My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Accompaniment

I knew she was there
persevering till the end
steadfast throughout My Passion
despite her powerlessness to
change the outcome...
step by step she valiantly 
shared My Cross by joining
her agony with Mine as
swords of sorrow
pierced her precious heart
while nails fastened Me to
My obscured Throne-
forever to become the symbol
of My Love for you-
there she remained at
My side vainly attempting to 
soothe My Wounds with caressing
glances of Motherly love
though seeing her mournful 
countenance only added more 
distress to My final Offering...
yet still...I was grateful for the 
ministry of her pensive presence 
which nevertheless strengthened 
My determination as I infused her 
heartache into My Sacrificial Gift...
and then... with great humility she
resolutely received My Calling to..
-be a Mother for all who follow Me.
-be their Comfort so that they too
 can accompany their beloved
-be a source of strength to their 
 human frailty as they imitate her 
 faithful love by also offering their 
 sacrifice with Mine as they trek the
 well-worn path to Calvary trusting 
 that together with their Heavenly 
 Mother they and their loved one 
 shall one day gaze upon the Face 
 of their Resurrected Savior by
 finishing their Race and thus 
 capturing the Crown of
 Everlasting Life

Reflection / Discussion:

-What does "accompaniment" mean?
-How is Mary the supreme example of that?
-What does it take to do that?
-What can you learn from her journey?
-Where can you get support if you are on that journey?
-What does "offering their sacrifice with Mine" imply?
-Describe your relationship with Mary.
-Do you think of her as your Mother?  Why / not?
-How can you grow in that relationship?

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Detachment

because of your fallen nature-
the inheritance from
Original Sin-whereby your
intellect is darkened and
subject to deception while
your will is weakened and
vulnerable to emotional manipulation
which can trigger unhealthy
offensive / defensive reactions
in addition you are attracted then
attached to many things of which
some are harmless in themselves-
preferences you might say-
but which nevertheless nourish
your self-satisfaction...
others are chosen because they
will patronize your pride-the
driving force for ego's
self-aggrandizement in a world of
egos fighting for attention-
still others because they feed
your natural inclination for pleasure-
risking self-indulgence's transition of
attraction into obsession
choice into compulsion
joy into into death
thus in light of this Reality / Condition
and by reason of your Calling to be
Holy as Jesus is Holy-Set Aside for
His Glory-you are called to appropriate
The Way of the Cross by
following the Lord's example of
letting go of everything precious-
even life itself-to accomplish the
Father's Will out of Love- a
Graced-Pursuit of putting to death
the deeds of the flesh and turning
away from the things of this world
whose demonic prince possesses
enticements of every kind-shiny objects
appealing to your distorted passions-
tempting you in the end to "eat of the
forbidden fruit" unto death...
but The Way is much different...
simple yet sublime..."Ask and
you shall receive"...Grace to
"detach from and attach to"
out of Love for Jesus...
this Spiritual Combat is the
Death-to-Self and this World vs.
Life-in-the-Spirit-a detachment journey
from...your old ways to His New Ways....
your thoughts to His Thoughts...
your will to His Will...control to Surrender...
self-reliance to Dependence...
pride to Humility...passion-trinkets to
the Pearl of Great Price...idols of the Lord
and Savior... possessions that possess you to
Holy Indifference.. the enthronement
of your feelings to the Truth of
His Word...distrusting yourself to
Trusting the Lord....pleasing others to
pleasing the Lord...your reputation to
His are
endowed with Spiritual Eyes to
see beyond this passing world to
the Eternal and Infinite World of Love..
Joy...and Peace which flows
from His Pierced Heart...a Grace for
Freedom to Flourish even in this
Veil of Tears all these things you
shall Conquer moment by moment...
experience by experience...
detachment by detachment
ultimately to Attach Only To
Jesus- your "Alpha and Omega...
First and Last...
Beginning and End"...
The Source of All
Truth and Life


-Explain what our "fallen nature" is.
-What is detachment?
-Why is detachment an important Spiritual Principle?
-What does "trigger unhealthy offensive/defensive reactions" mean? Examples?
-What does it mean to "distrust yourself"? Give examples from your life.
-What is something that is difficult for you to detach from? Why?
-How can you implement detachment into your life?
-How can self-indulgence transition into obsession/compulsion?
-What is "Holy Indifference"?
-Why is this process called "Spiritual Combat"?
-How can a Spiritual Director / sharing group help you in your Combat?

