My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Quintessential Love

beyond anything I ever experienced
as well as imagination's fantasy
for sure...any expectations...
Infinitely beyond my first love
so Delicate...Humbling...Undeserved
His overwhelming acceptance with
such an Intimate Embrace of 
Forgiveness that took my breath
away along with all my guilt 
and shame from that now 
unbelievable decision to end
my precious baby girl's life
despite all my doubts that 
lingered... days running into 
weeks and months...a sadness
no one could touch and a crime
I could not forgive but only 
punish with endless recriminations
but then...that invitation came to
what they said was a healing retreat
and it was there that I experienced
His Quintessential Love like no other's
a Merciful Release from my dark 
dungeon of death into the Paradise
of His Everlasting 
Gentle...even "Tender" is too
harsh a description...yet Powerful -
a Blazing Fire that Consumed my
sorrowful past with His Abiding
Peaceful Presence that in my mind
I could envision His Look of Love
that Calmed my staggered heart
Inviting me to Follow Him as
my Lord and Savior which I so
desperately desired...He who IS
Love...Joy...Peace and so now I
Live FOR Him...and want to 
Invite YOU to "Taste and See"
because He is Real...Alive...and
you too can Know Him...Know
His Quintessential Love...Mercy fact...Love that
simply...Ask and it Shall Be

Reflection / Discussion:

-How does the Lord treat repentant sinners?
-Have you experienced forgiveness for abortion from
 the Lord...yourself...your child? 
-Is all that possible? 
-Have you ever experienced 'Quintessential Love'?
-What was it like? 
-What were the circumstances?
-If not, ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
-How can we help others to 'see' the truth of life?
-Get to know and understand the facts of  pregnancy / abortion.
-Pray daily and get involved in some way with the prolife movement.


Friday, September 18, 2020

The Abba Journey

Lord Jesus...I need to talk to you 
about this...I've been putting it off 
probably because I didn't quite know 
how to deal with it or talk about
in my mind I know that the Father is my 
Heavenly Father but...I don't really KNOW 
that in my experiential's not a 'lived 
reality' because there was so much missing 
in my relationship with my own Dad - there's
kind of a 'void' there so I just 'draw a blank' 
when I say the 'Our Father' or hear Him talked 
about... and probably it's even more so for all 
the many who are 'fatherless' - the 'father wound'
makes our relationship with Him - at the least - 
very problematic / needing to be 'worked on' or -
at the most - next to 'impossible' to even think 
about -with the name 'Father' making an unending
'echo' in the dark cavern of our wounded souls...
but I don't want that to happen so please..heal me...
set me free to really KNOW Him..experience Him 
as my 'Abba'...Papa...Daddy...just like your Love 
for the Father...the One who truly Loves me / brought 
me into existence so that I could become His Adopted 
but nevertheless Real Son...Beloved...Intimately 
Accepted...Secure in His Love not just temporarily 
but for all Eternity...but again...what does that mean 
not just for my life...right now / moving forward...but 
also for all those 'fatherless' out there?...


'I know your pain...the loss you feel
is real.. your anger is understandable...
it was not your fault that you felt 
abandoned / rejected / unloved...your
wounds are deep leaving you open to
the lies of the Enemy...accusations that
you are 'unlovable' as the source of 
your identity ...then...leading you to look 
for other sources to heal / fill your very
real needs / desires but which in reality 
do not but only exacerbate your predicament
leading you farther away from from Me - the
True Source of your Healing - and into
the Darkness of Sin's Deceptions

I don't want that to happen,
what am I to do then?...


You have already done the First step -
Responding to My Grace by Repenting for 
your sins... Giving your life to Me... Receiving 
Me as your Lord and Savior for...'no one can 
come to the Father except through Me'...

Yes and I still remember it as if it were last night...


Yes it was a Joy for Me too...

What next?...


Forgiveness is the key that unlocks
the door separating you from your 
healing... the sins committed against 
you were real / hurtful...they did 
deep damage to you...wounding you
profoundly...but...My Grace is Infinite...
Able to penetrate beneath your depths...
The Power of My Spirit that I Offer you 
is beyond your own limitations yet knowing 
that you are free to Accept or Reject it...

I want to Accept your Offer of Power
to Forgive but...I'm still angry at him even
though I know he didn't intend to hurt me...
I just needed so much more from him...

You are right to be angry but holding on to it 
is like clinging to a ship's anchor as you would a 
lifesaver while sinking into the murky abyss of
resentment, bitterness and self-destruction...

Oh...So...what do I do with my anger...and 
doesn't that just 'let him off the hook'?


It's not just the 'anger' but also the disappointment /
loss of what should have been...the pain / hurt and
frustration...I see your heart and experience your
wounding from what did / did not happen...
Give it all to Me...Give him to Me as well...I
Love him just as I Love you even though you too
have sinned against Me but in other ways...
Again...Let Me take care of your Dad...Right now...
I am more concerned with you... should I do this? many things 
come to mind when I think of's
hard to sort it all out...


I understand you feel somewhat overwhelmed 
but I will help sort it out with you...Put aside 
some time to spend with Me in a quiet place...
at a quiet time..asking for My Spirit to come 
upon you to lead you through your 'Healing
Journey'...I will show you many it's 
better if you bring a notebook for it will evoke
many feelings / memories and it will be good for
you to review later on....then forgive him for each 
offense verbally...checking each off your 'list'...and 
Give him and all of it to Me...

Wow...Ok....Anything else?...What about 
Your Abba becoming my Abba?...


I didn't forget...your 'Healing Journey' is 
directly connected to your 'Abba Journey'...
the Enemy will try to disrupt / inhibit this
Journey - he wants you to 'transfer' your 
'Father wound' difficulties onto Abba to 
prevent / suppress The Reality of My Abba 
also being your Abba which is an established fact 
because by your Baptism -  He IS your Abba...but 
your wounded heart prevents you from experiencing 
that...just as it hindered your coming to Me...but My
Grace will Fill your Lacking...I will be drawing you 
into My Love for Abba...and...just as you invited Me 
to come into your life as your Personal Lord / Savior
so too it is good for you to acknowledge / accept 
Him as Abba in your life...He is already there for We 
are One...but.saying 'yes' to His Love for you makes
it 'personal' / 'real' for you realizing that My Sacrifice 
on the Cross was also His Sacrifice to Give Me to 
you as your 'Redeemer'... Knowing Me is to know 
Abba and Knowing Abba is to know Me... Know
too that Revealing Him to all His Children IS My 
Mission so seek Me for that Revelation...My Spirit 
will lead the eyes of your heart to Abba 
as you both Forgive your Dad as well as seek Abba's
Presence within shall happen...begin 
speaking to Him...telling Him what is on your heart 
about your past experiences...what your desire / need..
Seek and you shall Find..Knock and it shall be Opened..
for..after ARE His son and He Loves you as 
your Eternal Abba...

