no...that is a Myth were not
'born that way' Truth you were
wounded that way...for indeed...
All are wounded...each person
suffers from the consequences
of Original Sin...each one bears
the fruit of that fateful decision to
become like 'gods' deciding what
is good / evil for themselves...easily
led astray by distorted emotions
attracted to evil...a darkened intellect
easily deceived and a will rooted in
rebellious pride...but there is an even
more sinister evil and
more powerful Enemy who seeks
your eternal destruction through
his cunning accusations...sophisticated
lies and murderous intentions all
wrapped in the cloak of his supposed
non-existence...yes...each human
is born into this debilitated condition
yearning for love / affirmation / acceptance /
affection and attention - the bonding that
pre-existed the Fall - each born into
fallen families / relationships where sins
of omission / commission - many times
traumatic experiences - lead to soul ties -
harmful attachments that open doors to sin
and the influence of the evil one whose
lies about yourself / others / Me often
lead to walls being erected between yourself
and Me and then are reinforced by vows /
decisions putting into practice destructive
behaviors which seal one's false identity...
all this gift-wrapped in deceptive ideologies
from a depraved world which celebrate
and coercively promote compulsive spiritual
death-styles in this life and into the next...
false idols of lust which enslave all-the-
while purporting freedom / liberty...
So...Listen to the Truth....I Created you out
of Love to become My Beloved Child -
that is your True
were Immutably Created Male or Female
for a Complementary Union of Mutual
Self-Giving which mirrors the Trinitarian
Mystery and by Grace to Live with Me
Forever but because Sin severed our
Union I sent My Only-Begotten Son to
take your sins and Just Punishment upon
Himself and pay the price of a torturous
Death then Rise in Triumph over Sin /
Satan so that YOU might be Saved from
Eternal Death...Yes...ALL your Eternal...
Infinite...Perfect Needs / Desires can be
realized beginning in this life and Fulfilled
in the Next...IF you Accept My Grace to
Change your Mind / Repent and Believe
this Good News by Accepting Jesus as
your Lord and Savior and Choosing to
Brake from the Past by Forgiving those
who sinned against you ..acknowledging
and giving over your wounds to the Healer
of Hearts...Renouncing vows and lies...
closing doors...breaking seals and
cutting soul ties...declaring your True
Identity in Christ...Surrendering All and
being Transformed by a Renewal of your
Mind...Getting Support of Brothers /
Sisters in the Lord...Embracing a New
Way of Living and Purpose in Life to
serve the King of Kings /Lord of Lord
and by the Power of the Holy Spirit to
Change and be Healed...a Reality but
also a My Word says...
"My Grace is sufficient for you for My
Power is made perfect in weakness"...for
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a New Creation,
old things have passed away, behold all
things have become new." So...Seek First
the Kingdom of God acknowledging that
"I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me"
Reflection / Discussion:
-What are the consequences of Original Sin?
-How have you experienced them in your life?
-How did others' sins of commission / omission affect you?
-How can you forgive when you may still feel the pain?
-What lies did you believe that influenced your decision making?
-What sins opened the door to a death-style?
-What soul ties / vows / decisions sealed the lies that led to a sinful life-style?
Brake/ Renounce them in the Name of Jesus and Repent.
-Pray: "Lord Jesus, Please forgive me for... and Come into my Heart and
be my Lord and Savior. I surrender my life to You."
-What does that mean spiritually and practically?
-What is God's Plan for Sexuality?
-How do feelings / intellect / will interrelate in decision making?
-How is Conversion / Healing a Reality and a Process?
-Find a Support Group in Christ.
-Contact encounterministries.usa for prayer support.
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