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Human Condition

let's should I put this?   
how about....without're 
done....finished...kaput....nope - 
can't make chance...zilch...
zero....nada....not only in this 
passing life but totally in the eternal 
life to come...or to put it more crassly...
you're screwed....why do I say that?...
well...let's think about it...

with just a cursory glance at  history
the corruption of the human condition 
screams out its wounded nature for 
anyone who cares to examine its ghastly 
behavior in all its evil wars...concentration / 
death camps...holocausts....totalitarian 
re-education centers...slavery...religious 
persecutions.. .Nazis...Communists... of 
that might seem somewhat distant to a lot 
of people about somethings 
a little more 'nightly news' like...

why are there such things as...
police....jails...soaring crime / murder rates..
child abuse...infidelity...self-defense classes...
security systems...guns...guard dogs....
fences.....ID's...speed limits...even
locking your home / car doors?....

then how about the great cultural issues 
such as the killing fields of abortion then
selling the baby parts for research...
addictive behaviors destroying families for 
generations as one disorder causes others-
falling like dominoes - 'baby daddies' / 'baby
mommies' instead of Fathers and Mothers  
creating a spider-web of chaos / crime...'s...
dropouts...joblessness... poverty which captures 
young and old alike gasping for breath in the 
air of fear / despair and then...last but certainly 
not least...if you dare and are honest with yourself...

look in the mirror...have you ever lied?...cheated / 
stolen?...given into lust using others for your own
pleasure?...maybe porn? are you at forgiving 
others?...asking for forgiveness? about 'taking
the Lord's name in vane'?...any unhealthy habits in 
your life?...self-indulgence?...anger / hatred /
resentment issues?...any selfishness? are you 
at serving others' needs? self-sacrifice? you 
'worship false gods' ie. build your life around things 
like's shiny
objects instead of the 'Pearl of Great Price'...or something 
more coarse like 'anything goes as long as it makes 
you happy...what you want...whenever you want...
with whomever you want...?

so, now... what is your assessment of the human 
condition after a brief glance at history...society / 
culture...the news...yourself?....

all that has been described above has a name -
it is called Sin which is Evil because it separates
us from the Lord and one another and those who 
sin - embrace evil - are called Sinners...that's the 
state of the human condition -a matter of fact - 
and, then, after a life of sinning comes death...
and then, comes Judgement...Heaven or Hell...
and if. that's the end of the're screwed...
BUT...that's NOT the end...there is ONE who 
stands in the breach...a Savior...

Jesus is the Way...Truth.....Life...He bore all 
your sins / guilt / punishment and put them to 
death through the horror of  the Cross out of 
Love for you... personally... then Rose to a New 
Life which He now offers a Word...
Grace...a Free be "Divinized'...but 
just as with any must be accepted....
you must decide whether or not to receive 
Him as your Personal Lord and 
must CHOOSE to accept His Mercy / Forgiveness / 
Grace or reject it...and, BTW...NOT to choose 
IS a choice...then to let Him begin to transform 
you through the Power of the Holy Spirit to 
'Put to death the deeds of the flesh'... by living 
a New Way of Life to Love Him Above All...
then one another.. a Journey to 
forming you into a New Creation...His Disciple..
but....that's just the will be a 
Battle because...

you still bear the wounds of Original Sin...
you are attracted to that which will
harm you...and Satan- our Enemy -  still wars 
against you through temptations...deceptions...
accusations to destroy you in this life and
therefore in the next...the 'world' -the Godless
Culture -is still in Satan's hands...many fight 
against the Kingdom of God but your Calling 
is the are commissioned by Him -
just as the first Disciples -to 'Preach the Good 
News' /  Witness by your words / deeds that 
Jesus is the Answer to the Human Condition...
So...yes...All is Grace...and yes without it...
you're screwed...not only in this life but Forever..