Prayer: Lord Jesus,  I believe you are leading me 
on this journey to know your Abba as my Abba 
because you came to reveal Him to us. My wounds 
have stifled that but I want it to change. Save me Lord. 
Pour out your Spirit upon me to guide me and give 
me the courage, determination and perseverance to 
face and work through whatever you show me
so I can receive the freedom you offer to know and
love Abba just as you do and let me see Abba through
your eyes...hear Him through your ears...Know Him
through your mind...Love Him through your heart....

Reflection / Discussion: 

-Did you have a Dad in your life?
-How did your relationship with him affect you?
-If you didn't, how has that affected you?
-Sin is both of commission and omission, so
 ask for the Grace and do the work by making the list.
-Ask for the Grace to verbally forgive him.point by point.
-Follow through on these.
-Give it all as well as your Dad over to the Lord.
-Has there been any 'transference' to Abba? What? 
-Specifically reject them and Repent for them. 
-When you're ready, ask the Father to be your Abba...
 tell Him your desires and express your feelings to Him.
-It is a process, be patient and persevere.  
-If needed, find someone trusted to help you work through this.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The First Mover

Grace comes first -
it is an Actual Reality -
the Lord is the First Mover
He is the One who inspires 
you to do a Good / avoid an evil ..
the One who moves you to take 
on a great challenge as your
'mission' in life...or at other times
as little as a silent prayer for
someone you know who is in
hospice care who just 'comes to 
mind' as you're at Mass...or helping 
someone at the grocery store as
you 'just happen' to pass by
when they need some help...however...
many times we miss His Leading
because we're not looking for 
anything...not expecting His 
Movement...not listening for 
His Whisper...asleep on our 
'watch'...missing His Signal
because we're looking down 
instead of up distracted by 
shiny objects whirling in the 
beehive of our minds while 
absorbed in the latest posting on 
our Facebook page...stop...Grace is you read these lines...
pay attention...His Spirit is waking you 
from slumber...offering you a new 
lease on 'Life in the Lord' - an updated 
version of 'Discipleship'...a deeper 
discovery of just how many Graces
He has Offered but may have 'gone by the 
wayside'...realizing that 'what could 
have been can now change to what 
will be' as you now ask for the Grace
to be alert to His Leading / Inspiration / 
Word - but even more 'awakening' is letting 
it dawn on you that Grace has led you 
to read this and you responded without
even recognizing it was Actually Grace
that brought you here...not 'chance'...
not a 'coincidence'...not 'just because'...
then grasp  how He Infinitely Desires
to Love...Draw...Work...Change...Free...
Heal...Reveal...Gift...Himself to / in /
with / that you are 
constantly being Offered but so often 
missing His Calling...then realizing that 
you need to repent - boom!...another Grace - 
then you desire to change...boom! -another
Grace - that you will be watching for His 
Stirrings - boom!...realizing that now -before 
your very eyes - how Grace 
Miraculous is the Mercy He is / will continue to  
Offer you and to change the way you live
your life simply by living in His Presence 
with your 'antenna raised'...something so
fundamental / simple / obvious that it is 
easy to miss / not be aware of His 'modus 
operendi' this impel you -in itself 
a Grace - as you ask Him to let your 
'weather alarm' go off when He is Leading / 
Directing / Moving you...Offering you a 
particular Grace at a particular time for a 
particular purpose so that you don't miss 
'this' opportunity to minister / serve / love /
speak His Word... putting the 'results' in His 
Hands...just do your part...just 'be ready'.
because there's a lot more coming your way..
in fact... it's going to be... an Endless Adventure

Let us Pray:

Lord Jesus - I need your Grace...
without it...I am myself I
have no power to follow you...
so... open my heart that I may sense
the Stirring of your Spirit upon the 
still waters of my my
mind that I may grasp the Desires
of your Heart as I walk with you
throughout this my spirit 
to equip my senses to... hear your Word...
see your Visions...feel the Touch of 
your Mercy..smell the Aroma of your 
Anointing...taste the Sweetness of 
your Love...give me a willingness to 
step out in Faith... embrace the Grace.
courageously .put aside my doubts /
fears... put to death my attachments
to preferences / pleasures / selfishness / 
human respect / dread of suffering...and
to always focus my attention not on
me but... Thee...

Reflection / Discussion:
-How is Jesus the First Mover?
-What does that mean practically for you?
-How has Grace worked in you today?
-Did you miss an opportunity recently? As the Lord.
-How can you be more aware of His Leading?
-Walk through an experience of some 
 good that you did / evil you avoided to
 'see' His Grace at work.
-Use the 'daily examine' to become more aware of His Grace. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

