each self is
infected by an
enemy within-
a self-centered volcano
poised to erupt at the
slightest provocation
imagined or not
a corruption handed down
throughout the ages from
humanity's original decision to
attain self''s control /
dominance / an
independent identity-
free from a
willing surrender to
their Creator's Desires
turning away from
Selfless Love to
selfish passions that
immediately transformed their
integrated nature into a
distorted / broken vessel
no longer insulated from evil
no longer able to forgo
behavior / attitudes /
thinking / feelings that would
now pull to overpower
any semblance of orderly
self-donation for the
good of the other
the "I" would reign supreme
concerned only for its own
distorted welfare
first and foremost
The Father's Love was
made unattainable-a
Loss that created an
idol of self to be
worshiped / adored /
served with a dedication that
stripped humanity of its
Innate Dignity and
made ready to accept
indignity's onslaught of sin
every corruption of integrity
imaginable in the name of
self-determination / freedom
but in reality abandoning itself into
satan's power with all his
deceptions / confusions now
gaining direct access and
forming humanity into
seeing reality in terms of self
ruled by transitory feelings
instead of in terms of objective reality
so that rebellion /
pride and selfishness
became humanity's identity
its modus operandi...
and yet.......My Love did not
abandon you in your misery
I took on humanity's flesh
became one of you to
pay the price of
redeeming humanity's integrity
pierced and broken
that you may become whole
to know your True Identity as a
Son or Daughter of God
and share...
My Life
Know My Love...
Pure and Holy
Eternal and Immutable
Always Personal
Always Dependable..
Share in the Power of My Spirit to
overcome the power of
your wounded self
through trials and tribulations
showing its fleshly limitations
so that you learn to...
-love as I Loved you
-sacrifice as I Sacrificed for you
-serve as I Served you
-rely as I Relied upon the Father
-glorify and I Glorified the Father
giving you the ability to
put to death the
incessant pandering to self
which enslaves mankind to
the enemy within
Reflection / Discussion:
-Describe our fallen nature.
-How do you experience its pull?
-How does Grace help you overcome its influence in you?
-Find a support group for your Christian life.
-Pray daily, read His Word, frequently receive the Sacraments.
-If you are doing these things, be faithful.
-If not, why? What will you do to change?
My hope for you
Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free: genefirn@yahoo.com
Table of contents: October 7, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2018
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The Objectified
I have created you to be a
subject not an object
you are a unique person
imbued with innate dignity
made in My Image and Likeness
designed to share My Divinity
a union of body and soul
formed by and for Love-
the gift of self to the other-
a mirror of My Nature
most purely embodied in the
sexual union of
husband and wife-
the whole-hearted donation of
one's being to the betrothed
accomplished and signified
through their bodies-
a mystical sign open to new life-
passion's fruitful expression of
two complimentary hearts
each committed to the
good of the other-
subject to subject but...
when a subject becomes
an object to be used for:
-selfish gain
-taking not giving
Divine Life dies within
only the flesh remains
leaving the body to be
treated as a commodity
whether for pleasure / money
fame / career / self-esteem
flaunted for favors while
losing all sense of self-respect
whether admitted or not
it should be no surprise that
the subject now object is
regarded as such by all...
understand that the
exterior expresses the interior
respect for self
means to
treat yourself and others
with reverence and honor
which the world pretends it does
while objectifying the body
rendering it only for what our
fallen nature deems as
suitable for self-gratification but
not true love and therefore
without worth in and of itself
it is the way of
-darkness not Light
-sin not Holiness
-self-gratification not self-donation
-flesh not Spirit
-using not revering
the way out of all this is simple
though not easy...
surrender your heart to Me and
let My Spirit empower you to
treat yourself and others as a
subject not an object
that is the Way of True Love
but if you fall ..
I am here for you...
-repent / turn away from
lust of the eyes to
modesty of the eyes
-do not place yourself in the
near occasion of sin
-treat the other as a subject
even when they do not
-reverence yourself and others as
you would your Sister / Brother
in-the-Lord whom you love / respect
-pray for those who do not do so or
who are not there yet because
they need help
I call you on...
run...do not walk to Me
you are made Perfect
through your weakness for
My Grace is sufficient for you
despite the strength of
your temptations
you are My Witness to the
Truth of My Creation's
Purpose and Dignity to be
subjects not objects
Sons and Daughters of God
Holy in body and spirit
Reflection / Discussion:
-Where do you see subject v object most played out in our culture?
