My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Bottom Line

the Battle within and around us
is Real - a Spiritual is
always Raging though sometimes
quietly unobserved especially 
when lost in ourselves or too
distracted by everyday affairs 
but to affects our Culture...
Family....every relationship 
close or every decision -
minimally or greatly -.but especially 
ones that can determine our Eternal 
Destination which BTW isn't a 
'slam dunk' even if you are a 
Disciple since you still have a 
'free will' and you are a 'fallen
creature' and you have an Enemy
who is a deceiver / liar / murderer...
knows your weaknesses and
is 'out to get you' alert..
just sayin' do you navigate
life when you're in a Battle...a 
Spiritual War?...what should your 
attitude be?...your 'modus operandi' 
when so much is at stake and you're 
in a 'minority' - which Disciples of 
Jesus are...and if you haven't 
thought about that you're in much dire
circumstances than you
what is the Bottom Line to Life?
Simply...'Not me but...Thee'...
whereas the world ie that which 
is in the hands of the Enemy...says
'' Focus - in 
Everything...Everyday...By Grace -
not just 'trying harder' - needs to be...
Not what I want but what You Want...
Not my will but Your Will...
Not my word but Your Word...
Not my love but Your Love...
Not caught-up in my world but Yours...
Not my power but Yours...
Not my kingdom but Yours...
Not my glory but Yours..
Not depending on me...but...Thee
for You are the Source of Life...the
Beginning and the End...First and
the Last...Not me...So....Everyday...
in Everything...Ask...Seek...
Listen and Follow...Put Jesus 
First...before everyone else...before
yourself...your main Focus...In Every 
Circumstance is to Abide in His Presence..
By Grace Surrendering I to Thou..
let That be your Heart's Desire and
Make this simple Prayer your 
'Bottom Line'...Pray with me...
'Lord Jesus...Please Help me...
By Your Grace...Make my life be...
Today...Now...Always... Not all
about me...but...All About...THEE'...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Take some quiet time to evaluate your life according to the 'Bottom Line'.
-What areas / relationships in your life are you living more 'me than Thee'?
-Visa Versa?
-Pray about a 'plan of action'...ask Him what He wants...
-Make your Daily Prayer time and Scripture Reading a priority if it's not already.
-Don't try to do everything at area at a time...
-Get help if you need it.
-He is Lord and're not...
-He Loves you more than you know...

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Desperate

desperate for true affirmation...
wounded from its denial...                             
the unaffirmed seek to satiate
their solitary starvation for 
unconditional love by any means 
necessary...wherever their isolated / 
distorted feelings lead them
no matter the depth of their 
rabbit holes nor the long-term 
consequences for their health 
and well-being let alone their 
Eternal Destination...spurred-on 
by bizarre influencers spewing 
imaginative hokum as a solution 
to their identity conundrum by 
encouraging radical transformations 
which though unattached to actual 
Reality none-the-less spark vain 
mythical dreams to conform their 
exterior appearances to match their
perceived interior identities as if one 
can make the immutable mutable and 
all-the-while coercing everyone around 
them into celebrating their perilous 
tragedy lest they be cancelled by the 
ever-watching ideologues of diversity / 
inclusion all-the-while knowing in their 
darkest unspoken recesses that xy's can 
never become xx's nor visa-versa no
matter how vehement the protestations
that such "cultural conjectures" are not 
part of the equation nor of the preposterous 
web of lies that undergird their obsessively 
narcissistic claims to be traveling in uncharted 
territories of a fantasied human nature no
longer shackled by Objective Universal Truth 
which itself is postulated as a hater's hallucination...
all of which screams for an answer to the 
question...when will someone of merciful mind 
and heart Accompany them and proffer the 
TRUE and ONLY Fulfillment for the Desperate 
Heart of the Lost by Speaking the Truth in Love?
the Answer lies in the Truth of Creation...
discovering the One who Created Human Beings 
as a Masterpiece of Creation knitting them 
together in their Mother's Womb from their 
very inception each in His own Image and Likeness...
Male and Female...Separate yet Equal...
Complementary...Created to Join Together
in a Sacred Act to bring forth New Life...
each Unique like a facet of a diamond United
in a Creation of Beauty and Structure with an
Order that goes beyond the visual...
Universal yet Individual / Distinct that surpasses 
even the most complicated algorithms or Science
and the Mysteries of the Universe...sui generis 
patterns Created by an Infinite Designer
captivated in Finite Beings who incessantly 
seek More than their imperfect nature can 
measure...a hunger for the Perfect mysteriously 
imbedded in their incomplete hearts which
long for the mending of their brokenness solely 
rooted in the One Crucified specifically for them
whose purpose and goal was to Heal the wounded 
hearts of a fallen humanity prone to deception 
by the evil one whose aim is always to capture 
and destroy any resemblance to their Perfect
Creator whose Invitation is to share His Devine 
Nature as a Beloved Son or Daughter Eternally 
Affirmed...Unconditionally Loved...Unique 
yet One in Mind and Heart with the Father 
of All who is with All and in All who Receive 
the Son in a Personal Relationship United by the 
Spirit who Abides within by Love as it was in 
the Beginning and will be in the End...Order... more Chaos / Confusion...
Desperation Eternally Ended