The Purification

at some point in your life -actually 
as many times as necessary - perfectly
tailored trials will take you to a place  
where you would rather not visit let alone
reside for seemingly endless periods of time - 
it is the Lord who is permitting you to go there 
and since His ways are not your ways 
nor His thoughts your thoughts your 
reaction may be some variation of 'I'm 
not ready for this' or 'why is this happening 
now?' or 'why me?'... because always it will 
be at an inopportune time accompanied with 
questions / fears / doubts about His Love
for you or His 'punishing' you for whatever
but the Reality is that He is leading you 
'deeper' and 'further into sharing' His Holiness / a word 'purifying' you - so that you 
may experience His Love in ever deeper
ways -or maybe for the first time - learning
who He is and who you are in Him - your
'True Identity' - for you will never be able to 'see 
Him as He is'...'live in His Eternal  Presence'..
'enter into the Fullness of  His Love' unless you
are 'holy as He is Holy'...for you were Created...
then Redeemed...that you may be 'Sanctified'...
your human nature has been 'Divinized' - Gifted
through Baptism to share in His Divine Nature 
in this present life and fully in the next but 
because of your fallen nature and your own 
complicities through personal sin - refusals to 
'love as He Loves' / rebellious adventures exploring
this fallen world's sinful offerings / exulting the 'self' in 
all it's prideful / self-indulgent deviations from the
'narrow way'....then there are the 'wounds' festering
in your pain-filled darkness which have entwined / 
grafted themselves into your 'heart' making inroads / 
detours / road blocks to your 'life in the Lord' so 
that there is still more of the 'old self' that He desires 
to transform into the 'new self' by exposing them in
His Light and the Healing Balm of His Tenderness...
yes you've repented...yes you still seek Him...yes
you love Him and desire to please Him...but you 
have not arrived are still 'on the way' to
being 'wholly Holy' / set aside for His Glory / Honor 
and He is not content to 'leave any stone unturned' 
in His Grace-filled pursuit to draw you into the Fullness 
of His Love...He will not rest until you are totally 
One with takes us to your present 
trial and since there is nothing easy in 'total 
transformation' -dying to self and Life in the Spirit - 
especially when He is permitting you to experience
your limitations by having exhausted yourself on
your own 'personal treadmill of self-reliance' while 
painfully learning to...
-Trust in His Love for you 
-Rely upon His Grace
-Follow the Holy Spirit's leading 
-keep your eyes upon Him not yourself
-surrender your will to His
-let go of your own goals / plans / timing
all the while not seeing how your
present circumstances will work out or
ever change the way you'd like them to
as you continually learn again and again 
to take it one day at a time... take advantage
of every avenue of Grace He offers...speak 
plainly / simply / humbly / what is in 
your heart...coming to Him as you are not
as you think you should be for He knows
your thoughts / feelings before you speak 
them but how can He respond to you when 
you're not willing to face them yourself 
-be open to humbly / courageously getting help
especially when you resist reopening past afflictions
long ago purged from the consciousness of your daily
life but which so intrudes your present reality
-thank Him for your circumstances even
without feelings of hope since His Word
says that 'all things work for good for those who
love God' and that 'I will never leave you
nor forsake you'...still...change can be agonizing...
healing arduous...aversion to change is 
somewhat 'normal' but do not 'fight / resist' the 
healing process since the longer you do the
more painful it will be either in this life or 
from fiery purgation in the next...realize that some
days are better than are on a journey
but the Truth is that you may be by yourself at 
times but you are never alone...He ii with you 
even if you can't experience that.right now 'for
we live by faith not by sight' so do not let your pain
keep you from spending time with Him because you 
are having a 'bad day'...the enemy will be trying to 
prevent you from growing / changing / gaining freedom / 
holiness so 'do whatever you have to do' to go after your
healing whether it's counselling / support from other
Christians / prayer with by humble
surrender to His Will / Love which He so freely
poured out through His Passion and Death to which now
you join your agony with His in a Sacrificial Offering
so that you may be free to receive the Fullness of Life He 
so desires to Bestow upon you and those you love...
say 'yes' Lord Jesus...'Have your way in my life'...
Amen...May it be so

Reflection / Discussion:
-What is the Lord doing in your life now?
-What are the sources of your present 'trials'?
-Are you being open to sharing your problems with others? How?
-Are you taking advantage of the many avenues of Grace? How?
-Are you speaking honestly / frankly with the Lord / others? How?
-Are there areas you do not want to deal with? Why? 
-Speak to the Lord about them and ask Him what  the next step should be.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Real Pandemic

you will not hear this Truth 
proclaimed in your media-for
it does not fit their narrative that
Sin is the Real Pandemic-
the true killer of life not only of 
your body but-more importantly-
your soul-for each of you has been 
created to share in My Divine Life-
the Life of the Holy Trinity-
Our Very Nature- forever to
experience True Love basking in
the Peace / Joy that necessarily 
come from Loving / Being Loved 
as you are-Divinized for all Eternity-
however My enemy and therefore 
yours as well has corrupted your nature
through his deception of your ancestral
beginnings leaving you vulnerable to
lies / accusations / temptations to Sin
and all its consequences-decisions that 
can be mortal not only to your body but
also to your eternal soul because serious 
matters have serious ramifications which
led Me to Accept the Father's Calling to
place upon Myself your Just Penalty of
Death which lead to My Victory over 
Sin and Death by My Resurrection to New
Life.which you too shall share if you Follow 
the hard Narrow Way so Clearly / Simply 
laid out for you in My Word and only a 
few find but.. if you follow the easy Wide 
Way-the way of this fallen world and its 
Prince which many find- you shall
share his eternal death in flames yet... I 
have not left you on your own to struggle 
in your weakness for I have also Given 
you My Spirit to Lead and Strengthen you 
in order to Live out My are
free to Choose... to Accept or Reject My 
Offer as the Only Real Antidote to Sin but
also realize this...your enemy knows your
weakness as well- his deceptions have led 
to your disordered desires- runaway attractions 
of the flesh-susceptibility to the lures of this
world which promote the false gods of wealth...
fame...power...pleasure leading to choices 
which enthrone your rebellious 'self' as the 
lord of your own little kingdom and thereby
destroying My Presence within you so Beware...
the Virus which destroys life in this world and 
the next is is Only through My Cross 
and Resurrection that you...
-can follow Me as your Lord and Savior
-are saved from Sin and Death
-overcome your weakness
-can Love one another as I have Loved you 
 by conquering hatred / anger / resentment /
 the pride of life through repentance and 
 forgiveness- for the goal is not power but 
 Unity of mind and heart with Me
-find Peace / Joy in this life and Infinitely 
 in the next...for My Word says... 
"I have been crucified with Christ and the 
Life I live now is not my own; Christ is 
living within me. I still live my human life,
but it is a life of faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave Himself up for me"
'Repent and believe the Gospel'...