Reflection / Discussion:

-The Lord hates your you?
-What is Original Sin?
-What are its consequences?
-How does your life manifest this condition?
-Where do you struggle? 
-Have you decided to follow Jesus- to accept His Grace?
-If not, what is holding you back? 
-What does it mean to be 'Divinized'?
-Find someone to help you navigate this decision.
- Find a support group / vibrant Church to be part of
-How does your life manifest your choice?
-What are you doing to grow in that relationship?
-How are you helping others to make that decision?

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Entrapment

yes...that's it...there you go
my little you've 
got it...shouting-out your new
name loud and proud just 
like I knew you would... 
so...let's see if everything
is just the way you like it.-
for now anyway - you're
'fluid' right?...don't want to
be too particular...things can
change quickly you know...
now how about pronouns?...
make then really cool so 
you are even be more 'unique' 
and 'special'... how's about 
'zir' or 'thiz'?...well anyway 
you'll figure it out whenever...
the main thing is that you're 
out now and even though so 
many turn back... don't worry... 
I'll help you grow into your 
new and true self so you won't 
want to - and BTW...wasn't it 
great that your mommy and daddy
left it up to you to choose
who you feel you REALLY 
are? and how about that
all the other kids who were 
waiting and waiting to find
out who you would decide 
to be and then you waltzed in
the classroom so pretty in pink?...
they ALL cheered!! YAY!!
just more of that
yucky "he or him" just
know in your heart this is 
right for one feels 
what you are feeling... and 
that's what you should focus 
on 'cause only you know your 
own truth...nobody else does..
feels good doesn't it?....aren't 
feelings delicious?.. they're 
like my favorite playground!...
anyway, I'm happy for you and 
proud that I have groomed you 
so well - even though you think
it's all your idea but that's ok 
'cause it's actually better that 
way because I can accomplish 
so much more when people 
don't recognize or even believe 
in took a lot of 
effort to 'set the table' for this 
day to happen...wasn't easy...all
the legal 
support...political pressures ..
school and sex ed changes -
Earlier the Better!!  Wow...and
all those lovely 'gender-affirming' 
policies from the medical community 
to encourage your full transition -
'Do No Harm' as their Motto goes -
like how not even parents can keep 
their kids from their destiny...
brilliant moves on my part if I 
do say so myself... but all part of 
the Agenda!- and... last but certainly 
not least- a progressive mafia - though
they don't like that term - that is
well-versed in my "phobia principle" 
to silence any fools out there who
would want to "help"- "hate" is what 
I say- you to work through your
"gender dysphoria" as its now called 
and back into those yucky 'he / his' 
pronouns again that you're so 
uncomfortable with - silly people 
who want to take away your right to 
be whomever you feel you truly are -
such nonsense - they will soon learn 
that despite their capricious nature...
at the end of the day...sincere feelings 
triumph - Oh the Tyranny of it all!... 
So now it's 'full speed ahead' for you 
and countless others to whom I 
deceitfully yet joyfully whisper...
-what about me??
-should I change too??
-how do I feel??
-don't you want to be 'special' too?,,,
encouraging so much insecurity always
helps...such fun to watch them follow 
the "yellow brick road" to 'pick which 
gender identity" they are - so so many 
to choose from - then their "coming out" 
looking to you as a great role model 
for them as you transition through
those blockers and hormones and - 
I'll try like hell as the saying goes -
to get you those lovely surgeries
but...don't worry about that right now....
they're not so thing I should 
warn you about though... the Enemy's 
not taking this sitting down....He has
His Book and Church Teaching but..
I've got some noisy big-wigs from the 
political mafia on my side trying to 
fix that - though there is that "Natural Law"
stuff and the troublesome charge of 
Child Abuse!! but don't worry...I'll
get them to make it Child Abuse for
transition NOT to happen!! Brilliant!!
then there's always....Hater!!!. that's 
a great 'go to' - always seems to 
work well...Oh yeah...and about 
those so-called 'long term affects'...
don't worry about it...just take it
'one day at a time' as the saying goes...
you'll do fine...and last but not least...
always. remember...and I mean this 
sincerely - anytime you want you
can simply call it quits and check
out if you feel everything is too 
much to handle - I'll even help 
you make it all go away... anyway
Congratulations on your 'coming-out 
day' and - again - you look so pretty 
in pink...a new dress for the occasion...
and oh I see just a touch of makeup...
but not too much.. just enough to 
put an Exclamation point on your
'Coming-out Day' and remember....
you don't have to worry anymore....
'cause...I got your back....

