My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Ingenious Decption

taking offense at objective facts -                
even when they are presented simply...              
clearly...respectfully with no other                                                              
intention than love of the other...                       
desiring the healing good of self-
acceptance as Created by their                  
Heavenly Father - is an ingenious                
deception as if you are disrespecting                
the receiver by 'hatefully' contradicting 
their cherished yet totally subjective                   
cornerstone of their confused identity 
system nonsensically and sadly 
constructed upon ever so shifting 
sands of disoriented feelings lived 
out daily in emotional decision-making 
the fruit of which has logically led to 
harvests of personal misery while 
clinging to delusional distortions of 
reality fiercely asserted yet erupting 
in endless hours of insecurity and 
eternal anxious imaginations of self-
preoccupation and yet now here you 
are having the audacity to question 
their otherwise affirmed identification
hoping they may see the light of reality 
through the fog of deception and help 
lead them to begin a new journey to joy /
peace by realizing that their true / rock-
solid identity is a Beloved Child of God 
Made in His Image and Likeness and by
Grace a Beloved Disciple of Jesus Filled 
as a Temple of the Holy Spirit and from 
Conception Created with God-given DNA 
all of which opens the door of meaning /
purpose in this life and Eternal Joy in 
the next...but are  accused
of having the unmitigated gall to suggest 
they read an article which presents logical 
and robust scientific arguments contradicting 
their subjective feelings of self-identity 
which though humanly / biologically 
impossible to change are aided and abetted 
by a life-sentence of prescription drugs and 
proven by superficial external indicators 
and vehemently purported by preferred 
pronouns and last-but-not-least radically 
ratified by irreversible mutilating medical 
procedures - all distorted attempts of so-called
'gender affirming care' - carried out by 
the now defunct 'do no harm' Medical 
Practitioners - which if not offered - are 
considered disrespectful / reprehensible 
leading supposedly to suicide and therefore
condemned vociferously and so you 
should stop with the offensive suggestion
that they consider an alternative solution 
of Therapy as well as a Spiritual Awakening 
which is so contrary to their now entrenched 
lifestyle and a 'carpet-bombing' to their 
indoctrinated  identity infrastructure where 
true is false and false is true and the abnormal 
is normalized so often initiated at a vulnerable / 
insecure age by agenda-driven ideologues 
masquerading as empathetic Counsellors only 
interested in introducing / guiding gullible 
minors in to an 'exciting journey of self-discovery' 
yet hidden from their parents who in many 
instances will lose custody if are found to not 
support their child's transition who BTW 
is too young to buy tobacco or
get married...get a credit card...have a resume...
start a a car... get a mortgage...
be a medication and yet can decide 
which of the plethora of genders they feel they 
are today and maybe change tomorrow only then to  
make life-long alterations to their bodies leading 
for many to a regret-filled / painful de-transition 
in the are the one accused of 
abuse by refusing to bow down to the Identity 
Idols by not endorsing their hallucination / 
self-mutilation / self-destructive
stop with the 'love-talk' and professed concern 
for their 'true happiness and eternal welfare' 
because it is so 'hateful' to 'attack' these courageous 
children with so-called 'scientific data' which are 
so hurtful /embarrassing / having no place in their 
enlightened world of a new age / life-saving 
gender adventure in which you are not welcomed 
to have a voice nor place at the table since you are 
obviously a horrible / abusive bigot who spreads 
propaganda that only leads to despair and death... you go or we will call the thought-police 
to serve your - hopefully - never-ending sentence 
of public humiliation / isolation / cancelation...
and there you have it...all in ingenious 
deception...and the demons love it...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Define True / False...Objective / Subjective...Real / Imaginary
-Is this description accurate or a fantasy?
-Why? What proof can you offer?
-What is happening in Canada...Great Britain...Netherlands about this subject?
-When / where / who started all this?
-What is the process of 'de-transition'? 
-Put faces / biographies on those de-transitioning.
-How does social media play an crucial role in all this?
-Why do you still have your children in government schools?


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