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is Truth Universal / Objective?
-Why is it not based on Subjective feelings?
-What does Affirmation mean?
-What does 'wounded human nature' mean?
-How does Creation show the imprint of the Creator?
-How does Creation show order / structure in human beings?
-How do you know the 'evil one' is real?
-Where do you see in culture his 'lies / deceptions'?
-How does 'hunger for the Perfect' show itself?
-What does 'unconditional love' mean?
-How can we help those caught-up in gender dysphoria?
-What does 'speaking the Truth in Love' mean?

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Metanoia Mindset

Blow the Trumpets!...Sound the   
Alarm!...Open the Gates of your
Mind!...Change the way you think
what I'm going to tell you will
radically transform your world if -
and this is the key - you receive it...
believe it...act on it...
faithfully...nothing will remain the carefully...I have 
Good News to tell
are being offered a New Life with
New Eyes to See...New Ears to 
Hear...a New Mind to Think...a 
New Heart to Love...for Behold!
the old things will pass away and
ALL things will be made NEW...
Change your Mind about what is
possible and Believe the Gospel
and you shall Receive POWER
from on High to live Beyond your
Human Nature...Beyond your 
Natural are 
being Chosen to Receive a Gift 
Beyond your wildest dreams...So...
Added to the Dignity of a Natural
Human Being Created in the Image 
and Likeness of God is the Super-
Dignity of a Supernatural Sharing / 
Participation in the Very Life of the 
Infinite / Eternal / Perfect / Divine 
Creator of the Actually 
become His Adopted Son / Daughter 
because He becomes your Loving 
Abba become Divinized 
with ALL the Rights / Access to His 
Divine Presence and Personal Love 
as well as a Share in His Infinite / 
Eternal Inheritance of  Perfect Joy...
Peace...Love...Beginning In this 
Present Life and Fulfilled in the Life 
to Come...What an Amazing / Astonishing  / 
Holy Identity you have been Chosen to 
Receive aa a Pure Gift!! - Talk about 
being "Special"!!. response 
to such an astonishing revelation you 
justifiably can ask... How can this be Why you?...and 
if you are forthright - you who are so...
how can I say this... politely?.... how 
about...imperfect?...most likely done 
many things that you are not proud of...
things you did / failed to do...and if you 
really think about it...even 'worshipped' 
false gods of money / success / pleasure / 
vanity / self-centered lifestyles / given to 
anger / resentment / unforgiveness...ALL 
of which leads to a Justified Eternity of 
Destruction...A Fiery Separation from the 
One who is again...why 
you? you don't deserve which I say...
yes...I agree. can it be?... is not just you...ALL of us have 
sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God...
ALL Humanity is Fallen...ALL are Wounded 
by Sin...ALL need to be Saved from their 
Fallen Nature inherited from our First Parents 
who Freely Chose to Rebel against Abba Father...
were deceived by the Evil One and are prone 
to evil...enslaved to self and live in a world 
infatuated with sin...and thus there is an Infinite 
Chasm that separates the Holiness of the Divine 
and the Sinfulness of Humanity that ONLY ONE 
who is Both  Human and Divine who can Perfectly 
Span that abyss...and now here is the GOOD NEWS..
Jesus has accomplished this by His Outstretched 
Arms upon the Cross... Jesus - the Sinless One - 
the only Begotten Son of God who Became 
Man...took upon Himself our Sins and the 
Punishment of Death - WHY? a Word...
Mercy... out of Love for you and me He was 
Pierced...Tortured...Mocked...Murdered but 
on the Third Day ROSE from the Dead and is 
ALIVE / REAL...and thus Conquered Death / 
Sin / Satan and Now OFFERS this Victory to 
ALL - including YOU...who CHOOSE to Receive 
Him as Lord and SURRENDER and 
Receive.....Forgiveness / Mercy to ALL who Repent / 
Turn away from Receive  A New Life...
New Hope...New Love...a Sharing in His Divine 
Life...His Very Nature...Ask to be Filled with 
His Holy Spirit...Become His Disciple to Follow 
Him...Take on His Mission and Purpose for your 
Life... to Live a Supernatural Life here and now 
using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to 'Do what He 
is doing...Say what He is Saying'.. to Go Make 
Disciples by Living the GOOD NEWS as... 
Behold...He Makes ALL Things NEW.!!!

