakness and is Bringing us
Closer to Himself one step at a time in 
such a Way that we can Only Rely upon Him..
it is the Secret of the Saints...those who have 
Walked before us in His Footsteps up that 
Hill where He Bore our every suffering /
sin / that 'He could Free us'...
not... 'we free ourselves' is a Cleansing that
Only He Can Do...which we can Only Receive 
as we Cooperate with His Spirit in us...
How?...What does that Mean?...Ask Him...
'Present yourself as a Living Sacrifice'..
Wait upon Him...Let Him Lead...He has a 
Plan for us...Let Him Do It..Depend upon Him...
Take Time each day to Be with Him...
Be Real...Speak what we are feeling / 
thinking...ALL of it.....Listen.....And ...
By / with / in His Grace...Say His 'Final Word'...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is it important to be 'Real' / 'speak what you are thinking / feeling' in your prayer life -doesn't 
  He already know those things?  If you don't....then
-Is it easier or harder to pray in times of difficulty? Why?
-What is the 'Secret of the Saints'?
-How does the 'Final Word' express the epitome of 'Simplicity of Life in the Lord'?
-What do 'feelings' have to do with 'Faith'?
-How is the Lord 'Purifying' you now?
-How do you find support in the midst of these challenges?
-What have you learned through your 'trials / suffering'? 
-Have you gained or lost ground in your Relationship with the Lord through you trials? How / Why?
-What do you need to do to 'keep on keeping on'?

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