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is this poem called "The Entrapment"?
-How do you know if Satan is real or not?
-How is Scripture's description of Satan as a "liar, accuser and murderer" depicted?
-What "agenda" is this talking about?
-Is truth objective or subjective? Why?
-How do you know what is true or not?
-What role do "feelings" have in discerning truth?
-Why are "feelings" Satan's "favorite playground"?
-What does "oh the tyranny of it all" mean?
-What are the Natural Law and B word arguments?
-What do you think the "phobia principle" is and why does it work?
-What role does "intercessory prayer" have to help confused kids?
-How can we compassionately help someone "entrapped"?
-What are the long-term effects of the drug therapy given to kids in transition?
 Answer: No one knows.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Adoration

if you only knew
what it means to Me when
you come before Me....I
know how you sometimes have to
fit Me into your're .much going on and...
even when you're with Me you
are so easily distracted.... I understand...
you feel the pressure of it
don't have to explain yourself but
you can if you want to...though I
already know what you're going to say......
I know it's helpful if you do...
it clarifies things when you
put them into words...
I'm glad when you do because
then I can answer you and
give you the Grace for your
next step and that just means
you're learning to
Trust Me in the situation and
surrender your will to Mine
which is a quality crucial for
your future but....that's about
another time and place...for now...
let's just enjoy one another's company-
which I the way-
I realize when you come that
you want to give Me your love and
adoration and I Love you for that but
I want you to know-and I mean
Really know in the depths of
your heart-that I truly look forward to
our special time together because...
it's all Personal with Me...not just
taking care of some critical need
for you...though that's important to Me
because I Love you...but even more so
that I created you to to be with
share My very Life be
One Together...and though you
will not fully understand what that
means until we are face to
begins your daily life. with
all its ups and downs...step by step...
your path to be
set aside only for Me as is the
Chalice at My Daily
Linger with Me that I
may give Myself to you and
draw you even closer to My Heart...
Taste and See as
My Spirit rests upon you...for...
as I always say...
There is More....

Reflection / Discussion:

-Is Adoration a part of you life?  Why / not?
-What is your experience of it?
-What struck you in this poem?
-How does Jesus relate to the adorer?
-How do you relate to what He says and how He says it? Why / not?
-Any changes you want to make re Adoration?