Discussion / Reflection:

-What is the 'Good News'?
-How does 'Metanoia' - 'Change your Mind' - prepare you for the Good News?
-How does it make you feel when you hear that you are Loved  as Jesus Loved you?
-What does it mean to Repent of your Sins?
-If you are Catholic, go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
-What does it mean to Choose Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?
-Have you decided to Follow Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?
-If not, I encourage you to do it now in your own words.
-Find a Support Group of Committed Believers.
-Become involved in Service.
-Break ties to your sinful past.
-Develop a daily Prayer Life including Scripture Study.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Abiding

it is My Desire that you
Abide in Me...
always and everywhere
for that is where you have
been Created to Be...where
you will Flourish as Children
of the is My Spirit
that Empowers you to Rest
in Me and Receive a taste of 
My Eternal Joy and Peace
as you become more and more
One with Me in Mind and is both your Calling
and Battle - Life in Me and 
death to self in this world of                                                                                                                   
chaos and confusion made
so by humanity's Fall from 
Original Grace when the evil 
one's deceptions lured them to 
choose selfish pride instead of 
Selfless Love thus sealing a
fatal inheritance of a wounded
nature racked by conflict
where passions are like 
wild stallions running this way
and that attracted by evil ends
resistant to control from 
a weakened will and a mind
clouded and blinded subject to 
error in a body now sentenced
to deterioration and death 
under the dominant influence 
of the evil one who relentlessly                                            
seeks to remove your focus                     
on Me and turn you inward                      
upon yourself thus bringing
the disorder of the world into 
Our Sacred Space - it is a 
Spiritual Battle which rages for 
the minds and hearts of All who 
have been rages 
within and without...false teachers 
promoting false doctrines created to 
captivate and lure the unsuspecting and 
naive into the darkness of doom
dressed in rays of light weaved
together from strands of both 
true and false words until 
Reality cannot be distinguished
from unreality by disordered
feelings leading round and
round until it is halted by 
death and eternal destiny is
Resist these temptations by
My Grace and so Remain in 
Me as I Remain in you for it 
is in Me that you find your True
Self as a Son / Daughter of
the Father...where you find 
your True Affirmation as 
One Beloved by the Father 
Called to Share Our Divine
Nature now and Forever
I have Given you All that you
need in the Battle of Life 
and Death...My Word is 
Light and Truth...My Spirit
is Power to Discern and 
Live in that 
Speak the Truth in
Carry the Cross of Love 
and Truth - even to Die
there as a Witness to My
Victory over the Chaos
and Confusion of Sin /
Death - My Resurrection to
Eternal in Me
and I in you...then...Stand!..
for I AM the Resurrection and 
the Life...the One who Brings it was 
in the Beginning when all is 
well as it is supposed to Be...

