The veil is forever lifted
For the redeemed
So we may enter into
The Holy of Holies
To offer the Passover Sacrifice
In sacramental thanksgiving.
Now we are no longer separated
From the Great I AM
But come face to Face
With the revealed Abba Father
And with the Lamb in Glory
By the Power of the Holy Spirit
Surrounded by the hosts of Heaven
Crying Holy...Holy...Holy is the Lord
Not just for some
But for all who accept the call
It is the marriage feast of the Lamb
With the Bride of Christ
Sealing the New Covenant
By our Communion
With the Body and Blood
Torn and shed that we may be holy and one
Free to worship without fear
To become part of the
Offering of the Perfect Sacrifice
By the hands of the Perfect Priest
Each one and the same
The Lamb of God
Slain for our sins
Now as Bread and Wine
On the altar of sacrifice
In the new Temple
Of the heavenly Jerusalem
Here we encounter the Presence
Who surrounds and fills us
The visible sign of the invisible Reality
By our acceptance we declare
That it is the Word of God
We believe and follow and so with pause
Receive also as Judge
When He comes again
Riding on the Clouds
Let our Family's sign be crossed with care
For it shows who we are
And the Mysteries we celebrate
Let us listen with open ears
To the Truth of our Covenant
And resolve to live as we profess
Let us offer with open hearts
All that we are
Mixing with the water and wine
Our sacrifices with His.
Let us worship in Spirit and Truth
With reverence and awe
The Father through with and in the Son
Let us humbly receive the consummation of Love
We are so generously offered -
The heavenly Manna for our earthly journey
And shout with all the saints and angels
The Great Amen...yes
So be it!
Surrounded by the hosts of Heaven
Crying Holy...Holy...Holy is the Lord
Not just for some
But for all who accept the call
It is the marriage feast of the Lamb
With the Bride of Christ
Sealing the New Covenant
By our Communion
With the Body and Blood
Torn and shed that we may be holy and one
Free to worship without fear
To become part of the
Offering of the Perfect Sacrifice
By the hands of the Perfect Priest
Each one and the same
The Lamb of God
Slain for our sins
Now as Bread and Wine
On the altar of sacrifice
In the new Temple
Of the heavenly Jerusalem
Here we encounter the Presence
Who surrounds and fills us
The visible sign of the invisible Reality
By our acceptance we declare
That it is the Word of God
We believe and follow and so with pause
Receive also as Judge
When He comes again
Riding on the Clouds
Let our Family's sign be crossed with care
For it shows who we are
And the Mysteries we celebrate
Let us listen with open ears
To the Truth of our Covenant
And resolve to live as we profess
Let us offer with open hearts
All that we are
Mixing with the water and wine
Our sacrifices with His.
Let us worship in Spirit and Truth
With reverence and awe
The Father through with and in the Son
Let us humbly receive the consummation of Love
We are so generously offered -
The heavenly Manna for our earthly journey
And shout with all the saints and angels
The Great Amen...yes
So be it!
Reflection / Discussion:
--Explain, in your own words, what happens at Mass.
-What is your experience at the Holy Sacrifice?
-What are some things you can do to prepare for Mass?
-What are some things during Mass that can enhance your experience?
-Do you stay after Mass for a time of Thanksgiving?
-If not, try it out.
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