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Time-Out

I invite you to
view your illness as a
"time-out" in life- just as in
sporting events "time-outs" are
an opportunity to
-evaluate how things are going...
-what changes should be made..
-what play should be called...
-are the players "playing to win" because...
that is their calling....
and so it is that in your present "time-out"
I invite you to evaluate your life with Me:
-have you "chosen" to follow Me?..
-are you "playing to win" ie. to be "holy"
to be "set aside" for Me as is the
Altar and Chalice at Holy Mass...
because that is your calling...
-how does your daily life show that?
in your marriage / family... loving /
forgiving / showing Mercy to others...
using your gifts / talents to serve and
give Me
-do you seek to please Me first or
are you more concerned
about pleasing others?
-what changes do you need to make?...
it's a lot to think about isn't it?
I know...but now you have the time...
I see your heart and
know everything about you...and
I Love you dearly...
don't be anxious or overwhelmed...
I know your weakness
becoming a Saint - to be Holy -
is beyond your own abilities
but not beyond My Power to
form you into My Disciple but
only with your cooperation and
one day at a time
that is why I offer you now My
Grace to follow Me as
your Personal Lord and
accept My Call to -
if you should decide to
accept My invitation...
ask My Spirit to... guide you...
strengthen you...increase your
devotion to Me...surrender your life
to Me and with it your present illness...for
as My Word says ":...all things work
for good for those who love God
who are called according to His purpose"*
so let Me use it in your life
for My purposes and your good
Trust Me....I Love you...
See My Cross....the Price I paid
for your Salvation...for...
I AM Risen...Alive...Real...and
I want to reveal Myself to you
in ever deeper ways...Fill you
with My Spirit...Empower you
with My Gifts to serve the
Ask and you shall receive...
Seek and you shall Find...Knock
and it will be opened for you...
Remember...I am with you...
say "yes" and Come follow Me...

Reflection / Discussion:
-*Romans 8:28
-What do you think about viewing your illness as a "time-out"?
-What does it mean that Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior?
-Verbally say the prayer below to give / renew your commitment to the Lord.
-The Lord is with you, entrust your illness to Him-"use it as You will in my life".
-After illness, what is the area most in need of change?
-What should happen to begin to get order in that area?
-Where can you get support to make changes in your life?
-Set a daily prayer and Scripture time and be faithful in keeping it.
-Go to Confession as soon as you can.
-Begin to make the Eucharist and Adoration a greater part of your life.

Prayer of Salvation: 
"Lord Jesus, come into my heart, I desire that You be the Lord of my life so that I may be a
Child of the Light to know you as my personal Savior-for I know and believe that you died on the
cross for my sins.  You rose again from the dead on the third day and you are coming again
in glory.  I believe in your forgiveness and I desire that you help me overcome any temptations that
would keep me separated from Your everlasting Love."


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Resident

I AM pleased that you have
responded to My Invitation to enter 
into your life...there to Dwell in your
heart - the Core of who you are - to be 
your personal Lord and Savior...I Love 
you with an Infinite Love and I shall 
never leave nor forsake you... My 
Presence is meant to become your Refuge...
a Stronghold of Peace where you can Rest
when the storms of life - both from exterior 
circumstances buffeting your foundations or
interior forces raging within your walls...fears...
doubts...lies and accusations from the 
evil one - temptations of every kind meant 
to lead you away from My Temple within 
where our Hearts beat as One in an ever 
Deepening Communion - not by self-reliant
striving but by Graced Surrender -Trusting in 
My Love for you - I Love being with you but...
I need to ask you why you so rarely linger
when you deign to visit with Me? My Heart 
longs for you - not merely for momentary 
glances- but for you to Abide with Me -
to be a Resident in My Heart - not just a 
casual Visitor who comes when you have an
urgent need that you want Me to take care of 
or you're worried about someone you love 
whom you know I Love as well but then...
you disappear...gone...until the next emergency
awakens your remembrance of Me...Listen closely...
there is so much More I Desire to Reveal / Share 
with you...Say and Do through you...Give you many times when you get what you need...
you move on because you have so many other 
things to do or think get busy with 
this or much going on in your life..
sometimes I'm lost among your other important other times I'm very far down 
your priority / to-do list...I respect your freedom and
leave you free to...come and go...listen or not...
receive or or close your heart... but
I want you to know this...I shall continue to 
Pursue you and sometimes even allow the
negative fruit of your decisions to fester deep 
within your wounded nature...whether it be anxieties...
insecurities...some things falling apart in your life 
where you have not yet allowed Me to be Lord and 
therefore are still in 'disorder' with the goal that you 
will notice something is missing / not right and ask
'why is this happening?' or 'where is the Lord?'...
'why is He not helping me?' in order to bring you 
back into My Presence so that I can lead you into 
a deeper Union -.otherwise I may lose you to the 
enemy through his deceptive ways in this fallen 
world full of self-centered preoccupations...
so many idols to worship.. passions to pursue....
so I Call you to Come back to Me...become a 
Resident in My Presence...Step by Step...Grace 
by Grace...More and More...Day by 
are meant to thrive in My Presence with ALL the
Graces I offer you... learning to Trust / Rest in 
My Love for you especially when Purifying Trials 
strip away and I Heal that which hinders you from going
Higher / Deeper in our Union and thus reaping the 
boundless harvest of the Fruit of My Spirit... so...
when you find yourself wandering away from
My Presence simply turn to Me whispering My Name 
as in the 'Jesus Prayer'...Humbly asking with Thanksgiving
for all you need especially the Grace to Surrender once 
more by permitting My Spirit to usher you into My 
Presence there to Rejoice and becoming the Clay for the 
Potter molding you into My Image and Likeness... Forged
by the Fire of My Love that you may 'say what I am saying 
and do what I am doing' become My Abiding 
Disciple - a Permanent Resident - for you are called to 
become as I AM - GLORIFIED!!