-What does "modesty of the eyes" mean?
-What is a "near occasion of sin"?
-How are we "made perfect through weakness"?
-What does it mean that "we are created to share in God's Divinity"?
-How can you get/give support for this area?
-How can the Sacraments help us?
subject not an object
you are a unique person
imbued with innate dignity
made in My Image and Likeness
designed to share My Divinity
a union of body and soul
formed by and for Love-
the gift of self to the other-
a mirror of My Nature
most purely embodied in the
sexual union of
husband and wife-
the whole-hearted donation of
one's being to the betrothed
accomplished and signified
through their bodies-
a mystical sign open to new life-
passion's fruitful expression of
two complimentary hearts
each committed to the
good of the other-
subject to subject but...
when a subject becomes
an object to be used for:
-selfish gain
-taking not giving
Divine Life dies within
only the flesh remains
leaving the body to be
treated as a commodity
whether for pleasure / money
fame / career / self-esteem
flaunted for favors while
losing all sense of self-respect
whether admitted or not
it should be no surprise that
the subject now object is
regarded as such by all...
understand that the
exterior expresses the interior
respect for self
means to
treat yourself and others
with reverence and honor
which the world pretends it does
while objectifying the body
rendering it only for what our
fallen nature deems as
suitable for self-gratification but
not true love and therefore
without worth in and of itself
it is the way of
-darkness not Light
-sin not Holiness
-self-gratification not self-donation
-flesh not Spirit
-using not revering
the way out of all this is simple
though not easy...
surrender your heart to Me and
let My Spirit empower you to
treat yourself and others as a
subject not an object
that is the Way of True Love
but if you fall ..
I am here for you...
-repent / turn away from
lust of the eyes to
modesty of the eyes
-do not place yourself in the
near occasion of sin
-treat the other as a subject
even when they do not
-reverence yourself and others as
you would your Sister / Brother
in-the-Lord whom you love / respect
-pray for those who do not do so or
who are not there yet because
they need help
I call you on...
run...do not walk to Me
you are made Perfect
through your weakness for
My Grace is sufficient for you
despite the strength of
your temptations
you are My Witness to the
Truth of My Creation's
Purpose and Dignity to be
subjects not objects
Sons and Daughters of God
Holy in body and spirit
Reflection / Discussion:
-Where do you see subject v object most played out in our culture?
-What does "modesty of the eyes" mean?
-What is a "near occasion of sin"?
-How are we "made perfect through weakness"?
-What does it mean that "we are created to share in God's Divinity"?
-How can you get/give support for this area?
-How can the Sacraments help us?
Sunday, April 8, 2018
The Truth
The Word of God
The Truth
spoken by The Father
from the Beginning
His Eternal Son
together We send
The Spirit of Truth
into a fallen world to
Witness to My Calling as
The Way / Truth / Life
I took on human flesh
in doing so I
took upon Myself
all of humanity's sin
all its consequences
all its consequences
all of its just punishments by
My Sacred Passion and Death
My Sacred Passion and Death
Rising to New Life
Transformed and Transfigured
into Radiant Glory-
a New Creation- which now
I offer to you if
I offer to you if
you let go of your
old self by giving your
whole heart to Me in order to
whole heart to Me in order to
Love Me above all else as
your Lord and Savior
consciously renewing your
Baptism by which you
became a Son / Daughter
of the Father - your
True Identity...
in this revived Commitment you
share in My Divinity and
your Lord and Savior
consciously renewing your
Baptism by which you
became a Son / Daughter
of the Father - your
True Identity...
in this revived Commitment you
share in My Divinity and
are equipped to share in
My Calling to
Speak My Word of Truth /
Love / Mercy / Forgiveness /
New Life to
sinful humanity in
The Power of the Holy Spirit
but...know this as well...
in Witnessing to My Truth
in Witnessing to My Truth
you shall also share in
My Passion...perhaps My Death
for as they hated Me
so shall you be hated
as I was persecuted
so shall you be persecuted
for...even though I have
already won the victory
over Satan - the liar / ruler of
this world - that realm of
deceit / darkness / death -
rooted in the flesh -
humanity's idolatry of self
rebellion and pride - you are -
rooted in the flesh -
humanity's idolatry of self
rebellion and pride - you are -
by your very existence -
engaged in this warfare
but like Me you shall
conquer even in death for
My Truth is Not...