Reflection / Discussion:

-What does 'Divinized' mean?
-What is the 'Narrow Way' and the 'Wide Way'?
-Why is the Narrow Way 'hard' and only a 'few' find' it?
-Why is  the Wide Way 'easy' and 'many' find it?
-Do these facts motivate you in any way?  How?
-How does 'by their fruit you will know them' apply here?-
-What does 'disordered desires' mean?
-How are you nourishing this New Life each day?
-What else can you do to nourish this Life?
-How does the Holy Spirit help you love others?
-What does it take to overcome anger / resentment in your life?
-Can you forgive others if they do not accept responsibility for their actions? Why / not?
-What does it mean to 'follow Jesus as your Lord and Savior'? 
-If you haven't made that commitment, please, do it now.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Final Word

the Simplicity of
Life in the Lord is
Promised to all who Decide to
Follow Him as His Disciple- a
Journey from Eden by way of
Gethsemane through Calvary into
Eternal Life by the Power of the
Holy Spirit...despite all the complexities
of our lives which are blended with
suffering not of our own choosing 
by having to bear the consequences
of our fallen nature with all its
wounds / fiery distortions distilling
life through self's broken prism 
as well as when it is a byproduct of
a Wounding Process that includes
the sins of others against us..
our vows in response based on
the Enemy's accusations / lies
leading to our serious sins which can
get embedded into our ways of 
thinking / behavior / identity- that is-
our own Complicity...sinful / selfish 
decisions / attachments to this world's 
ways / ...all oriented to enthrone 
oneself in the kingdom of /
absorption  / will / rebellion / pleasures... now our 'old self' -
encased with a 'hardness' that must 
be Pierced by His Love in order to
'free' us to 'Love as He Loves'- is like a
multi-level building which now we 
are tasked to remodel from the 
ground up into the Pattern of a 'New 
Creation' by embracing a Healing Process 
having renewed our Commitment to 
'Take up our Cross and Follow Him' ..
and thus Willing to bear whatever Price
that must be Paid to Enter that 
Bright Portal on the Narrow Road to 
Eternity's Perfect Union...
Discipleship / Growing in Holiness /
Becoming a Man / Woman of God /
Renewing our Minds / Putting to
Death the deeds of the Flesh /
Being Perfect as our Heavenly
Father is Perfect....all come down to 
One Thing...Purification of the 'old self' 
while 'Putting On' the 'New Self'..
Sanctification...Growing in Holiness...
it sounds complicated / way too difficult...
and you may say...I even have trouble 
trying to exercise regularly let alone 
thinking about the "Way of the Cross'...
remember though....we are not 'in charge' 
so therefore we don't have to figure all this 
out by ourselves...'He who Loves us" is 
'in Charge'... and 'how' He 'Brings us into
Perfect Union with Himself' is up to Him...not us...
Therefore He will 'Allow' many 'Trials'
to overshadow us 'Along the Way' -
securities taken away...relationships in / financial challenges...
persecution...doubts / fears about the future..
so many storms of life...more than we can count...
all of which Bring our Weaknesses into the 
Bullseye of His Target Range - His
Purposeful Graces of Purification -  
at the same time we come to 'Know' His
Love and Faithfulness in ever deeper ways...
He becomes our 'Joy' and 'Peace' more and more...
we Grow in our ability to 'Trust' Him Even 
with our Very Lives...we have been Gifted 
with the Holy Spirit - Power to do what 
we cannot do on our own- as well as
'Brothers and Sisters in the Lord' to support 
each other..His Word and Teaching to
Instruct / Form / Encourage us...His Body and Blood
to Nourish us...we are Called to Follow Him 
who Promised to Never Leave Nor Forsake us...
Yes but... where is the 'Simplicity' in all
of this? Where do we even begin?  it seems
overwhelming...well...that's because it is...
it is supposed to is beyond us..
left to ourselves we would all too easily 
fall back into striving / discouragement /
even Pride in our own 'accomplishments' 
instead of Humbly Thanking Him...
He Knows our weakness and is Bringing us
Closer to Himself one step at a time in 
such a Way that we can Only Rely upon Him..
it is the Secret of the Saints...those who have 
Walked before us in His Footsteps up that 
Hill where He Bore our every suffering /
sin / that 'He could Free us'...
not... 'we free ourselves' is a Cleansing that
Only He Can Do...which we can Only Receive 
as we Cooperate with His Spirit in us...
How?...What does that Mean?...Ask Him...
'Present yourself as a Living Sacrifice'..
Wait upon Him...Let Him Lead...He has a 
Plan for us...Let Him Do It..Depend upon Him...
Take Time each day to Be with Him...
Be Real...Speak what we are feeling / 
thinking...ALL of it.....Listen.....And ...
By / with / in His Grace...Say His 'Final Word'...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is it important to be 'Real' / 'speak what you are thinking / feeling' in your prayer life -doesn't 
  He already know those things?  If you don't....then
-Is it easier or harder to pray in times of difficulty? Why?
-What is the 'Secret of the Saints'?
-How does the 'Final Word' express the epitome of 'Simplicity of Life in the Lord'?
-What do 'feelings' have to do with 'Faith'?
-How is the Lord 'Purifying' you now?
-How do you find support in the midst of these challenges?
-What have you learned through your 'trials / suffering'? 
-Have you gained or lost ground in your Relationship with the Lord through you trials? How / Why?
-What do you need to do to 'keep on keeping on'?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Template

Trials present challenges to 
our Faith which we would
rather not have to deal with
more-often-than-not overwhelming
our comfort-level of Trust
leaving us grasping for answers
that do not readily appear even
after exhaustive pleading to
the Lord to whom we have firmly
committed ourselves / believed in
His Love for us but Who now seems 
alarmingly distant / very quiet
resulting in and often yielding to 
temptations of doubt / fear /
anxiety which leads to us just 
'trying harder' to Trust which 
puts you firmly on the 'treadmill of
self-reliance' and into the 'revolving
doors' of frustration / discouragement / 
self-pity / more effort to Trust
while not 'understanding' what's
going on or how to 'solve this
predicament' and just 'putting our
head down / putting one foot in 
front of the other with teeth tightly
clenched in resolve to come out
of all this in one piece' or worst of up believing that 'all
this doesn't really work' to which
I're doesn't...but
then ask there another Way? 
yes...there is a Template to Follow...
it is the 'Way of the Cross' which 
began in the Garden's Agonizing
Resolution to Accept Calvary's Price
for the Forgiveness of our Debts...a
Pattern of Death-to-Self...Humility...
Surrendering to the Father's Will...
Acknowledging our utter weakness...
our inability to overcome the 
Pride of the Fall by ourselves...
our Full and Final Dependence
upon His Strength to bear this Cross...
Joining our Offering with His for
the sake of those we Love...
Trusting in His Merciful Love...
Accepting this Trial in Faith that He
Knows what He is doing even if we 
are struggling to see His Purposes...
Relying upon Him to Give us 
His Perseverance / Patient Endurance...
it is Essential that we tell Him of our 
deepest anguish...transparently
reveal our true self to Him even
though He already knows it all
for only then can He address our
true self Wounded from Eden...
the World and our Sinful Complicity...
that which we often hide from others...
sometimes even ourselves when we 
don't want to face the pain...
All is Grace...Salvation...Redemption...
Sanctification...Heaven...face to Face
with Father...Son...Holy Spirit...
Eternal Joy and Peace...All is Grace...
so too is our Daily Life in Christ...
every Trial...every Challenge...
every 'Revelation of His Love'
Don't just 'try harder'...Let go of 
'self reliance'...Ask for every little 
thing we need...Grace to...Accept 
our 'Neediness'...Rely upon Him not 
ourselves...Be Transparent...Be open 
to Share our Inner Self with others in 
the Lord...Keep our eyes upon Him...
Trust Him...Believe His Word...Pray - 
not less but more...Overcome 
temptations...Faith in His Will for us...
His Plans / Timing for this Situation..
Love especially when we don't feel 
we can right now....Draw us Closer 
to Him through this Trial...Teach us
what He wants us to Learn.....Surrender / 
Acceptance of this Trial...Thank Him 
for His Abundant Graces...Faithfulness...
this Present Situation...Knowing that... 
we are Not Alone and that 'All things work 
for Good for those who Love Him and 
are Called According to His Purpose'...

