My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Final Word

the Simplicity of
Life in the Lord is
Promised to all who Decide to
Follow Him as His Disciple- a
Journey from Eden by way of
Gethsemane through Calvary into
Eternal Life by the Power of the
Holy Spirit...despite all the complexities
of our lives which are blended with
suffering not of our own choosing 
by having to bear the consequences
of our fallen nature with all its
wounds / fiery distortions distilling
life through self's broken prism 
as well as when it is a byproduct of
a Wounding Process that includes
the sins of others against us..
our vows in response based on
the Enemy's accusations / lies
leading to our serious sins which can
get embedded into our ways of 
thinking / behavior / identity- that is-
our own Complicity...sinful / selfish 
decisions / attachments to this world's 
ways / ...all oriented to enthrone 
oneself in the kingdom of /
absorption  / will / rebellion / pleasures... now our 'old self' -
encased with a 'hardness' that must 
be Pierced by His Love in order to
'free' us to 'Love as He Loves'- is like a
multi-level building which now we 
are tasked to remodel from the 
ground up into the Pattern of a 'New 
Creation' by embracing a Healing Process 
having renewed our Commitment to 
'Take up our Cross and Follow Him' ..
and thus Willing to bear whatever Price
that must be Paid to Enter that 
Bright Portal on the Narrow Road to 
Eternity's Perfect Union...
Discipleship / Growing in Holiness /
Becoming a Man / Woman of God /
Renewing our Minds / Putting to
Death the deeds of the Flesh /
Being Perfect as our Heavenly
Father is Perfect....all come down to 
One Thing...Purification of the 'old self' 
while 'Putting On' the 'New Self'..
Sanctification...Growing in Holiness...
it sounds complicated / way too difficult...
and you may say...I even have trouble 
trying to exercise regularly let alone 
thinking about the "Way of the Cross'...
remember though....we are not 'in charge' 
so therefore we don't have to figure all this 
out by ourselves...'He who Loves us" is 
'in Charge'... and 'how' He 'Brings us into
Perfect Union with Himself' is up to Him...not us...
Therefore He will 'Allow' many 'Trials'
to overshadow us 'Along the Way' -
securities taken away...relationships in / financial challenges...
persecution...doubts / fears about the future..
so many storms of life...more than we can count...
all of which Bring our Weaknesses into the 
Bullseye of His Target Range - His
Purposeful Graces of Purification -  
at the same time we come to 'Know' His
Love and Faithfulness in ever deeper ways...
He becomes our 'Joy' and 'Peace' more and more...
we Grow in our ability to 'Trust' Him Even 
with our Very Lives...we have been Gifted 
with the Holy Spirit - Power to do what 
we cannot do on our own- as well as
'Brothers and Sisters in the Lord' to support 
each other..His Word and Teaching to
Instruct / Form / Encourage us...His Body and Blood
to Nourish us...we are Called to Follow Him 
who Promised to Never Leave Nor Forsake us...
Yes but... where is the 'Simplicity' in all
of this? Where do we even begin?  it seems
overwhelming...well...that's because it is...
it is supposed to is beyond us..
left to ourselves we would all too easily 
fall back into striving / discouragement /
even Pride in our own 'accomplishments' 
instead of Humbly Thanking Him...
He Knows our weakness and is Bringing us
Closer to Himself one step at a time in 
such a Way that we can Only Rely upon Him..
it is the Secret of the Saints...those who have 
Walked before us in His Footsteps up that 
Hill where He Bore our every suffering /
sin / that 'He could Free us'...
not... 'we free ourselves' is a Cleansing that
Only He Can Do...which we can Only Receive 
as we Cooperate with His Spirit in us...
How?...What does that Mean?...Ask Him...
'Present yourself as a Living Sacrifice'..
Wait upon Him...Let Him Lead...He has a 
Plan for us...Let Him Do It..Depend upon Him...
Take Time each day to Be with Him...
Be Real...Speak what we are feeling / 
thinking...ALL of it.....Listen.....And ...
By / with / in His Grace...Say His 'Final Word'...