-hidden in the darkness but
revealed in the Light
-subjective but Objective
-relative but Absolute
-confused but Clear
-based on feelings but on Reality
-passing but Constant
-just for some but for ALL
-temporal but Eternal
-oppressive but Liberating
yet...as I now speak
conquer even in death for
My Truth is Not...
-hidden in the darkness but
revealed in the Light
-subjective but Objective
-relative but Absolute
-confused but Clear
-based on feelings but on Reality
-passing but Constant
-just for some but for ALL
-temporal but Eternal
-oppressive but Liberating
yet...as I now speak
so many perish.....
do not follow Me.....
are deceived to....
are deceived to....
-worship self and are thereby
enslaved to Satan's rule
-rebel against rationality while
exalting emotion's authority thereby
choosing death
instead of Life
enslaved to Satan's rule
-rebel against rationality while
exalting emotion's authority thereby
choosing death
instead of Life
-seek this world's allures
instead of My Kingdom's Riches
instead of My Kingdom's Riches
following the broad road to
hell's perdition
instead of the narrow road to
Heaven's Joy
so then Today.....
-Hear My Call
instead of the narrow road to
Heaven's Joy
so then Today.....
-Hear My Call
-Take up My Banner
-Speak My Word of Truth
-Live for My Kingdom
-Love as I Love
-Be Merciful as I AM Merciful
-Embrace My Cross
-Be led by The Holy Spirit
-Rejoice and Be Glad
-Embrace My Cross
-Be led by The Holy Spirit
-Rejoice and Be Glad
Now is the Time to
Stand for The Truth for
The Spirit of Truth is upon you
The Spirit of Truth is upon you
Reflection / Discussion:
-What does it mean to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
-Why is being a Son / Daughter of God your true Identity?
-Where can you find mutual support from others who have done so.
-How is Jesus The Truth?
-Is morality objective or subjective, relative or absolute? Why?
-How is the Spirit leading you to witness to Jesus?
-What Gifts has He given you?
-What does it mean to Embrace the Cross?
-What does it mean to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
-Why is being a Son / Daughter of God your true Identity?
-Where can you find mutual support from others who have done so.
-How is Jesus The Truth?
-Is morality objective or subjective, relative or absolute? Why?
-How is the Spirit leading you to witness to Jesus?
-What Gifts has He given you?
-What does it mean to Embrace the Cross?
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
The Encouragement
lovely ladies
alluring women of all
ages / races / nationalities
I encourage you to
be all you can be
go after it
don't let anyone stop you
exploit your charms
you are powerful
take the advantage
whenever you can
ages / races / nationalities
I encourage you to
be all you can be
go after it
don't let anyone stop you
exploit your charms
you are powerful
take the advantage
whenever you can
you call the shots
you're in charge of
your life
your body
who you sleep with
who you don't
what you do or don't do -
don't let others use you to
satisfy their sexual fantasies...no
you're in charge of
your life
your body
who you sleep with
who you don't
what you do or don't do -
don't let others use you to
satisfy their sexual fantasies...no
you play them for yours
you're in control...after all...
you're in control...after all...
you have what they covet so...
you determine when / where / how /
with whom you receive all the
pleasures you so richly desire...
you determine when / where / how /
with whom you receive all the
pleasures you so richly desire...
watch what happens...it will be
so easy...try it....just a tiny
tease..a furtive glance made
to be seen...a sly smile when
unexpected...the faint trace of
perfume ...even a friendly
lingering touch on the arm when
thanking for a favor..and....game over.
every time... isn't flirting the ultimate
power-trip?...and...so much fun...
it's the final frontier
equality is long past due
you deserve every
opportunity men have
you can have it all...
yes... you'll have accept not
it's the final frontier
equality is long past due
you deserve every
opportunity men have
you can have it all...
yes... you'll have accept not
having some things in your life..
but...so what...everybody knows
nothing worthwhile comes
without maximum effort and
nothing worthwhile comes
without maximum effort and
a little sacrifice...but remember...