Reflection / Discussion:
-What is the 'Template' for dealing with Trials?
-How does your experience of Trials compare to the above description?
-Talk about your experience of a significant Trial in your life.
-What is your experience of 'self-reliance' vs dependence on the Lord?
-Why is 'humility' essential in the Christian Life?
-How are you 'broken' by Eden / World / our Complicity of sin?
-Find supportive relationships if you don't have any.
-Do you have a daily prayer time / Scripture prayer time? Why / not?


Friday, June 5, 2020

The Subjugation

having enslaved you to porn the
Enemy clearly understands your
weaknesses... he is well-aware of the
wounding in your life which began
your journey into this rabbit-hole because
he orchestrated it from the beginning..
unbeknownst to you he cunningly
deals to you from a stacked deck laughing
while you go 'all-in' every time
expecting to win the jackpot only to
lose once again going deeper into
deception's debt...he delights in your
delicious destruction as you
'take the bait' expecting so much
but gaining so little yet loving the
enchanting enticements despite
momentary hesitations which you
then sweep aside by unrestrained
proficient passions submissively
surrendering to exorbitant expectations-
bewitched once again- while he
licks his lips at your incessant
seduction by his temptations..
ensnaring you in a pitiful cycle of
spiritual suicide as you also willingly
cooperate in the artful destruction of
all that you hold dear yet putting up
with the bouts of shame / guilt which
leave you discouraged / depressed
at your vice-gripped  increasingly
passionless marriage but tellingly
not so much that you are willing to
let go of compelling portrayals of
alluring charms which bring-up
imagination's intrusively graphic
images at the most inopportune times
as well as nightly visitations while
you restlessly slumber next to your
now less-than-enticing wife for....
how can she compete with those
lovelies who get paid to beguile
you? then would she
ever understand...especially the
really weird
keep it under wraps...not a word..
makes things kind of awkward eh?
but...think about this...did you realize
there were demons involved in this
whole thing?....and not just one
but many who conspire flawlessly
to bolster your bondage through
using your memory and imagination
as their personal playground for
their XXX expert portrayals pushing
your cravings for the unattainable which
is exactly what will continue to entice you..
the groundwork for this snare was laid
long ago in a beautiful / bountiful
garden watched over by an unsuspecting
couple duped by Satan himself leaving
their progeny wounded for
seek pride's fulfillment by self-centered /
autonomous decisions while their
passions chaffed under directives from
an intellect darkened by deception
as well as a will weakened by
evasive emotions eagerly seeking
gratification without any securities
thus leaving all of us vulnerable to
the craftiness of the Evil one who
lured you into seduction's grasp...but
this wasteland story had a starting-point-..
you did not go from purity to porn
overnight...from victor to vanquished
without being set-up for this plunge
into much of the
following may be new to you applying
to each according to their circumstances...
you were wounded by the sins of others
who were entrusted with your care...
sins of omission / commission...lied-to
by Satan and his then
believed those deceptions...vowed /
made decisions in response- sometimes
sinful ones- so everything would be on
your own terms to protect yourself...
you would be the master....only trust
yourself while pushing the pain way
down out of sight / consciousness and
do what you feel is best for you..
rebel at unwanted authorities...restrictions..
unknowingly being submissively led by
demons through well-worn paths of compensatory
searches finally arriving at your dreamland
destination of porn- the ready-made choice to
finally find relief from the pain...distractions
from carrying all that
there's something to look forward to...
so sound the trumpets for your
subjugation now officially begins....but then..
the Lord reached out to you...revealed
His Love for surrendered /
decided to follow Him...gave your
life to Him...repented of you sins..
resolved to Serve Him First...yet
here you are...sins you many times
repented for still plague you.....
but now you know the source but
maybe not the intricacies of how
you got here...that you need to
take to Lord who gives you His
Mother...Our Lady of Sorrows to
Accompany you through a Process
of Inner Healing / Deliverance...she
will bring you to Her Son's Sacred
Heart there to reveal your wounds...
who and how of sins against you...
their effects...the false  interpretations..
the vows / decisions...conscious or
unconscious...Grace to forgive...
repent of your own sins which
entrenched thinking / behaviors
leading you into captivity...renounce
the specific demons and their lies
which have had a hold on you ..
rediscover the Truth about yourself...
your True Identity in the Lord....
knowing more deeply of His
Love for you....doing all this
with others with whom you can
fight together for freedom by the
Power of the Holy Spirit bringing
discipline from prayer and fasting....
you need help...ask the Lord for
direction...for the humility to be
transparent with brothers in the Lord.
no longer hiding your struggles... evading
the Light... lurking in the Darkness....
Jesus is the Victor...has defeated the Enemy....
Ask and you shall Receive...
Knock and it shall be opened to you...
Resist the Devil and he will flee but..
do the work...make the effort..
no longer run away from the pain but
face it with His Courage and Perseverance
because it will not be easy nor quick...rather
you shall be transformed by Grace and
Fire...burning away impurities in the
furnace of tribulation the end...
you shall Rejoice in His Mercy and Love
for He Shall Never Leave you Nor
Forsake you...for He is in the Process of
remaking you in His Image and Likeness
to be Holy- Set Aside for His
Stand and Fight

Reflection / Discussion:

-How did you get here?
-What was you 'Wounding Process' ...sins against you...lies...vows / decisions that
  laid the groundwork for your subjugation to seduction?
-For more info: John Paul ll Healing Center. Tallahassee, Florida
-Find someone / group to support your journey to freedom.
-Pray daily / study Scripture / receive the Sacraments / go to Adoration.
-Find out how to deal with Demons.
-Talk with Mother Mary-Our Lady of Sorrows- when you are tempted...
  think about it...talking with Purity Herself about your desire for impurity... for
  she takes you directly into the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Great Awakening

are you awake yet? or...
are you still slumbering in
your own dream of reality?
do you now see or is your
vision still obscured by
the darkness?

