My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Poison

I see your wounds...
I know how you have been 
hurt...each has impacted your life...
yes... you have been changed
and didn't deserve
to be treated that way whether
by sins of commission or omission 
they were egregious....plain and simple...
it was wrong...but...still...I call 
you to Forgive...not for their sake
but for yours...Unforgiveness
is a Poison for your soul...
it's as if when you consume the
contents of its cup you expect 
your offender to does 
nothing to punish the transgressor...
they could care only destroys 
the one who imbibes its toxicity 
in a futile attempt at an execution 
of justice but whose caustic fruit 
blossoms on your tree of bitterness 
deformed from its diseased roots -
demons' deceptions / accusations /
lies falsely promising retribution
for your offender but in reality
you are the only one who reaps
the dark harvest in your soul -
not only in this life but jeopardizing
the as I 
Forgive Merciful as 
you have received My Mercy...
that is the Antidote for the Poison 
of Unforgiveness... and....notice...
I did not say 'Trust'...that must be
earned...but...if you do not Forgive...
how then can you expect Me to Forgive 
you?...the Fruit of Forgiveness allows 
you to no longer be oppressed by 
resentment...repressed hatred...
suppressed victimhood and the
triggered emotions which erupt 
at any given moment...think about
this.. who has been more Unjustly 
treated than I?...despised / rejected /
mocked / cruelly tortured...Profanity 
of Profanities -The Son of God...
Crucified! - yet even in My 
weakened humanity I asked My 
Father to Forgive is 
My Offer to you...Grace to... Forgive...
Let go of your offender's punishment...
Pour out the cup of poison...
Give your offender over to Me...
Trusting Me to Heal your wounds 
no longer being infected by your 
sins of hatred / revenge.. but...what 
of your pain?...the suffering thrust 
upon you?...the hurtful memories 
arriving without notification?...the 
struggles to let go?...your feelings 
of frustration at your perpetrator's 
lack of repentance?... Know that -
even here - I make all things 
work for good for those who
Love Me...I Offer you the 
Opportunity to Join your suffering
with My Passion for the sake of 
those you love...a Deeper Union 
of  our Hearts...a Transformation
for the sake of the Kingdom...
and Know as well that I AM the 
Just One...the One who brings Justice -
whether in this life or the next -
My Grace is Offered to All - both
to Repent and to Forgive - for
All have sinned and fallen short
from the Glory of the Father...
I Am the Way...Truth...Life...
Each is Free to Come to My
Consider and Choose...It is 
Freedom if you Receive...A 
Painful Captivity if you Refuse...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is it crucial for your well-being to forgive?
-Why is it difficult to forgive?
-What is the relationship between your feelings and your will in forgiving?
-Have you experienced the Grace to Forgive? How?
-Have you experienced the poison of unforgiveness? How?
-How does 'letting go' of an Offender bring healing?
-If you have sinned against anyone and not repented to them...ask for Grace and take care of it.
-How does this poem describe 'Redemptive Suffering'? 
-Have you experienced that?  How?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Gene, so well put! Hope you and those you love are well.