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is it important to be 'Real' / 'speak what you are thinking / feeling' in your prayer life -doesn't 
  He already know those things?  If you don't....then
-Is it easier or harder to pray in times of difficulty? Why?
-What is the 'Secret of the Saints'?
-How does the 'Final Word' express the epitome of 'Simplicity of Life in the Lord'?
-What do 'feelings' have to do with 'Faith'?
-How is the Lord 'Purifying' you now?
-How do you find support in the midst of these challenges?
-What have you learned through your 'trials / suffering'? 
-Have you gained or lost ground in your Relationship with the Lord through you trials? How / Why?
-What do you need to do to 'keep on keeping on'?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Template

Trials present challenges to 
our Faith which we would
rather not have to deal with
more-often-than-not overwhelming
our comfort-level of Trust
leaving us grasping for answers
that do not readily appear even
after exhaustive pleading to
the Lord to whom we have firmly
committed ourselves / believed in
His Love for us but Who now seems 
alarmingly distant / very quiet
resulting in and often yielding to 
temptations of doubt / fear /
anxiety which leads to us just 
'trying harder' to Trust which 
puts you firmly on the 'treadmill of
self-reliance' and into the 'revolving
doors' of frustration / discouragement / 
self-pity / more effort to Trust
while not 'understanding' what's
going on or how to 'solve this
predicament' and just 'putting our
head down / putting one foot in 
front of the other with teeth tightly
clenched in resolve to come out
of all this in one piece' or worst of up believing that 'all
this doesn't really work' to which
I're doesn't...but
then ask there another Way? 
yes...there is a Template to Follow...
it is the 'Way of the Cross' which 
began in the Garden's Agonizing
Resolution to Accept Calvary's Price
for the Forgiveness of our Debts...a
Pattern of Death-to-Self...Humility...
Surrendering to the Father's Will...
Acknowledging our utter weakness...
our inability to overcome the 
Pride of the Fall by ourselves...
our Full and Final Dependence
upon His Strength to bear this Cross...
Joining our Offering with His for
the sake of those we Love...
Trusting in His Merciful Love...
Accepting this Trial in Faith that He
Knows what He is doing even if we 
are struggling to see His Purposes...
Relying upon Him to Give us 
His Perseverance / Patient Endurance...
it is Essential that we tell Him of our 
deepest anguish...transparently
reveal our true self to Him even
though He already knows it all
for only then can He address our
true self Wounded from Eden...
the World and our Sinful Complicity...
that which we often hide from others...
sometimes even ourselves when we 
don't want to face the pain...
All is Grace...Salvation...Redemption...
Sanctification...Heaven...face to Face
with Father...Son...Holy Spirit...
Eternal Joy and Peace...All is Grace...
so too is our Daily Life in Christ...
every Trial...every Challenge...
every 'Revelation of His Love'
Don't just 'try harder'...Let go of 
'self reliance'...Ask for every little 
thing we need...Grace to...Accept 
our 'Neediness'...Rely upon Him not 
ourselves...Be Transparent...Be open 
to Share our Inner Self with others in 
the Lord...Keep our eyes upon Him...
Trust Him...Believe His Word...Pray - 
not less but more...Overcome 
temptations...Faith in His Will for us...
His Plans / Timing for this Situation..
Love especially when we don't feel 
we can right now....Draw us Closer 
to Him through this Trial...Teach us
what He wants us to Learn.....Surrender / 
Acceptance of this Trial...Thank Him 
for His Abundant Graces...Faithfulness...
this Present Situation...Knowing that... 
we are Not Alone and that 'All things work 
for Good for those who Love Him and 
are Called According to His Purpose'...

Reflection / Discussion:
-What is the 'Template' for dealing with Trials?
-How does your experience of Trials compare to the above description?
-Talk about your experience of a significant Trial in your life.
-What is your experience of 'self-reliance' vs dependence on the Lord?
-Why is 'humility' essential in the Christian Life?
-How are you 'broken' by Eden / World / our Complicity of sin?
-Find supportive relationships if you don't have any.
-Do you have a daily prayer time / Scripture prayer time? Why / not?