Awake and See...
the Great Tribulation is here...
it is a time of great terror for
those who reject My Word...
yet it is also a time of
Great Mercy for those who
respond to My Grace...

Awake and See...
Reality as it truly is
no longer hidden beneath the
cloak of Satan's Deceptions
I AM lifting the Veil of Life so
that what was Unseen Now is Seen
that you may See clearly
what is True and what is False
so as to Choose to be
with Me or against Me...

Awake and See...
who would ever have imagined...
your world is turned upside down...
nothing remains as it was...
stability-of-life- so
taken-for-granted- is
only a vague memory...
securities are now fragile.....
vanities are useless...
what was so important yesterday is
today inconsequential when the
basics are now priorities and
all that remain are questions with
only uncertain
invisible terrors stalk the night...
now...busyness has ceased... time-
so precious and in such
short supply before all this-
now is on-your-hands so I
Encourage you use it wisely to
reflect on your life so as to
evaluate its basics / intricacies
and change as needed...
what is most important to you?
why is that?
what is your purpose in life?
what does life really mean?
what do you believe in?
what happens when you die?
is this all there is?
No...there is More...

Awake and See...
there is this Temporal World-
Secular in its essence-
with all it allurements...
here today...gone tomorrow
the merry-go-round of it all...
up and down...grasping for
as many shiny trinkets of
accolade as you can--targets of
success ... wealth / power / fame
beauty / sensuality / pleasure...
building-blocks of pride-
ego's self-centered illusions-
secured by rebellious self-will on
islands of self-sufficiency-.shaky
foundations of stability which now
begin to crumble from an unimaginable
catastrophe causing wide-spread fear /
anxiety as the dread of desperation
overwhelms your meager defenses and
your phantasms of safety vanish-
along with your confident assumptions-
in a nightmare of revelations that...
your entire narrative is an illusion
when faced with stark realities like..
life is short...death is certain and
the future is fragile and in doubt...

Awake and See..
these are simultaneously
part of the Spiritual Realm but-
in Truth-idols of a fallen humanity-
all rooted in the Pride of Self-
which never satisfy while only
leading to Sin / Darkness / Death...
when you choose Idolatry
you are choosing to worship
Self by placing yourself at
the center of your universe and
thereby under the power of
Satan-the Prince of this World...
the Accuser...Liar...Murderer...
whose greatest deception is
that he doesn't even exist...
and if you continue to live under
his dominion to the bitter end
you shall be choosing forever the
Kingdom of Darkness

Awake and See...
the Kingdom of God- for
I AM the Light of the World-
your True Source and End-
for this you have been Created-
your True Purpose in life...
by My Death and Resurrection
I have paid the Price
for your Salvation...freely
taken all your sin upon Myself
out of Love for you...that you
may share My Divine Life...
there to remain

Awake and See...
in Mercy I warn you who scoff at
the mention of the Gospel and
contemptuously rebel at the mere
notion of Absolute Truth..insisting
upon its Relative Nature....mocking
the 'foolishness of God'..having the
very same attitude that cried out
'Crucify Him'...rejoicing in your
sophistication... adamant in your
'hardness of heart'... gushing adulation
to all lifestyles of immorality in the
name of freedom- even terminal
Choices at the beginning or end -
deliberated by one when two are
involved and yet the weaker is
cast aside by the stronger-the defenseless
by the defender-asserting the Supremacy
of Self over the other's dignity / rights-
even life itself- as all who share the
delusion celebrate the courageous decision-
an arrogant reveling in mortal sin-
all effortlessly deceived by lies only
to be enslaved by the Evil One...
Behold I have permitted you to be
handed over to that which you adore
there to experience the insidious fruit of
your wicked ways..yet know that
I still Love you and My Offer of
New Life remains but if you do not
turn to Me humbly accepting the
Grace of Mercy and Forgiveness that
I freely Offer you..then when
your time comes to an end and all
you have gained is shall
die in your obstinate refusal having
chosen Eternal Death rather than Life...
forever to rage in the Fires of Hell...

Awake and See..
My Shepherds...Examine yourselves
Intensely in My Presence.. your flock is
being scattered by wolves preaching
an Anti-Gospel..false teachers sewing
destructive heresies.bringing confusion
division and dissension by... plying and
kneading My Word with the words of
false empathy to justify licentiousness...
by changing Church Teaching thus
forming an Anti-Church built upon the
shifting sands of the latest modern
theories but- worst of all- even
bowing down to graven images and
processing them into My Sacred Space...
See...My betrayal continues...
Repent and Return to Me with All
your Hearts Preaching the Gospel as
I have bestowed upon you...
See too their turning away because of
scandalous hypocrisy by hiding heinous
crimes or leading deceitful double-lives
rooted in the disordered desires of the
flesh or both...Repent... Be Holy as I
AM Holy...Still there is More...
you who do not Preach / Teach the
Truth because of your dread of
suffering...fearing to offend...not
wanting to be 'hated' nor 'make waves'.
giving into human respect while
desiring acceptance and adulation...
Repent... Take up your Cross and
Follow Me for I will Give you Strength...
Faithful know who
you not lose Strong
in the Lord - Set your face like flint
and Stand using all the Weapons I
have Given you- the Enemy is on the
prowl seeking to devour the deceived..
support one another for you are not
alone...Rest in My Love each day
knowing I will never Leave you nor
Forsake All My Shepherds...
Preach the Word in season and out of
season...Convince..Rebuke..and Exhort..
Be Unfailing in Patience and Teaching...
Speaking the Truth in Love...

