1. Without Grace....you're screwed...so...Ask and you shall Receive!
2. If you want to live an Abundant Life....don't make it all about "me", but, rather, "Thee".
3 .Self-reliance is a gerbil wheel stirring up anxiety and self-absorption. Trusting in the Lord
brings Peace. .
4. Always get the help you need ..before it's too late to ask
5. If you're in serious sin...run to Confession....but...make sure you look both ways.
6. In choosing a marriage partner....watch out for mudslides.
7. If you're not sure about a decision...wait...discern...talk it through with a wise person, take it
to the Lord in prayer until you are at peace.
8. If your future spouse doesn't love the Lord, be careful. Better to be on the same page, so,
you might have to 'turn the page' because it's best to be of one mind and heart.
9. Forgiving your offender doesn't let them off the hook...it lets you off the hook.
10. If you don't believe Satan is real...he's already got you where he wants you.
11. If you live by your feelings....you're definitely a fool and easily deceived by Satan...and,
BTW, you really can't fly like a bird no matter how confident you feel.
12. If you support those who promote abortion, you are complicit in murder so...Repent before
it's too late.
13. Beware...those who always accuse are gaslighting.
14. If your lifestyle is not centered around the Lord...you are possibly a second away from
eternal death..
15. Faith, Hope and Love are not feelings but, rather, decisions. So, ask for the Grace
to Believe...Trust...and Love and it shall be yours...but...it will be challenging...and that is good.
16. If you believe you have to perform in order to be loved by the Lord, you believe a lie.
17. To follow Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior is True Freedom not slavery.
18. It is only because Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead that we can become a
New Creation and love as He Loved.
19. A lifestyle centered around Jesus brings Life now and forever but, without Jesus, it becomes
a death-style, now and likely forever- so, change your mind..ie repent...and live a New Life.
20. True Fulfillment...Happiness...Meaning...Purpose in Life is only found in the Eternal.. Infinite.. Perfect...not the Temporal... Finite...Imperfect which will all pass away.
21. A life of sacrificial love is only possible by Grace so Ask...Seek...Knock and it shall be yours,
but, be prepared for purification.
22. If you love the Lord, you are never alone.
23. Don't waste your suffering...let Jesus transform it by offering it up to Him for those you love.
24.We are not meant to live our lives separate from one another, so, find a support group that your lives in the Lord may thrive together.
25. With the Lord there is always MORE... so...go for it.
26. Jesus never compels...He only knocks on the door of your heart....patiently...lovingly...
persistently...and you are free to open it or not along with all the eternal consequences.
27. There is Grace for your every need so...Ask...Seek...Knock because you are His Beloved.
28. Living for fame...wealth...pleasure...success...material possessions are simply illusions /
deceptions...in the end, they all easily fit into your casket.
29. Don't just rely on your own efforts which only lead to frustration...anxiety and endless
self-criticism...rather, let the Holy Spirit be your source of strength and peace.
30. When you think you simply need to try harder...stop...humbly admit your need and ask for Grace.
31. Today, concern yourself with intentionally loving the Lord and those around you...yesterday is past
and, as for tomorrow...wait until it is today.
32. Trials test the soul, challenging our faith, trust and love, be grateful and rely on His Grace for you are being purified and united to the One Crucified for your Holiness.
33. The world-wide killer-plague that affects every human being is Sin which only has one cure.
34. Jesus is Alive, Real and Loves you and everything changes when you invite Him to be your
personal Lord and Savior.
35. Asserting that all truth is relative is an Absolute statement and, therefore, is illogical and incorrect.
36. Children belong to their parents, not the local school board. Indoctrination, secrecy, agendas or
grooming do not belong in children's education. Parents form children, not schools.
37 Changing your gender is a fiction and lie. Gender / Sex are the same biological DNA and are fixed.
Those who seek to change such an objectively true reality need our love and empathy to help them
accept their God-given reality from birth.
38. Men / males cannot have babies...do not menstruate...and shouldn't be in women's / female
locker rooms nor compete in their sports. That's not hate / disrespect but, rather, love, logic, justice and respect.
39. Realize that the affirmation and love you so desperately seek and that impels you to superficial yet life-long harmful physical transformations is already yours in Christ Jesus....you have but to ask and you shall receive.
40. LGBTQ+ were not born that way but, rather, wounded that way and can become a New Creation
in Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
41. DEI is a L I E and should be spelled DIE...just ask your favorite NFL / NBA team.
42. Colleges should teach students HOW to think...NOT....WHAT to think....China does that, not
USA...well....at least those colleges not Woke...if there are any.
43. "My truth / your truth" is, in reality, about "preferences / opinions" not objective truth.
44. "To speak the truth in Love" is not "hate speech" but "love speech" meaning "to will the good of
the other".
45. In making decisions, feelings are only part of the story and need to be evaluated by our intellect
in light of other pertinent factors before acted upon by our will, and, BTW, confer with someone
you trust. It will help clarify your thinking.
46. Killing 60M+ babies... child puberty blockers...minor children's mutilation... child
trafficking...over 550,000 unaccompanied border children, pronoun secrecy, grooming /
indoctrination of children...'Houston....we have a problem'....and it's the "Left".
47. All the accolades of fame...wealth...success... pleasure... unfortunately can't be heard from
one's final resting-place.
48 "I did it my way!" (not 'Thy' Way) - everybody in hell says that.
49. Sleeping around, year after year, isn't exactly the best way to prepare to be a faithful spouse
nor inspire your spouse's confidence in you. Change your mind, and, Believe the Good News.
50 We all deserve eternal punishment for our sins, but Jesus paid the price for our salvation because
He Loves us. The question is....will you ask for His Mercy and Love Him in return?
Reflection / Discussion
-Which proverbs struck you and why?
-Do you disagree with any and why?
-Are there any controversial ones? why?
=Is truth relative or absolute? why?
-How do you go for more with the Lord?
-Why is sin a deadly plague?
-Do you have a proverb of your own? What is it?
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