Reflection / Discussion:

-What does it mean to 'Abide' in the Lord?
-How can we make that the 'normal' for our lives?
-What habits can we form to do that?
-What is a 'quick' way to get back into His Presence?
-One way is the 'Jesus Prayer'...what is that?
-What are some of the 'lies / deceptions' in the world that 
 cause 'chaos / confusion'?
-How can we combat them?
-How do you 'speak the Truth in Love'?
-How should our 'feelings / intellect / will' work together in us to
 keep us in His Presence?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Ultimate Q & A

it gnaws at your inner stability...
in silent but poignant thrusts it 
sporadically yet persistently pounds 
at your security foundation despite 
all your outward protestations of 
stable satisfaction from awards for 
hard-fought victories over the challenges
of life...circumstances that have 
embodied your incessant hunger for 
happiness - a fulfillment that never 
quite arrives despite all your passionate
endeavors of sensual indulgence...
ego gratification....pleasing others...
ambitious achieving...competitive
recognitions...and all the benefits of 
material is not enough 
and despite your exhausting schedule
it remains a perpetual merry-go-round
consistently bringing you back again
and again to where you first began
your quest....winning trophy after 
trophy which then reluctantly rust 
in the recycling bin of meaninglessness...
in the face of such Desolation one is 
compelled to ask the Ultimate Question -
What is the Purpose of  your life?...such 
a fundamental question can either be 
viewed through the lens of hopelessness 
or leading to an uncertain 
ending...the other to a New Beginning...
Desolation is not merely a negative if it 
leads to the Consolation from the Ultimate 
Answer - but for that to occur it must have a 
Certainty about it and cannot be a 
temporary solution - here today and 
gone must be never-ending...
final...Eternal....nor can it be an imperfect must be Perfect -or else the glass 
of your soul remains forever half-full...
nor can it be a finite / limited one for 
your desires have no must 
Fulfill your Infinite / Eternal Desires what is that Ultimate 
Desire?.. that for which you long...cannot
live without...maybe can run from...
never admit...pretend you don't need but
in the the still of the night
when you are alone in your inmost
thoughts.....dreams... must finally 
accept that what you Truly Desire -
beyond all the empty promises of 
this world - is to Love and Be Loved...
logically...that is only possible from 
One who is Infinite...Eternal and 
Perfect...The One who has Revealed 
Himself to be your Creator. .that, yes, 
even you - with all your weaknesses...
faults... you who have never even 
bothered seeking Him with any 
determination and having been an 
obsessed lover of self but such a lax 
lover of is it that you 
should be Offered such an Unimaginable 
Gift? can only be because That is Who 
He is...Creating you out of Love and For 
Love...even when all Humanity chose to 
walk away from Him...the One Revealed 
as the Father of all Creation...who sent 
His Son to bear the Cost for their Return....
which means it is Only by Grace that we 
have been Saved...New Life has been 
Offered... written in the Blood of the 
Lamb Sacrificed but Risen so that our 
life can be Rooted and Grounded in His 
Love by sharing in the very Nature of 
the Devine by the Power of His Spirit...
His Story can become our story...the 
darkness of this fallen world which 
surrounds us...which is in us...can be 
Transformed by His Light by saying 
yes to His Invitation to Follow Him...
Receive Him as your Personal Lord 
and Savior...become His Children and
Be Filled with the Power of His Holy 
Spirit in order to Live His Life...Bring 
His Kingdom / Word /Love / Light into 
this world...and Ultimately Be in His 
Loving Presence for all Eternity...and...
yes in this life there will still be troubles...
even death....but He has Overcome this 
world...and in the End...we share in His 
Victory over All sin...evil...death...for 
Jesus is the Ultimate Answer to the 
Ultimate Question...Our Purpose in Life 
is to...Love Him above all...Love one
another...Serve Him and Build His 
Kingdom which will last...Forever...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Have you asked / answered the Ultimate Question?
-If yes, describe your experience.
-If no, describe how this poem affects you.
-Have you asked Jesus to be the Personal Lord / Savior of your life?
-If not, Simply Invite Him in your own words. 
-How are you living out your Purpose in Life?
-What can you do to Grow in your Love for the Lord / others?
-What needs to change?
-What is the Lord calling you to do to serve Him?
-Have you "earnestly desired the Spiritual Gifts" as in 1 Corin 14?
-What Gifts of the Spirit do you have?
-How can you grow in those Gifts?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Dialogue Continues


 so...Lord Jesus...where are we going?