don't get entangled with messy
relationships that will only
complicate your life or
hold you back from your goals...no
keep it simple...
no commitments
no problems
no worries
you call the shots...
not men...a new day is here..
you can get whatever you want
and not have to surrender yourself
remember... contraception is a
godsend as they say...
protection from that dreaded burden
that ruins plans and dreams...
but even if that
horror happens there's
a perfect solution...
abortion-my personal favorite-
ahh...freedom... yes... freedom is
keep it simple...
no commitments
no problems
no worries
you call the shots...
not men...a new day is here..
you can get whatever you want
and not have to surrender yourself
remember... contraception is a
godsend as they say...
protection from that dreaded burden
that ruins plans and dreams...
but even if that
horror happens there's
a perfect solution...
abortion-my personal favorite-
ahh...freedom... yes... freedom is
the name of the game...so...
flaunt it girl..whatever you want...
hookups galore
friends for favors
live together
it doesn't matter
it's your life so
live and let live
yeah that's it
go get it all...but....you..
no you... yes... you the reader...
sushhhhh....don't tell anyone
keep this little secret
between you and me....
all this is exactly what I have
led men of this world to crave...
it's their wildest dream
come true...you see...
deception is my specialty
temptation my forte
yes... now you know my identity-
the prince of this world-
this is my perfect scenario
once these things pop
for the ladies of this world
then men get all the
goodies they want as well with
no consequences
no responsibilities
flaunt it girl..whatever you want...
hookups galore
friends for favors
live together
it doesn't matter
it's your life so
live and let live
yeah that's it
go get it all...but....you..
no you... yes... you the reader...
sushhhhh....don't tell anyone
keep this little secret
between you and me....
all this is exactly what I have
led men of this world to crave...
it's their wildest dream
come true...you see...
deception is my specialty
temptation my forte
yes... now you know my identity-
the prince of this world-
this is my perfect scenario
once these things pop
for the ladies of this world
then men get all the
goodies they want as well with
no consequences
no responsibilities
no strings attached
so... go for it everybody
debauchery is delicious so...
let libidos run free
'cause now...
I gotcha both!
Reflection / Discussion:
-What is promiscuity?
-How has contraception / abortion activated promiscuity?
-Is it moral or immoral? Why?
-Is morality subjective or objective? Why?
-How is promiscuity used by satan to destroy us?
-How does the "company you keep" help or hinder you in this regard?
-What is the virtue of chastity?
-Is it important? Why / not?
-What concrete steps can you take to remain chaste?
so... go for it everybody
debauchery is delicious so...
let libidos run free
'cause now...
I gotcha both!
Reflection / Discussion:
-What is promiscuity?
-How has contraception / abortion activated promiscuity?
-Is it moral or immoral? Why?
-Is morality subjective or objective? Why?
-How is promiscuity used by satan to destroy us?
-How does the "company you keep" help or hinder you in this regard?
-What is the virtue of chastity?
-Is it important? Why / not?
-What concrete steps can you take to remain chaste?
Saturday, March 10, 2018
The Journey
desperate for
direction in the
wilderness of life
without a destination to
confidently google
from wherever I
happen to be
but now I can only
search for an answer that
makes some sense of
all this confusion which
overloads my abilities to
process conflicting information
hoping for hints of clues
that cast shadowy
replicas of unfamilar shapes
upon the blank screen of
my dreams buried deep within
hidden there by
what I imagine to be a
what I imagine to be a
quiet mysterious voice
long long ago even
before my journey began
beckoning me to follow
a would-be guiding star
in the dismal darkness to a
in the dismal darkness to a
worthy home that would bring
meaning in the midst of
my empty existence
meaning in the midst of
my empty existence
bruised and battered by life
pushed to grasping for
security in the
din of isolation
made pointless by
ephemeral goals while
so many around me
boast of trophies from
winning not-so-grand
so many around me
boast of trophies from
winning not-so-grand
trivial tournaments of
mundane pursuits
so useless
so annoying
so pitiful
it seems though that
someone must be
praying for me
because I am still here
continuing to search
day after day
sometimes without any
conscious decision
it is as if
someone is pursuing me
like magnet to metal
a drawing force that is
constant yet gentle
a wooing rather than a
sharp grappling
some say it is Jesus
I don't know
maybe it is
I'm not religious but
I'm not totally closed to the idea
though sometimes it feels like a
song of wishful thinking
within the winds of yearning
some say it is Jesus
I don't know
maybe it is
I'm not religious but
I'm not totally closed to the idea
though sometimes it feels like a
song of wishful thinking
within the winds of yearning
that stir in my heart
when drifting into sleep
or crying for completion
in lonely dreams
only to find myself
awake to face
another empty day
foraging for
more of the same and
besides depressing
it is all I can do to
do the next right thing
in front of me
hoping to find hope
something significant that I
can embrace and in doing so
'fight the good fight'
as they say
for a higher purpose
even becoming-
though it is far beyond me now- a
light in the darkness
Reflection / Discussion:
-How does / did this poem relate to your life?