-Are you more of a Resident or a Visitor? Why?
-What does it mean to be Resident not a Visitor in the Lord's Presence?
-Is it even possible? Why/not?
-What practical decisions can you make to be more in His Presence"
-What is the 'Jesus Prayer'? How can it help you to be a Resident?
-What is the first Fruit we reap when we live in His Order?
-Does the Lord Will bad fruit to happen to us or Permit it? What's the difference?
-Why does He let that happen?
-How can we take advantage of His Presence more each day?
-How can we learn to "say what He is saying and do what He is doing"?

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Betrayal

Saved by Grace
Anointed with Chrism
Ordained to Serve
the Watchman's calling to
Teach as a Faithful
Shepherd of the flock
bearing the demanding
cost of discipleship
being an example of
speaking as a prophet 
in the Fear of the Lord
on fire for His Kingdom is
a lofty challenge and a
heavy burden which is
not to be accepted lightly
nor accomplished without
great humility and dependence
upon the Lord as well as with
courage and perseverance but...
in stark contrast... neither is 
Jesus betrayed without dire
consequences both personally 
and Bodily when in the 
stealth of night or hidden in 
broad daylight under the
illusion of ornate authority
it is claimed that there's 
nothing to see here and
the Kingdom has come
though when the Light of 
the Spirit at last shines in the
it is discovered  that...
-sin is secretly cloaked by the
 double-lives of clerical debauchery
-priestly pederasty and hierarchical
 homosexual hookup perversions 
 transcend vows and commitments-
 let alone commandments- then are 
 protected by the lavender mafia
 while our Biblical moral teaching
 is supposedly "catching-up" to
 modernism's new understanding of
 "accompaniment" / "acceptance"
-"transparency" is obfuscated
 with a serious expression while
 making insincere protestations  to
 "get to the bottom" of the problem
 then never talking about the
 true source: active homosexuality
 in the hierarchy and priesthood
 while grooming the Church by
 hiding the true agenda of
 "normalizing" disordered sin
-Conscience degrades into doing
 whatever one feels is relatively right
 and sin is a forbidden subject
 from the pulpit since "who
 am I to judge?"
-Satan no longer exists - actually
 never did - a figment of great
 story telling to get across a point...
-marriage's natural law is pc's 
 orphaned child where everyone's
 orientation is God-given and
 anyone can "marry" anyone
 as well as biologically-given
 sexual identity is now juxtaposed to
 gender and subject to change - even
 by preschool children - based
 solely on personal feelings which
 no one - not even doctors - can 
 contradict so as to "affirm" and 
 'heaven forbid' it is ever mentioned 
 out loud from the pulpit
-Contraception- supposedly a matter 
 of serious sin-is swallowed up in a
 din of crickets
-politicians posing as faithful
 Catholics yet fostering killing fields 
 ostentatiously receive the
 Most Holy Eucharist with            
 'official approval' and then are 
 honored at their funeral Mass almost
 ready to be 'canonized' for their
 exemplary character 
-the Gospel's
 who... what... why... how -
 so simple yet so assumed to be
 understood / accepted and lived by
 everyone seated in the pews while
 faithful believers wonder why
 nothing is said
 nothing is done to
 protect the sheep from the wolves
 in the name of pastoral inclusion /
 tolerance / diversity and if 
 anything is said there's the 'well worn'
 accusations "don't be a hater" or
 "that's so rigid and hard-lined /
 dogmatic" and then there's the
 "stop with the proselytizing"
 which leaves the faithful feeling...
 justifiably angry...brokenhearted and
 kissed by Judas while Satan rejoices
 in the chaos yelping at his victories yet...
listen Faithful Catholics...
Jesus is Lord - it is His Light that is
exposing the Darkness...
pray that it All comes out
into the open...
let your voice be heard and
your dollars prudently donated...
pray for a new outpouring of
the Holy Spirit that the
Lord purge the Church of
unfaithful Shepherds while you for
the many Faithful ones who 
are themselves in turmoil at
the state of things but also that they
boldly speak the Truth in Love 
and finally...
no matter what...
you are called to Holiness-
to be set aside for Him Alone so
keep your eyes on Jesus
seek Him in the Eucharist
seek Him in His Word
let Him be your Joy and Peace
knowing that All is Grace
support one another
pray the Rosary daily for an 
Outpouring of Repentance / Revival
especially for our Shepherds
take up your cross and follow Him for
the wave of persecution is becoming
more astringent and unequivocal  for
we are in the midst of Spiritual Warfare
for the entire Church and the World
remembering too that Jesus will
never leave you nor forsake you
Change your Mind / Repent and 
Believe the Gospel
He Loves you
He is Lord of All
and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against us