Jesus: You'll see...

Well...if you don't mind, can you just tell me?

Jesus:  Sure...we're going Home...

You mean...NOW??

Jesus:  No...but...Eventually... 

Well...I mean...NEXT...because I don't recognize any of this and... I'm not sure I like what I'm seeing...

Jesus:  I understand...but...don't'll get used to it...

Well...I just like to know where I'm going so I don't get lost...

Jesus: You mean like the other day when you took the wrong turn and wasted a half-hour trying to get back on track?

Ahh...yeah something like that...

Jesus: You ask a lot of to have it all figured out and be 'in control' don't you? 

Well...yeah I like it that helps me to feel more secure about things...

Jesus: Ok...some basics...remember when I said to my Disciples that one needs to receive the Kingdom as a little child?...well, that's what this is all about...

Ok...but I thought that was more a 'figure of speech'...I'm not a kid anymore and I've got some 'baggage' to unpack so...

Jesus: think I don't know that? You're the same as everyone else when it comes to the have to learn to let go of your 'old ways' and learn to live the 'Kingdom ways'...

Like what?

Jesus: what you keep your eyes on...for the Kingdom it doesn't matter if something is familiar or not because your FOCUS is on ME not your circumstances...those will always be changing but I never will...I'm the same Security is in Me...not your circumstances...that's .the FIRST lesson... it's all based on a Mom or Dad taking their child for a walk...the child's not worried...they know they're's well...

Well...OK...I know that you Love me...I'm not questioning that...but I just get 'triggered' sometimes by different things that bring up... stuff from the past that make me feel somewhat 'insecure' or like I have to 'prove' or 'protect''s like I can't help feeling that I feel like I'm 'on my own' to 'figure it out' and 'get it done'...

Jesus: Yes, I know...all my Disciples have wounds to deal with and that is part of the Journey...part of why I focus so much upon GRACE and the POWER of My Spirit because right now no one can see things clearly and all must live by FAITH - not by sight...and that is why it is so important for you to be in Daily Contact with is all part of becoming a NEW CREATION...having the 'Old' pass away and the 'New' come into being...It comes about by the 'RENEWAL OF YOUR MIND'...

That's a lot to deal with...more than I can sort out right now...that's for sure...

Jesus: Right...but you don't have to... so...don't try...It'll just make you more 'introspective'...more 'gerbil wheel' spirituality than 'I AND THOU'...Again...Keep you eyes on Me...I LOVE you...I DO have a PLAN for your CAN Trust Me...

Yeah...-I know what you mean about 'gerbil wheels'...been there done that...

Jesus:  I know...that's why I'm saying all this...Look...I know it's not's all part of the CROSS...part of living in a fallen world with the consequences of a fallen nature and being in a Spiritual Battle with an Enemy who knows your weaknesses...but I have OVERCOME IT ALL...

Whew...OK...So, what now?

Jesus: Two more things and that'll be it for now...but...remember...that when I ask something of you...I am always giving you the GRACE to do it especially when it seems beyond your abilities / power to do...So FIRST..SURRENDER...Give yourself over to Me...that shows your TRUST...and then when the Enemy tempts you with whatever...useless thoughts...vain dreads...anxious imaginations...even appealing to your weakened flesh...just come into MY PRESENCE - just BE with Me - and give the temptation over to Me...I helps when you whisper My Name and bypass your mind by 'praying like the angels' while Uniting your heart with are Giving everything over to Me...Remember...I will WALK with you...your are NOT ALONE...we'll deal with everything together..

.SECONDLY...BE THANKFUL...everyday...for everything...even for the difficult challenges because I especially use them in your life to help you Grow as My Disciple...there is nothing like GIVING THANKS to help you keep your FOCUS upon Me... It changes your outlook...Day by Day...One Day at a Time...So...Just like a 'little child'...We go hand In Hand...On our way....HOME...TOGETHER...

Ok...I'll really try to do those things everyday...Oh...and speaking of Hands...I noticed You still have your they hurt?...

Jesus: Not any more...

Well, you're supposed to have a New Body so then why do You still have your Wounds?

