let's see...how should I put this?
how about....without Grace...you're
done....finished...kaput....nope -
can't make it...no chance...zilch...
zero....nada....not only in this
passing life but totally in the eternal
life to come...or to put it more crassly...
you're screwed....why do I say that?...
well...let's think about it...
with just a cursory glance at history
the corruption of the human condition
screams out its wounded nature for
anyone who cares to examine its ghastly
behavior in all its evil wars...concentration /
death camps...holocausts....totalitarian
re-education centers...slavery...religious
persecutions.. .Nazis...Communists...
Terrorists....Mafia...Cartels....now...all of
that might seem somewhat distant to a lot
of people so...then...how about somethings
a little more 'nightly news' like...
why are there such things as...
police....jails...soaring crime / murder rates..
child abuse...infidelity...self-defense classes...
security systems...guns...guard dogs....
fences.....ID's...speed limits...even
locking your home / car doors?....
then how about the great cultural issues
such as the killing fields of abortion then
selling the baby parts for research...
addictive behaviors destroying families for
generations as one disorder causes others-
falling like dominoes - 'baby daddies' / 'baby
mommies' instead of Fathers and Mothers
creating a spider-web of chaos / crime...
dropouts...joblessness... poverty which captures
young and old alike gasping for breath in the
air of fear / despair and then...last but certainly
not least...if you dare and are honest with yourself...
look in the mirror...have you ever lied?...cheated /
stolen?...given into lust using others for your own
pleasure?...maybe porn?....how are you at forgiving
others?...asking for forgiveness?...how about 'taking
the Lord's name in vane'?...any unhealthy habits in
your life?...self-indulgence?...anger / hatred /
resentment issues?...any selfishness?...how are you
at serving others' needs? self-sacrifice?...do you
'worship false gods' ie. build your life around things
like money...reputation...power...sex...Satan's shiny
objects instead of the 'Pearl of Great Price'...or something
more coarse like 'anything goes as long as it makes
you happy...what you want...whenever you want...
with whomever you want...?
so, now... what is your assessment of the human
condition after a brief glance at history...society /
culture...the news...yourself?....
all that has been described above has a name -
it is called Sin which is Evil because it separates
us from the Lord and one another and those who
sin - embrace evil - are called Sinners...that's the
state of the human condition -a matter of fact -
and, then, after a life of sinning comes death...
and then, comes Judgement...Heaven or Hell...
and if. that's the end of the story...you're screwed...
BUT...that's NOT the end...there is ONE who
stands in the breach...a Savior...
Jesus is the Way...Truth.....Life...He bore all
your sins / guilt / punishment and put them to
death through the horror of the Cross out of
Love for you... personally... then Rose to a New
Life which He now offers you....in a Word...
Grace...a Free Gift...to be "Divinized'...but
just as with any gift...it must be accepted....
you must decide whether or not to receive
Him as your Personal Lord and Savior...you
must CHOOSE to accept His Mercy / Forgiveness /
Grace or reject it...and, BTW...NOT to choose
IS a choice...then to let Him begin to transform
you through the Power of the Holy Spirit to
'Put to death the deeds of the flesh'... by living
a New Way of Life to Love Him Above All...
then one another.. a Journey to Freedom.by
forming you into a New Creation...His Disciple..
but....that's just the Beginning...it will be a
Battle because...
you still bear the wounds of Original Sin...
you are attracted to that which will
harm you...and Satan- our Enemy - still wars
against you through temptations...deceptions...
accusations to destroy you in this life and
therefore in the next...the 'world' -the Godless
Culture -is still in Satan's hands...many fight
against the Kingdom of God but your Calling
is the same...you are commissioned by Him -
just as the first Disciples -to 'Preach the Good
News' / Witness by your words / deeds that
Jesus is the Answer to the Human Condition...
So...yes...All is Grace...and yes without it...
you're screwed...not only in this life but Forever..
Reflection / Discussion:
-The Lord hates your sins...do you?
-What is Original Sin?
-What are its consequences?
-How does your life manifest this condition?
-Where do you struggle?
-Have you decided to follow Jesus- to accept His Grace?
-If not, what is holding you back?
-What does it mean to be 'Divinized'?
-Find someone to help you navigate this decision.
- Find a support group / vibrant Church to be part of
-How does your life manifest your choice?
-What are you doing to grow in that relationship?
-How are you helping others to make that decision?
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