Awake and See...
My who profess to
Follow Me...Listen to My Words for
they bring Life if you heed them and
Death.if you do not...Examine yourselves
to See if your lives match your words..
you say you are a Believer...but is it
on your own terms...when and
how you want...picking and choosing
what to you think I do not
Know what is in your Hearts?  before
a word is on your lips I already Know
it...many have taken on the World's
Ways...not My Ways... and with
ears itching search for teachers to
justify their sinful decisions believing
wrong is right and right wrong..
based on the intensity of personal
feelings- a tyranny of seduction...
My Word is Plain and Clear...My
Teaching has not changed..many
come to Receive My Body / Blood-
not with Faith but Unbelief- while
their spirit is dead because their
Hearts are of the World promoting
even murder as a right...and perversity
as good and thus Condemn themselves-
Repent...for The Truth Shall Set you Free...
Put to Death the deeds of the flesh...
Turn from Sin...Change your Hearts....
Make Me the Center of your Life for
I Love you and I have More for you.....
Lastly...all who Truly Love Me...
who Walk the Narrow Path....I
know your weakness...I hear your
pleading for My Grace..Be Faithful
in Coming into My Presence each
day for.I AM with you and Will
Never Leave you nor Forsake you...
Do not look for comfort elsewhere as
some seek it in the flesh thus becoming
enslaved to impurity...Let Me be your
Comfort and Break your chains for.I
Will Always Love you...My Spirit is
upon you especially to avoid the near
occasions of sin...Rely on Me not
yourselves for you are Called to be
My Witnesses in word and deed...
Seeing All these Trials as your Purification
Being Patient and Steadfast in the Faith
Remembering your Call to Holiness
Loving One Another as I have Loved you
Resting in My Presence...Entrusting
yourself into My Care... Knowing that
My Grace is Sufficient for You...

Awake and See...
I say to All...
Freely I
Freely Receive...Behold I Stand
at the Door of your Heart and
Knock...Hear My Voice....
Open your Heart to Me and
I shall Enter and Remain with
you... Choose to Accept Me as
your Lord and Savior...
Receive My Holy Spirit.with
Power to Live My Word ...
Trusting in My Strength for the
Battle...being Consecrated in the Truth...
Fierce in your Determination to Love Me
and to Help Set the Captives Free...
Come share the Divine Life of
Father...Son...Holy Spirit
Choose Life....not Death...
Repent and Live Believing the Gospel
for when I Return Again I shall
Judge the living and the dead-
Eternal Life or
Now is the Acceptable Time for
tomorrow is never assured....
Come...Join in the
Great Awakening!

Reflection / Discussion:

-What is the Great Awakening?
-Why is it both a Great Tribulation and Grace?
-What is Idolatry?
-What is the root cause of it?
-Who is Satan?
-Why is Satan the 'Prince of this world'?
-Where do you see his characteristics in this fallen world?
-What does it mean to "accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior'?
-How do you do that?  See Prayer below!
-What is the first thing you have to change to follow Jesus?
-Some quick starters....take some time each day to pray...see below...
 begin to read Sacred Scripture...find other Believers for
 support and open to share your experiences
 with others whom the Lord brings to you...if Catholic...
 go to Confession and Holy Mass regularly...and always realize....
 There is More!

Daily Prayer help: Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Prayer of Salvation: 
"Lord Jesus, come into my heart, I desire that You be the Lord of my life so that I may be a
Child of the Light to know you as my personal Savior-for I know and believe that you died on the
cross for my sins.  You rose again from the dead on the third day and you are coming again
in glory.  I believe in your forgiveness and I desire that you help me overcome any temptations that
would keep me separated from Your everlasting Love."

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Hunter's Snare

I must warn you about
the Hunter's Snare...perhaps
you have already been trapped yet
do not comprehend nor
recognize your precarious
state nor the underlying deception
which has lured you into its
web of sophistry with possibly
disastrous eternal consequences
if not addressed /
first revealed in the description of
Job's trials and temptations it
remains a danger that all must
be aware of... so... let me explain...
Satan- the eternal enemy of
both The Father and humanity-
whom he is determined to
separate forever- is revealed as
the Accuser...Liar...Murderer...
humans are all fallen creatures-
born into Original Sin and therefore
separated from The Father...
subject to...darkened intellects-
vulnerable to deception-
a free yet weakened will-
rebellious / selfish by nature-
easily influenced by emotions
which are attracted to evil / sin
with frail bodies subject to
pain / sorrow / sickness / death...
so The Father sent Jesus to save
us from sin / punishment by
His Death and Resurrection and
now through Baptism we become
children of The Father able to
share His Divine Life ...yet the
effects on our bodies / intellect /
will / emotions remain for which
He gives us His Holy Spirit to
Grace us with Power to live as a
Son / Daughter of The Father.....
thus we arrive at the Hunter's Snare-
Satan deceitfully accuses The Father
of being the Cause of all our trials /
pain / .sorrows / sickness / death...
that He..could have prevented it
all but didn't and therefore
He... is not who He says He is...
can't be trusted...doesn't really
love me....He's just like my Dad...
distant.. absent....never really...
told me he loved me / spent
time with's to blame
for all my problems...maybe
doesn't even thus we
become captured in the
Hunter's Snare...we turn away-
consciously or unconsciously-
reject Him... begin to look
elsewhere for comfort while
storing away our pain / feelings of
betrayal / anger / hurt in a
vacuum-packed container...frozen...
never to be opened yet preserved as a
reminder to never trust the One who
deceitfully claimed Paternal Care...
but even for those who remain faithful
these lies linger / ruminate in
our hearts...many times never
being named...wreaking havoc to our
faith./ trust / love for The Father...
holding Him at 'arms' length'...
become suspicious of Him...
resentful of His 'lack of love' by
letting all that stuff happen to you...
opening us up to all the
vain dreads / anxious imaginations
Satan can deviously cling to us...
what is the Truth?
how do we escape the Snare?
go to The Father...ask for Grace to..
recognize the lies / Truth...speak what is
in your heart...all of it...feelings...
situations...pain / anger....whatever-
He already knows it all but now
He can respond to your specific
explanation...verbalize your words...
ask for Grace to...give it all to Him..
Trust in His Love for you...reject /
renounce the lies in the Name of Jesus...
repent for believing them...
for how you responded to Him...
express your Trust...Faith...
Hope...Love... Surrender to His
Will for your life knowing that
'God works all things for our good
for those who love Him' yet
in this life...'We see only a reflection
as in a mirror, then we shall see
face to face. Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I
am fully known.' you
wrestle with the Mystery of Suffering
in this fallen world...while having a
redeemed yet fallen nature...
beware of the Hunter's Snare..yet...
also know that when you ask... you
shall receive and He Himself will
set you to follow
the Lord by taking up your cross /
uniting your suffering with His
for the sake of those you love...
day by day...Trusting in
The Father's Love for you and
who through His only Begotten Son
bore your every sorrow and
will wipe away your every tear...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is Suffering a Mystery?
-How does Rom 8:28 and 1 Corin 13:12 quoted above pertain to the Mystery of Suffering?
-How have you wrestled with the Mystery of Suffering in your life?
-What does it mean to 'unite our sufferings with His for the sake of those we love'?
-What do you recognize 'the hunter's snare' anywhere in your / another's life? How?
-Do you believe Satan is real? Why / not?
-Why are Satan's lies so easy to believe?
-What are those lies you have been tempted to believe?
-What other ways is Satan working against your personal / faith life?
-Why is it important to express / renounce / reject / repent in the Name of Jesus from specific lies?
-Find a Believer you trust and share your story - it will help to share
-.How does your relationship with your Dad affect your relationship with The Father?
-What is your relationship like with The Father?
-Are there any roadblocks? What are they? How can you address them?
-Continue to develop your relationship with The Father through daily prayer / Scripture /
 Sacraments, asking Jesus to show you The Father.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Judgement