Jesus: Well... They're now just part of Who I AM...they show what's in My Heart for you...and...just like you... they'll always be with Me...Now...Let's continue our Journey...We've got a ways to go...

Reflection / Discussion:

-What struck you about this poem? Why?
-How can you apply to your walk with the Lord?
-Are 'useless thoughts...vain dreads...anxious imaginations temptations in your life? How?
-What is 'gerbil wheel' spirituality?
-How can you grow each day to: 1. BE in His Presence 2. be Thankful? 
-How does this poem describe dealing with temptations?
-What is 'praying like the angels' mean?
-How does it help realizing Jesus still has signs of His Wounds? 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Demonic Mantra't let them 
do that to you...they're just
trying to control you by telling
you what's right and what's wrong...   
no...absolutely tell them:
'hold-on pal...not so fast... I decide
NOT you...I'm not a child so stop
treating me like one -TRUTH is
what I say it is - NOT you - I
can feel it in my bones...I just
KNOW IT...I know what makes 
ME happy...what feels right for ME...
YOU live by YOUR rules and I'll
live by MINE...that's only fair...and
I expect you to respect / tolerate
MY truth and I'll do the same for 
YOUR truth - that is...unless you 
cross the line by trying to control me
again then you'll 'get what's comin' to
you'...well...what'd ya think??...
think it'll continue to work?...
has up till now...look...we've 
got everything goin' for us...
our Master's really proud of us...
and He's the One who started it
all...remember? was that 
deceptively innocent question 
to Eve which led to the humans' 
downfall from Grace and into 
their inner turmoil of weaknesses
which made our job so much 
easier - and now...seems like 
they'll believe just about anything -
take your pick - anything that
'feels' like a good idea - as long
as it has to do with their 'pride 
and pleasure' we can get 'em
yeah...have at our mantra
goes - say it all together now....
''...yeah...'what you
want...when you you often as you want'...
and...remember too...what our 
Enemy's Offering...a CROSS??
are you kidding me?? yeah...and 
wait!!...I know what you are going
to say...POWER!!...yeah I understand
and all that it brings to the table...but not
all of THEM do!!...WE have the 'here
and now'...all those 'tangible goodies' -
you know...that delicious 'self-centered'
stuff from the world / flesh / and we 
demons who are trained by our Master
to gain more victories...but if our Enemy
starts to get the upper hand...BOOM!...
we tell the 'BIG ONE'
'how can you really trust HIM?? look 
what He did to His Only think
He'll treat you any different??...didn't He
say that you have to pick up your own
cross to follow Him??'...and even though
They were of One Mind and Heart I still
think that'll fool a lot of them...but if that
doesn't work there's always the ol' 'blame
game' like...'why's He doin' this to me?'...
or 'how come I always get the short end of
the stick and they don't?...and the best one...
'yeah...right...He loves me...after all that crap
that I've been through??...THEN...we just 
continue our strategy of goin' after their kiddies
to get a big jump in the game so by the time
their indoctrination is done...well...THEY'RE done!...
one last thing...the Churches...well...some of 
them are a problem but we've been working on 
that...what's that called again?? oh yeah...'modernism'
you know...gettin' 'up to date' / 'with it'...actually
it's just 'fitting-in' with the world and not so 
'stuck-in-a-rut' from those 'medieval dark days' 
and no one wants to have THAT reputation...
well...we've got a 'bright' future set-up for them -
even though it's a really 'dark one'...good one there...
anyway...keep up the good job...and remember...
when our Enemy's followers say: 'more of THEE
and less of me'...WE JUST LET IT RIP....NOOOO
IT'S ME...ME...MEEEE...yeah...THEY'LL get
many but...we can get 

Reflection / Discussion:

-What is the 'demonic mantra'?
-Why is it demonic?
-How does it compare to their "Enemy's" mantra?
-How does this poem express "moral relativism"
-How would you explain it? Refute it?
-Are there Absolute Truths? How do you know?
-Give some examples? 
-How does 'moral relativism' fit-in with 'original sin's consequences'?
-What are they? 
-How does 'modernism' fit into 'moral relativism'?
-How do you refute the 'Big One'?
-How do you refute the accusations about suffering?
-Does ''More of Thee and less of me" describe your life? How?