-What helped you in your journey?
-What do you need now to support you?
-How can you help Jesus find others when they're not "religious"?
-Do you know others who travel this path?
-How can you support them?
-How can you become a light for others?
Thursday, February 1, 2018
The Light
I am the Light of the world
you flourish only
in as much as
you live in My Light
satan reigns in the darkness
sin abounds there
as well as its fruit that
festers unto eternal death
Holiness thrives
in the Light as
well as its Fruit that
ripens unto Eternal Life
but because you bear
the effects of humanity's
original fall from Grace:
-darkened intellect
-weakened will
-attraction to your
lower instincts of self
there is a battle raging
within you and
around you from the
world which is in the
power of the evil one
fighting to ensnare your soul by
keeping you enslaved to its
thinking and ways
glorifying itself as god which
only leads to eternal doom
but in this conflict
Grace abounds even more to
Live in My Light and
follow My Word in the
Power of the Holy Spirit
however to attain Victory
you must learn this lesson well:
live with both feet
in My Light...you cannot
have 1 foot in the Light
and 1 foot in the Darkness
for to do so is to
live a double-life-
saying one thing but
doing another
living in both camps means
you are hiding / holding back
living in fear / insecurity
serving self rather than Me
you cannot be
transparent / authentic / vulnerable
in the darkness but only
secretive / false / guarded
which only crushes
True Intimacy with Me
as well as with one another
all this duplicity must end...so...
in My Mercy for you
I shall shine My Light upon you
that others may see what I see
for I see clearly in both
Light and darkness
pain and anguish shall come upon you
because everything hidden shall be
exposed to the gaze of all especially
those from whom you desire respect
but also know that
in this humiliation and shame
you shall experience both the Blessing of
immeasurable Sorrow embedded in
Repentance as well as the unearned Love
Robed in Merciful Forgiveness
but in Justice you shall also
reap what you have sown
it will be a relief and an
opportunity for a
True Turning back to Me
where you can humbly
learn to rely upon My Spirit
and upon the support of your
Brothers and Sisters
with whom you can strive to be
My Witness as an
authentic / transparent / vulnerable
Faithful Disciple
Living in the Light
you are free to choose
which will it be...
Light or darkness?
Reflection / Discussion:
-Are you hiding your struggles with sin / your true self?
-If you are double-minded, repent / confess / be real.
-What are the qualities of Repentance / Conversion?
-What is holding you back?
-If not, how are you going to find them?
you flourish only
in as much as
you live in My Light
satan reigns in the darkness
sin abounds there
as well as its fruit that
festers unto eternal death
Holiness thrives
in the Light as
well as its Fruit that
ripens unto Eternal Life
but because you bear
the effects of humanity's
original fall from Grace:
-darkened intellect
-weakened will
-attraction to your
lower instincts of self
there is a battle raging
within you and
around you from the
world which is in the
power of the evil one
fighting to ensnare your soul by
keeping you enslaved to its
thinking and ways
glorifying itself as god which
only leads to eternal doom
but in this conflict
Grace abounds even more to
Live in My Light and
follow My Word in the
Power of the Holy Spirit
however to attain Victory
you must learn this lesson well:
live with both feet
in My Light...you cannot
have 1 foot in the Light
and 1 foot in the Darkness
for to do so is to
live a double-life-
saying one thing but
doing another
living in both camps means
you are hiding / holding back
living in fear / insecurity
serving self rather than Me
you cannot be
transparent / authentic / vulnerable
in the darkness but only
secretive / false / guarded
which only crushes
True Intimacy with Me
as well as with one another
all this duplicity must end...so...
