it is My Desire that you
Abide in Me...
always and everywhere
for that is where you have
been Created to Be...where
you will Flourish as Children
of the is My Spirit
that Empowers you to Rest
in Me and Receive a taste of
My Eternal Joy and Peace
as you become more and more
One with Me in Mind and is both your Calling
and Battle - Life in Me and
death to self in this world of
chaos and confusion made
so by humanity's Fall from
Original Grace when the evil
one's deceptions lured them to
choose selfish pride instead of
Selfless Love thus sealing a
fatal inheritance of a wounded
nature racked by conflict
where passions are like
wild stallions running this way
and that attracted by evil ends
resistant to control from
a weakened will and a mind
clouded and blinded subject to
error in a body now sentenced
to deterioration and death
under the dominant influence
of the evil one who relentlessly
seeks to remove your focus
on Me and turn you inward
upon yourself thus bringing
the disorder of the world into
Our Sacred Space - it is a
Spiritual Battle which rages for
the minds and hearts of All who
have been rages
within and without...false teachers
promoting false doctrines created to
captivate and lure the unsuspecting and
naive into the darkness of doom
dressed in rays of light weaved
together from strands of both
true and false words until
Reality cannot be distinguished
from unreality by disordered
feelings leading round and
round until it is halted by
death and eternal destiny is
Resist these temptations by
My Grace and so Remain in
Me as I Remain in you for it
is in Me that you find your True
Self as a Son / Daughter of
the Father...where you find
your True Affirmation as
One Beloved by the Father
Called to Share Our Divine
Nature now and Forever
I have Given you All that you
need in the Battle of Life
and Death...My Word is
Light and Truth...My Spirit
is Power to Discern and
Live in that
Speak the Truth in
Carry the Cross of Love
and Truth - even to Die
there as a Witness to My
Victory over the Chaos
and Confusion of Sin /
Death - My Resurrection to
Eternal in Me
and I in you...then...Stand!..
for I AM the Resurrection and
the Life...the One who Brings it was
in the Beginning when all is
well as it is supposed to Be...
Reflection / Discussion:
-What does it mean to 'Abide' in the Lord?
-How can we make that the 'normal' for our lives?
-What habits can we form to do that?
-What is a 'quick' way to get back into His Presence?
-One way is the 'Jesus Prayer'...what is that?
-What are some of the 'lies / deceptions' in the world that
cause 'chaos / confusion'?
-How can we combat them?
-How do you 'speak the Truth in Love'?
-How should our 'feelings / intellect / will' work together in us to
keep us in His Presence?
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