My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Dialogue Continues


 so...Lord Jesus...where are we going?

Jesus: You'll see...

Well...if you don't mind, can you just tell me?

Jesus:  Sure...we're going Home...

You mean...NOW??

Jesus:  No...but...Eventually... 

Well...I mean...NEXT...because I don't recognize any of this and... I'm not sure I like what I'm seeing...

Jesus:  I understand...but...don't'll get used to it...

Well...I just like to know where I'm going so I don't get lost...

Jesus: You mean like the other day when you took the wrong turn and wasted a half-hour trying to get back on track?

Ahh...yeah something like that...

Jesus: You ask a lot of to have it all figured out and be 'in control' don't you? 

Well...yeah I like it that helps me to feel more secure about things...

Jesus: Ok...some basics...remember when I said to my Disciples that one needs to receive the Kingdom as a little child?...well, that's what this is all about...

Ok...but I thought that was more a 'figure of speech'...I'm not a kid anymore and I've got some 'baggage' to unpack so...

Jesus: think I don't know that? You're the same as everyone else when it comes to the have to learn to let go of your 'old ways' and learn to live the 'Kingdom ways'...

Like what?

Jesus: what you keep your eyes on...for the Kingdom it doesn't matter if something is familiar or not because your FOCUS is on ME not your circumstances...those will always be changing but I never will...I'm the same Security is in Me...not your circumstances...that's .the FIRST lesson... it's all based on a Mom or Dad taking their child for a walk...the child's not worried...they know they're's well...

Well...OK...I know that you Love me...I'm not questioning that...but I just get 'triggered' sometimes by different things that bring up... stuff from the past that make me feel somewhat 'insecure' or like I have to 'prove' or 'protect''s like I can't help feeling that I feel like I'm 'on my own' to 'figure it out' and 'get it done'...

Jesus: Yes, I know...all my Disciples have wounds to deal with and that is part of the Journey...part of why I focus so much upon GRACE and the POWER of My Spirit because right now no one can see things clearly and all must live by FAITH - not by sight...and that is why it is so important for you to be in Daily Contact with is all part of becoming a NEW CREATION...having the 'Old' pass away and the 'New' come into being...It comes about by the 'RENEWAL OF YOUR MIND'...

That's a lot to deal with...more than I can sort out right now...that's for sure...

Jesus: Right...but you don't have to... so...don't try...It'll just make you more 'introspective'...more 'gerbil wheel' spirituality than 'I AND THOU'...Again...Keep you eyes on Me...I LOVE you...I DO have a PLAN for your CAN Trust Me...

Yeah...-I know what you mean about 'gerbil wheels'...been there done that...

Jesus:  I know...that's why I'm saying all this...Look...I know it's not's all part of the CROSS...part of living in a fallen world with the consequences of a fallen nature and being in a Spiritual Battle with an Enemy who knows your weaknesses...but I have OVERCOME IT ALL...

Whew...OK...So, what now?

Jesus: Two more things and that'll be it for now...but...remember...that when I ask something of you...I am always giving you the GRACE to do it especially when it seems beyond your abilities / power to do...So FIRST..SURRENDER...Give yourself over to Me...that shows your TRUST...and then when the Enemy tempts you with whatever...useless thoughts...vain dreads...anxious imaginations...even appealing to your weakened flesh...just come into MY PRESENCE - just BE with Me - and give the temptation over to Me...I helps when you whisper My Name and bypass your mind by 'praying like the angels' while Uniting your heart with are Giving everything over to Me...Remember...I will WALK with you...your are NOT ALONE...we'll deal with everything together..

.SECONDLY...BE THANKFUL...everyday...for everything...even for the difficult challenges because I especially use them in your life to help you Grow as My Disciple...there is nothing like GIVING THANKS to help you keep your FOCUS upon Me... It changes your outlook...Day by Day...One Day at a Time...So...Just like a 'little child'...We go hand In Hand...On our way....HOME...TOGETHER...

Ok...I'll really try to do those things everyday...Oh...and speaking of Hands...I noticed You still have your they hurt?...

Jesus: Not any more...

Well, you're supposed to have a New Body so then why do You still have your Wounds?

Jesus: Well... They're now just part of Who I AM...they show what's in My Heart for you...and...just like you... they'll always be with Me...Now...Let's continue our Journey...We've got a ways to go...

Reflection / Discussion:

-What struck you about this poem? Why?
-How can you apply to your walk with the Lord?
-Are 'useless thoughts...vain dreads...anxious imaginations temptations in your life? How?
-What is 'gerbil wheel' spirituality?
-How can you grow each day to: 1. BE in His Presence 2. be Thankful? 
-How does this poem describe dealing with temptations?
-What is 'praying like the angels' mean?
-How does it help realizing Jesus still has signs of His Wounds? 

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