-How do you experience the state of the Church?
-How can these things happen in His Church?
-When can you schedule prayer into your life?
-When can you say the Rosary each day?
-What needs to change in you?
-How is the Lord calling you to serve? 
-Find a support group of faithful disciples.
-What does it mean for you to 'speak the Truth in Love'?

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Haters

it really offends me 
when you so callously
call into question my...              
especially my feelings about
what is TRUE for ME
because these are...
-part of me
-my experience
-describe who I am and
 make me feel more...ME-
the person I have finally 
discovered -and now accept-
so for you to stand there
and cross-examine me is
really disrespectful and frankly...
very hateful and deeply hurts me so....
STOP IT! ..NOW! need to...
-be on my side
-be more welcoming / accepting...
-accompany me on most 
 intimate and sacred journey...
-support me to be who I am..
and - hopefully- CELEBRATE with me...
then...and ONLY'll stop
being such a hater or more accurately...
a completely Neanderthal human being...
you really need to accept / support
my personal feelings about myself
so whether you think I'm being too 
subjective. or am simply 'confused' please..
keep your opinions to yourself...I don't 
want to hear them.. whether they come 
from what you say the Bible says...or... 
what you say the Church teaches...or
how we all have been supposedly
created in our God-given natures...
or even what "reason" and "science" says...
whatever...because...those are just YOUR
interpretations o so-called truths but
that's not the way I see
I don't want to hear any of that.. and-
if I can be candid- your Jesus 
seems to be the CHIEF 'Hater'-
you make Him out to be so...judgmental....
so.. 'narrow-minded'...I say that 
because MY Jesus is ..compassionate, 
affirming and accepts me as I am since 
I feel He made me this way so at the 
end of the day none of your views matter
because they're all tainted by your prejudice
and hate-filled mind-set... be 
perfectly clear...only MY feelings matter 
because I base my life on how I feel about
my own identity and what YOU call morality-
which is not something "out there somewhere"
but only truly 'within' me and only I can 
determine what's really right for 
bottom line is...each person has to decide 
for themselves what is right or wrong...true 
or false...who they are or are not...all based 
on their own life experiences...values and no one can tell me...
-who I am or am not
-what to do / think because....
they don't REALLY know  me or
what's going on inside of me...
it's all about MY life...
not YOUR life or anyone else'
what I need from you is your...
-support and
 -love so... please...
be a supporter...
not a hater 
because haters
don't deserve a
platform to spew their
offensive filth and so...
you force me to say that...
if you persist in your
hate-filled rhetoric and
narrow-minded bigotry...
you'll force me to .
write you off and frankly...
hate you...but then...
that's what you'll deserve...

