I must warn you about
the Hunter's Snare...perhaps
you have already been trapped yet
do not comprehend nor
recognize your precarious
state nor the underlying deception
which has lured you into its
web of sophistry with possibly
disastrous eternal consequences
if not addressed / resolved...as
first revealed in the description of
Job's trials and temptations it
remains a danger that all must
be aware of... so... let me explain...
Satan- the eternal enemy of
both The Father and humanity-
whom he is determined to
separate forever- is revealed as
the Accuser...Liar...Murderer...
humans are all fallen creatures-
born into Original Sin and therefore
separated from The Father...
subject to...darkened intellects-
vulnerable to deception-
a free yet weakened will-
rebellious / selfish by nature-
easily influenced by emotions
which are attracted to evil / sin
with frail bodies subject to
pain / sorrow / sickness / death...
so The Father sent Jesus to save
us from sin / punishment by
His Death and Resurrection and
now through Baptism we become
children of The Father able to
share His Divine Life ...yet the
effects on our bodies / intellect /
will / emotions remain for which
He gives us His Holy Spirit to
Grace us with Power to live as a
Son / Daughter of The Father.....
thus we arrive at the Hunter's Snare-
Satan deceitfully accuses The Father
of being the Cause of all our trials /
pain / .sorrows / sickness / death...
that He..could have prevented it
all but didn't and therefore
He... is not who He says He is...
can't be trusted...doesn't really
love me....He's just like my Dad...
distant.. absent....never really...
told me he loved me / spent
time with me...so..He's to blame
for all my problems...maybe
doesn't even exist..so thus we
become captured in the
Hunter's Snare...we turn away-
consciously or unconsciously-
reject Him... begin to look
elsewhere for comfort while
storing away our pain / feelings of
betrayal / anger / hurt in a
vacuum-packed container...frozen...
never to be opened yet preserved as a
reminder to never trust the One who
deceitfully claimed Paternal Care...
but even for those who remain faithful
these lies linger / ruminate in
our hearts...many times never
being named...wreaking havoc to our
faith./ trust / love for The Father...
holding Him at 'arms' length'...
become suspicious of Him...
resentful of His 'lack of love' by
letting all that stuff happen to you...
opening us up to all the
vain dreads / anxious imaginations
Satan can deviously cling to us...
what is the Truth?
how do we escape the Snare?
go to The Father...ask for Grace to..
recognize the lies / Truth...speak what is
in your heart...all of it...feelings...
situations...pain / anger....whatever-
He already knows it all but now
He can respond to your specific
explanation...verbalize your words...
ask for Grace to...give it all to Him..
Trust in His Love for you...reject /
renounce the lies in the Name of Jesus...
repent for believing them...
for how you responded to Him...
express your Trust...Faith...
Hope...Love... Surrender to His
Will for your life knowing that
'God works all things for our good
for those who love Him' yet
in this life...'We see only a reflection
as in a mirror, then we shall see
face to face. Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I
am fully known.'...so...when you
wrestle with the Mystery of Suffering
in this fallen world...while having a
redeemed yet fallen nature...
beware of the Hunter's Snare..yet...
also know that when you ask... you
shall receive and He Himself will
set you free...so...continue to follow
the Lord by taking up your cross /
uniting your suffering with His
for the sake of those you love...
day by day...Trusting in
The Father's Love for you and
who through His only Begotten Son
bore your every sorrow and
will wipe away your every tear...
Reflection / Discussion:
-Why is Suffering a Mystery?
-How does Rom 8:28 and 1 Corin 13:12 quoted above pertain to the Mystery of Suffering?
-How have you wrestled with the Mystery of Suffering in your life?
-What does it mean to 'unite our sufferings with His for the sake of those we love'?
-What do you recognize 'the hunter's snare' anywhere in your / another's life? How?
-Do you believe Satan is real? Why / not?
-Why are Satan's lies so easy to believe?
-What are those lies you have been tempted to believe?
-What other ways is Satan working against your personal / faith life?
-Why is it important to express / renounce / reject / repent in the Name of Jesus from specific lies?
-Find a Believer you trust and share your story - it will help to share
-.How does your relationship with your Dad affect your relationship with The Father?
-What is your relationship like with The Father?
-Are there any roadblocks? What are they? How can you address them?
-Continue to develop your relationship with The Father through daily prayer / Scripture /
Sacraments, asking Jesus to show you The Father.
My hope for you
Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free: genefirn@yahoo.com
Table of contents: October 7, 2012
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