in My Mercy for you
I shall shine My Light upon you
that others may see what I see
for I see clearly in both
Light and darkness
pain and anguish shall come upon you
because everything hidden shall be
exposed to the gaze of all especially
those from whom you desire respect
but also know that
in this humiliation and shame
you shall experience both the Blessing of
immeasurable Sorrow embedded in
Repentance as well as the unearned Love
Robed in Merciful Forgiveness
but in Justice you shall also
reap what you have sown
it will be a relief and an
opportunity for a
True Turning back to Me
where you can humbly
learn to rely upon My Spirit
and upon the support of your
Brothers and Sisters
with whom you can strive to be
My Witness as an
authentic / transparent / vulnerable
Faithful Disciple
Living in the Light
you are free to choose
which will it be...
Light or darkness?
Reflection / Discussion:
-Are you hiding your struggles with sin / your true self?
-If you are double-minded, repent / confess / be real.
-What are the qualities of Repentance / Conversion?
-Do you have Brothers / Sisters in the Lord with whom you can mutually support one another?
-If yes, how well are you authentic / transparent / vulnerable with them?-What is holding you back?
-If not, how are you going to find them?
Saturday, January 13, 2018
The Quest
at birth each embarks upon
a Quest to find Happiness...
it is a Precious Seed of the
Eternal which I have tenderly
planted in your heart meant to
germinate...grow... and ultimately
blossom in My Love ...it is a
journey through joy and sorrow
nurtured by desire's finite / infinite
-What does it mean that our desires have 'finite and infinite' qualities?
-How do people look for the "Infinite in the finite"?
qualities seeking both immediate
and ultimate objectives as your
Thirst seeks satisfaction in the
refreshing waters of achievement
but ultimately in Me where Thirst
is finally Quenched in Living Waters
but because of sinful nature's darkened
intellect and weakened will leading to
disorientation in this fallen world
combined with deceptive freelance
feelings tossed to-and-fro by shiny
objects that surreptitiously become
humanity's false idols to pursue and
ultimately worship - all that this self-
oriented world offers - success...wealth...
material goods...fame...power....beauty...
pleasures of body and soul - too many to
even count - each having the common
denominator of seeking the...
Perfect in the imperfect
Infinite in the finite
Eternal in the temporal
all of which remain powerless to bring
Infinite in the finite
Eternal in the temporal
all of which remain powerless to bring
anything except momentary delight but
then frustration when the ambition
attained only brings exacerbation with
the under-whelming fulfillment resulting
from exorbitant expectations and left with
no other recourse than to commence once
again the dance of delusion - a cruel
imitation of Sisyphus condemned to an
exhausting uphill enterprise only to
hopelessly watch his achievement
backslide down the slippery slope...
Satan of course is delighted with your
treadmill imitation tempting you with
imaginative dreams of greater conquests -
more...always more....while gaining less...
always less...but Know that in this journey
I will never leave you nor forsake you for
I continue to speak to you especially in your
frustration because My Hope is that in your
misery you will be open to My offer of Grace-
an opportunity to realize the reason for your
emptiness and set out in a New Direction
finally comprehending that it is only in My
Perfect... Infinite...and Eternal Love that will
ultimately Satisfy your lifelong Quest for
Happiness...that only I will Truly Fulfill you
and it is only in your Surrender to Me as your
Personal Lord and Savior that you Truly begin
to find the Total Joy that My Own Surrender has
Won for you
-What does it mean that our desires have 'finite and infinite' qualities?
-How do people look for the "Infinite in the finite"?
-Explain the story of Sisyphus.
-What does the "dance of disillusion" mean?
-What does the "dance of disillusion" mean?
-What does our "fallen nature" mean?
-Using 'success' / 'money' as examples, explain "The Quest".
-Using 'success' / 'money' as examples, explain "The Quest".
-How is Jesus' Infinite Love the Source and End of your Quest?
-What does it mean to "surrender to Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior"?
-What does "begin to find the Perfect Joy" mean?
-How has Jesus' Surrender won Total Joy for you?