-Is Truth Objective or Subjective? Why?
-What role does our feelings have in determining Truth?
-What is the Natural Law?
-Does it have a place in determining Morality? Why/not?
-If someone disagrees with you, does that make them a hater / bigot?  Why/not?
-Can love and disagreement go together? Why/not?
-What is the best way to form our Conscience? Why?
-How do you know if what you believe is true or not?
-Why do people feel offended when others disagree with them?
-How can we have healthy discussions when we disagree?
-Do we have the right to disagree with one another? Why/not?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Paradigm

it is no small thing that
I require of you
it is not to be
taken lightly
nor is it of
little consequence
it is a matter of
Eternal Life or Death
and so
listen to My Voice ...
I call you now to a
New Way of Life
one which requires you to
examine yourself
where do I
fit into your life?
am I the LORD of your life?
am I your first priority or
somewhere down the list?
if so, where on that list?
and, as I asked Peter:
do you Love Me?
before you answer
your actions reveal the
truth or falsehood of
your words...
is My Will for you a
practical factor in your decisions?
does My Word guide your daily life?
how much time do you spend
with Me each day in prayer?
do you prayerfully read My Word?
are you My Witness before others?
do you pick and choose which teaching of
My Church to believe and follow?
do you hide your sins from others
feinting righteousness?
do you seek to please
Me or others first?
are you living a
double life....pretending to
follow Me while
following your own sinful habits?
are you passionately committed to Me or
are you lukewarm?
do your relationships with others
bring you closer to or
farther from Me?
are you on the broad way or
the narrow way?
make your case...
you may fool others...even yourself..
but you cannot fool Me..
I see all, know all...
nothing is hidden from Me...
I know your thoughts
what you are going to say
before you even say then...
if you find yourself
lacking in any of these areas
I say to you:
Repent and
Believe the Gospel
Change your heart
Renew your mind
Turn away from
your old ways 
Turn to Me with
ALL your heart
Take Me seriously because
I take you VERY seriously
I offer you Grace NOW to
leave behind your
precious sins:
-those which you pridefully
embrace as your right-
even though My Word and
Church teach otherwise
-those you secretly choose that
fulfill your disordered desires
-those that are habits
committed without a
-those about which you
presume upon My Mercy
without considering My Justice-
Love's Righteous Balance-
Change your heart
Decide to follow Me as your
Very Own LORD and SAVIOR
give Me your allegiance for
I AM Sovereign
freely let go of the
Control of your life
Center your life around Me and
no longer around yourself...
your desires... goals... and dreams
Leave behind the ways and
thinking of the world which
only bring death to the soul
Come apart from those who would
defame My Name
who seek fulfillment in the
flesh and pride of life
because in reality...
belonging to the world means
belonging to satan-
the ruler of this world-
Decide to
seek Me first
Confess your sins
resolving to
live in the Light...not
in the darkness
let My Spirit heal, free and
equip you to
serve My Kingdom by
leading you into the lifelong
Paradigm of Metanoia:
Holiness of life and
Perfect Union
it is I who
calls you by name
paid the Ultimate Price with
My Blood
who gives you Power to
Radically Change your mind and heart...
so now... commit yourself to
take up your Cross and
come after Me
become My Faithful Disciple and
enter into your


-What does "metanoia" mean?
-What is your assessment of your faith commitment?
-Find trusted Christians with whom you can share your assessment and be accountable to them.
-Are you being honest with yourself and others about your faith? How?
-What do you have to do to practically deepen your faith life?
-Do you have a daily prayer time? If not, begin today.
-If you are married, how does faith impact your family life?
-How can it deepen in your family?