My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Bottom Line

the Battle within and around us
is Real - a Spiritual is
always Raging though sometimes
quietly unobserved especially 
when lost in ourselves or too
distracted by everyday affairs 
but to affects our Culture...
Family....every relationship 
close or every decision -
minimally or greatly -.but especially 
ones that can determine our Eternal 
Destination which BTW isn't a 
'slam dunk' even if you are a 
Disciple since you still have a 
'free will' and you are a 'fallen
creature' and you have an Enemy
who is a deceiver / liar / murderer...
knows your weaknesses and
is 'out to get you' alert..
just sayin' do you navigate
life when you're in a Battle...a 
Spiritual War?...what should your 
attitude be?...your 'modus operandi' 
when so much is at stake and you're 
in a 'minority' - which Disciples of 
Jesus are...and if you haven't 
thought about that you're in much dire
circumstances than you
what is the Bottom Line to Life?
Simply...'Not me but...Thee'...
whereas the world ie that which 
is in the hands of the Enemy...says
'' Focus - in 
Everything...Everyday...By Grace -
not just 'trying harder' - needs to be...
Not what I want but what You Want...
Not my will but Your Will...
Not my word but Your Word...
Not my love but Your Love...
Not caught-up in my world but Yours...
Not my power but Yours...
Not my kingdom but Yours...
Not my glory but Yours..
Not depending on me...but...Thee
for You are the Source of Life...the
Beginning and the End...First and
the Last...Not me...So....Everyday...
in Everything...Ask...Seek...
Listen and Follow...Put Jesus 
First...before everyone else...before
yourself...your main Focus...In Every 
Circumstance is to Abide in His Presence..
By Grace Surrendering I to Thou..
let That be your Heart's Desire and
Make this simple Prayer your 
'Bottom Line'...Pray with me...
'Lord Jesus...Please Help me...
By Your Grace...Make my life be...
Today...Now...Always... Not all
about me...but...All About...THEE'...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Take some quiet time to evaluate your life according to the 'Bottom Line'.
-What areas / relationships in your life are you living more 'me than Thee'?
-Visa Versa?
-Pray about a 'plan of action'...ask Him what He wants...
-Make your Daily Prayer time and Scripture Reading a priority if it's not already.
-Don't try to do everything at area at a time...
-Get help if you need it.
-He is Lord and're not...
-He Loves you more than you know...

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