Friday, June 5, 2020

The Subjugation

having enslaved you to porn the
Enemy clearly understands your
weaknesses... he is well-aware of the
wounding in your life which began
your journey into this rabbit-hole because
he orchestrated it from the beginning..
unbeknownst to you he cunningly
deals to you from a stacked deck laughing
while you go 'all-in' every time
expecting to win the jackpot only to
lose once again going deeper into
deception's debt...he delights in your
delicious destruction as you
'take the bait' expecting so much
but gaining so little yet loving the
enchanting enticements despite
momentary hesitations which you
then sweep aside by unrestrained
proficient passions submissively
surrendering to exorbitant expectations-
bewitched once again- while he
licks his lips at your incessant
seduction by his temptations..
ensnaring you in a pitiful cycle of
spiritual suicide as you also willingly
cooperate in the artful destruction of
all that you hold dear yet putting up
with the bouts of shame / guilt which
leave you discouraged / depressed
at your vice-gripped  increasingly
passionless marriage but tellingly
not so much that you are willing to
let go of compelling portrayals of
alluring charms which bring-up
imagination's intrusively graphic
images at the most inopportune times
as well as nightly visitations while
you restlessly slumber next to your
now less-than-enticing wife for....
how can she compete with those
lovelies who get paid to beguile
you? then would she
ever understand...especially the
really weird
keep it under wraps...not a word..
makes things kind of awkward eh?
but...think about this...did you realize
there were demons involved in this
whole thing?....and not just one
but many who conspire flawlessly
to bolster your bondage through
using your memory and imagination
as their personal playground for
their XXX expert portrayals pushing
your cravings for the unattainable which
is exactly what will continue to entice you..
the groundwork for this snare was laid
long ago in a beautiful / bountiful
garden watched over by an unsuspecting
couple duped by Satan himself leaving
their progeny wounded for
seek pride's fulfillment by self-centered /
autonomous decisions while their
passions chaffed under directives from
an intellect darkened by deception
as well as a will weakened by
evasive emotions eagerly seeking
gratification without any securities
thus leaving all of us vulnerable to
the craftiness of the Evil one who
lured you into seduction's grasp...but
this wasteland story had a starting-point-..
you did not go from purity to porn
overnight...from victor to vanquished
without being set-up for this plunge
into much of the
following may be new to you applying
to each according to their circumstances...
you were wounded by the sins of others
who were entrusted with your care...
sins of omission / commission...lied-to
by Satan and his then
believed those deceptions...vowed /
made decisions in response- sometimes
sinful ones- so everything would be on
your own terms to protect yourself...
you would be the master....only trust
yourself while pushing the pain way
down out of sight / consciousness and
do what you feel is best for you..
rebel at unwanted authorities...restrictions..
unknowingly being submissively led by
demons through well-worn paths of compensatory
searches finally arriving at your dreamland
destination of porn- the ready-made choice to
finally find relief from the pain...distractions
from carrying all that
there's something to look forward to...
so sound the trumpets for your
subjugation now officially begins....but then..
the Lord reached out to you...revealed
His Love for surrendered /
decided to follow Him...gave your
life to Him...repented of you sins..
resolved to Serve Him First...yet
here you are...sins you many times
repented for still plague you.....
but now you know the source but
maybe not the intricacies of how
you got here...that you need to
take to Lord who gives you His
Mother...Our Lady of Sorrows to
Accompany you through a Process
of Inner Healing / Deliverance...she
will bring you to Her Son's Sacred
Heart there to reveal your wounds...
who and how of sins against you...
their effects...the false  interpretations..
the vows / decisions...conscious or
unconscious...Grace to forgive...
repent of your own sins which
entrenched thinking / behaviors
leading you into captivity...renounce
the specific demons and their lies
which have had a hold on you ..
rediscover the Truth about yourself...
your True Identity in the Lord....
knowing more deeply of His
Love for you....doing all this
with others with whom you can
fight together for freedom by the
Power of the Holy Spirit bringing
discipline from prayer and fasting....
you need help...ask the Lord for
direction...for the humility to be
transparent with brothers in the Lord.
no longer hiding your struggles... evading
the Light... lurking in the Darkness....
Jesus is the Victor...has defeated the Enemy....
Ask and you shall Receive...
Knock and it shall be opened to you...
Resist the Devil and he will flee but..
do the work...make the effort..
no longer run away from the pain but
face it with His Courage and Perseverance
because it will not be easy nor quick...rather
you shall be transformed by Grace and
Fire...burning away impurities in the
furnace of tribulation the end...
you shall Rejoice in His Mercy and Love
for He Shall Never Leave you Nor
Forsake you...for He is in the Process of
remaking you in His Image and Likeness
to be Holy- Set Aside for His
Stand and Fight

Reflection / Discussion:

-How did you get here?
-What was you 'Wounding Process' ...sins against you...lies...vows / decisions that
  laid the groundwork for your subjugation to seduction?
-For more info: John Paul ll Healing Center. Tallahassee, Florida
-Find someone / group to support your journey to freedom.
-Pray daily / study Scripture / receive the Sacraments / go to Adoration.
-Find out how to deal with Demons.
-Talk with Mother Mary-Our Lady of Sorrows- when you are tempted...
  think about it...talking with Purity Herself about your desire for impurity... for
  she takes you directly into the Sacred Heart of Jesus.