my Heavenly Father but
I don't KNOW that in
my experiential life
I want to...dearly...but I
do know as well that
I have a "father wound"-
more from omissions than
commissions by my father and
even though I have forgiven him
realizing that he too had
his own weaknesses
and wounds...still the affects
are there which makes my
relationship with you an
issue on my end that
needs to get worked out or
at the most will always be
something that I have to
endure and give over to You...but I
don't want that to be the case
so...please...heal me...set me
free to really KNOW You...
experience You as my Abba...
calling out to You with ..
heartfelt intimacy / great tenderness-
the One who truly Loves me and
brought me into existence...
Who gave His only begotten Son to
suffer and die that I may become
Your Adopted-but nevertheless true
son...beloved...precious to You...
but...still...I don't experience that
like I... want to...long for ...
simply...I believe it but I
don't experience it...I know
Faith isn't always "felt"...
is based on "facts" / "Truths"...
we're "fallen"...I get it....
but I do know there's more...
I know I don't always
experience Jesus' Love...but
I do at times...sometimes
many times a day ever since
I gave my life to Him as
my Lord and Savior...many
years ago...with many years of
great desolation crowded in there...
extremely difficult but fruitful...
still...I want You to be more than the
First Person of the Blessed Trinity-
a Truth yes...Mysterious... Father...
Distant...not Abba yet...but
now I sense Your Invitation to
come to You as I came to Jesus
knowing that to KNOW Him is
to KNOW You since You are ONE...
yet You and He are distinct Persons... the Power of your Spirit
who is charged with Revelation...
I consciously and deliberately
accept You as my
my Abba...I Come now. .to You
as your Jesus...for
the Salvation You freely Give at
such a Precious Price....I
open the Door to Your Healing...
Yes...I want to be Your son...
Knowing that to follow Jesus is
to follow Love and be
Loved by You...You are my Abba...
I am Your Beloved son...Yes
Come into my me to
recognize Your Voice...Show me
Teach me...Free me to KNOW
You as my Abba...
now and forever
Reflection / Discussion:
-"Abba" is the Intimate Name Jesus called His Father.
That is the same relationship He offers you and I.
What is your experience? Explain.
-Talk about your experience with your "Dad".
-How does this speak to one who had no Father in their life?
-Therapy can be very helpful in working through this issue.
Sharing with a "Spiritual Director" as well as other 'Brothers /
Sisters-in-the-Lord" is also very helpful.
-For sure, pray about it; talk to Jesus about it. Listen.
-Forgiveness, Anger issues, Pain and Hurt Issues, need to be dealt with.
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