-What does it mean to "surrender to Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior"?
-What does "begin to find the Perfect Joy" mean?
-How has Jesus' Surrender won Total Joy for you?
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
The Father Wound
the father-wound
is a plague
all too rampant
among us
sadly most are
damaged by Dads who
pass-on their own
wounds through
sins of what they
do or fail to do
leaving us with
sometimes under-the-
surface feelings of being
abandoned / unloved
angry / alone / insecure
neglected / abused
leading us to look for
love and comfort in
places that ultimately
do not mend our hearts but
lead to deeper destruction
all of which delights
satan who makes it seem like
it's all our fault while also
deliciously contaminating
our self-image and that of
God The Father
without realizing the
transference of infected
characteristics and feelings
but... Jesus came not only to
save / free / heal us from the
effects of sin but also to
reveal His Father to us
because through Jesus
His Father has become
Our Father who has
Created us in His Own
Image and Likeness
and who FIRST loved us
through Jesus despite
our sin and weakness-
even while being rejected
He showed us that
His Father is
like the father of the
prodical son story
so...now what?
we need to
go after the Truth by
asking The Father to Reveal:
-any false images
we may have of Him and
ourselves and begin to live our
True Identity and Dignity as a
Son or Daughter of God
-His Personal Love for us
-by Grace forgive our own Dad of
his sins againt us- one at a time
-give over our anger and hurt to Jesus
-realize how these have led into
behavior / thinking that are
not true / healthy and ask
The Father to heal us
-get whatever help we need
in this process
-begin to speak to The Father as
our ABBA...Daddy.....because
THAT is the TRUTH...and
ask for the Grace to
accept in our hearts that
we ARE precious to Him
He DOES Love us and...
He WANTS us to live in
Intimacy with Him
Now and Forever
-What is your image of The Father?
-What was/is your relationship like with your own Dad?
-How has that affected your own self-image?
-Spell out the truth/lies about The Father's image you have?
-With whom can you talk about these matters?
-If you haven't done so, speak to The Father in prayer.
-Ask Him to speak to you and listen for His quiet Voice.
is a plague
all too rampant
among us
sadly most are
damaged by Dads who
pass-on their own
wounds through
sins of what they
do or fail to do
leaving us with
sometimes under-the-
surface feelings of being
abandoned / unloved
angry / alone / insecure
neglected / abused
leading us to look for
love and comfort in
places that ultimately
do not mend our hearts but
lead to deeper destruction
all of which delights
satan who makes it seem like
it's all our fault while also
deliciously contaminating
our self-image and that of
God The Father
without realizing the
transference of infected
characteristics and feelings
but... Jesus came not only to
save / free / heal us from the
effects of sin but also to
reveal His Father to us
because through Jesus
His Father has become
Our Father who has
Created us in His Own
Image and Likeness
and who FIRST loved us
through Jesus despite
our sin and weakness-
even while being rejected
He showed us that
His Father is
like the father of the
prodical son story
so...now what?
we need to
go after the Truth by
asking The Father to Reveal:
-any false images
we may have of Him and
ourselves and begin to live our
True Identity and Dignity as a
Son or Daughter of God
-His Personal Love for us
-by Grace forgive our own Dad of
his sins againt us- one at a time
-give over our anger and hurt to Jesus
-realize how these have led into
behavior / thinking that are
not true / healthy and ask
The Father to heal us
-get whatever help we need
in this process
-begin to speak to The Father as
our ABBA...Daddy.....because
THAT is the TRUTH...and
ask for the Grace to
accept in our hearts that
we ARE precious to Him
He DOES Love us and...
He WANTS us to live in
Intimacy with Him
Now and Forever
-What is your image of The Father?
-What was/is your relationship like with your own Dad?
-How has that affected your own self-image?
-Spell out the truth/lies about The Father's image you have?
-With whom can you talk about these matters?
-If you haven't done so, speak to The Father in prayer.
-Ask Him to speak to you and listen for His quiet Voice.
-If you are a Dad, ask The Father to show you where you
have sinned by what you have done and failed to do
with your children.. Then, begin to repair. The Father
will help you. Get help if you need it.
have sinned by what you have done and failed to do
with your children.. Then, begin to repair. The Father
will help you. Get help if you need it.
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