My People...
Listen carefully to My
Words of Warning...

Do not take lightly nor
disregard My Calling to...

-"Repent and Believe the Gospel
-"Take up your Cross and follow Me"
-"Enter by the Narrow Gate"
-"Do not love the world or
 anything in the world"
-"Be Holy because I the Lord am Holy"
-"... Love the Lord your God with
 all your heart...soul...might"
-"Love one another as I have Loved you"
-"...abstain ...from sexual immorality...
-"You shall not murder..."
-"God will repay each person
 according to what they have done"
-"Speak the Truth in Love"
-"Preach the Word...both in season and out of season
 correct, rebuke and encourage..."
-"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations
 baptizing them in the name of the Father
 and of the Son and the Holy Spirit"...

Woe to you if you do not
Preach the Gospel-
not only with words but as a
faithful witness in living for
your Lord and Savior

Woe to you if you
preach a secular / false gospel
which turns your eyes away from
the Eternal Truths of My
'worship and serve created things..
(idolatry) exchanging natural sexual relations
for unnatural ones...'

Woe to you if you pick and choose
from My Word / Revelation
what to believe / obey / proclaim
in order to fulfill your own flesh
and thus attain this world's acceptance...

Woe to you if you think that
you can live one life in the Light and
another in the Dark...and-if you
refuse to repent- you shall be
condemned by your own decision...

Woe to you if you eat My Body or
drink My Blood unworthily....
profaning the Table of the Lord for
the Bread of Life is a
Gift not a right...
Woe to you if you do not
accept the Gift of My Grace....if you
reject My Merciful Offering of
Salvation by following Me on
your own terms...according to
your will not Mine...

Woe to you who provoke the
harvesting of My innocent little ones
in the killing fields of wombs in the
name of freedom...repent or you too
shall reap what you sow

Woe to you if you presume upon
My Mercy in order to follow your flesh
under the guise of following
your conscience...

Come to Me your Lord and Savior.....
Surrender yourself to Me...
Open your heart to My Love for you...
Receive Power from My Holy Spirit...
Repent / put aside your old ways and
Come follow Me for I
AM Coming soon and
Judgement awaits

Reflection / Discussion:

-How is Romans 2:5-8 reflected in "The Judgement"?
-How is Jesus both Just and Merciful?
-How would someone presume upon the Lord's mercy?
-What does "follow your flesh under the guise of following your conscience" mean?
-How should the reality of "Judgement" impact both living out and preaching the Gospel?
-What does "living one life in the Light and another in the dark" mean?
-What does "picking and choosing from My Word" mean? Give examples,
-How is "attaining the world's acceptance" manifested in the Church today?
-Why are "idolatry" and "unnatural relations" connected and forbidden by the Lord?
-What does " Eat My Body and drink My Blood unworthily" mean?
-What does "repent and believe the Gospel" mean?
-What does it mean to "walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit"?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Abba

I know that You are
my Heavenly Father but
I don't KNOW that in
my experiential life
I want to...dearly...but I
do know as well that
I have a "father wound"-
more from omissions than
commissions by my father and
even though I have forgiven him
realizing that he too had
his own weaknesses
and wounds...still the affects
are there which makes my
relationship with you an
issue on my end that
needs to get worked out or
at the most will always be
something that I have to
endure and give over to You...but I
don't want that to be the case
so...please...heal me...set me
free to really KNOW You...
experience You as my Abba...
calling out to You with ..
heartfelt intimacy / great tenderness-
the One who truly Loves me and
brought me into existence...
Who gave His only begotten Son to
suffer and die that I may become
Your Adopted-but nevertheless true
son...beloved...precious to You...
but...still...I don't experience that
like I... want to...long for ...
simply...I believe it but I
don't experience it...I know
Faith isn't always "felt"...
is based on "facts" / "Truths"...
we're "fallen"...I get it....
but I do know there's more...
I know I don't always
experience Jesus' Love...but
I do at times...sometimes
many times a day ever since
I gave my life to Him as
my Lord and Savior...many
years ago...with many years of
great desolation crowded in there...
extremely difficult but fruitful...
still...I want You to be more than the
First Person of the Blessed Trinity-
a Truth yes...Mysterious... Father...
Distant...not Abba yet...but
now I sense Your Invitation to
come to You as I came to Jesus
knowing that to KNOW Him is
to KNOW You since You are ONE...
yet You and He are distinct Persons... the Power of your Spirit
who is charged with Revelation...
I consciously and deliberately
accept You as my
my Abba...I Come now. .to You
as your Jesus...for
the Salvation You freely Give at
such a Precious Price....I
open the Door to Your Healing...
Yes...I want to be Your son...
Knowing that to follow Jesus is
to follow Love and be
Loved by You...You are my Abba...
I am Your Beloved son...Yes
Come into my me to
recognize Your Voice...Show me
Teach me...Free me to KNOW
You as my Abba...
now and forever

Reflection / Discussion:

-"Abba" is the Intimate Name Jesus called His Father.
 That is the same relationship He offers you and I.
 What is your experience? Explain. 
-Talk about your experience with your "Dad". 
-How does this speak to one who had no Father in their life?
-Therapy can be very helpful in working through this issue. 
 Sharing with a "Spiritual Director" as well as other 'Brothers / 
 Sisters-in-the-Lord" is also very helpful. 
-For sure, pray about it; talk to Jesus about it. Listen.
-Forgiveness, Anger issues, Pain and Hurt Issues, need to be dealt with. 
