My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Magis

dissatisfied with the lesser
Craving the Greater
you sense something different...
something... more...out
uncharted territories but nevertheless
drawing you...challenging you to
venture into the unexplored...
unanswered...which you simply your heart that He is 
Moving / Calling you to go
further in....higher up...
beyond your present circumstances...your
estimated boundaries of likely possibilities...
it is a New...Unfamiliar Way of 
fiercely stepping out...determined to
Follow Whatever Direction is 
Opening before you- no matter its
undiscovered nature...nor its seeming
impossibilities -  but it is rooted in
Grace's Infinite Possibilities...its
ongoing Power of Transformation...a 
Dependency on the Supernatural... 
beyond this world's mortal strengths 
or Assurance of Being 
Equipped to Accomplish the Eternal
Mission / Vision of the Master whom 
you desperately...vehemently pursue...
spurred on by the Spirit to Seek Him...
His Will to be set apart for His Purposes -
to bring His Love... Mercy... Compassionate
Saving Word to lost souls...tortured by sin...
enslaved by their the 
deception that this world will bring them 
the fulfillment for which they yearn-a 
fanciful utopia of temporal happiness- rather 
than the Kingdom of Eternal Peace and Joy 
that only Jesus can bring by His Death and 
Resurrection for our sake which we then 
receive and emulate by laying down our lives 
for Him so as to fulfill His Bring 
His Word... His Kingdom to the ends of the earth...
it is only in Seeking the 'Why not's' of His Infinite 
Capabilities that you can experience the 
Extravagance of His Power and Love which 
surges forth from His Victory over Death and 
the Anointing of His Holy Spirit with whom
you have entwined yourself...His Mission
is now your Mission...your daily burden to go
higher up...further on...deeper into
His Passionate Purpose to bring...
Mercy to the sinner
Light to those in darkness
Healing to the wounded
Meaning to the seeker
Life to the dying
Love to the forsaken
Vision to the blind
Freedom to the enslaved
Glory to His Name
indeed... there are 
Greater Needs
Greater Challenges
Greater Goals
out there requiring even
Greater Desires
Greater Visions
Greater Efforts...beyond the
confines of your experiences...
purview of your meager understanding...
what you formerly thought was 
unthinkable but now the "what if's"
of Infinite...Creative... Boundless 
Love is More,,,much much More...
than you can Imagine or 
Dare to Dream about...where
greater obstacles merely mean
Greater Overcoming...
so then...with your foot raised
ready to proceed
detached from your own
former ways
familiar fears
narrow expectations
limitations of vision
deficiency of strength
Relying on His Power...
unfettered from
this world's allurements
its enthronement of self through
poised to creatively
compete for the Prize...
win the Eternal Race of
Light v Darkness
Truth v Deception
Good v Evil
Holiness v Sin
Life v Death
Heaven v Hell...
God v you 
Now Give Him your heart...
Fiercely Declaring...'Lord... I will
Live for You Alone..
Have Your Way in me' you
you are Knighted with the
Sword of the Spirit and thereby
Accept your Heroic Calling of

-What does "Magis" mean?
-How could living by "Magis" change your perspective?
-What limitations are you called to 'put aside'?
-How do you do that?
-How can "Magis" affect your prayer life? Service? Marriage? Work? Evangelistic outreach?
-More...there is you want it?  What will you do to get it?
-What does 'fiercely declaring Lord I will live for you alone' mean for your life?

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Seduction

turning away from
nature's self-evident reality
God's innate plan for
human sexuality as is
plainly shown in
our physical bodies
from the beginning
turning towards
Satan's seduction by
attempting to
mend the
unhealed wounds
from humanity's
fallen nature and a
meeting unfulfilled needs by
assuming a
false identity
unfounded at birth but
nurtured by
sin's rebellion
fondled by pride's
notoriously destructive
propensities whereby
compulsive desires overpower          
creation's truths which
flourish and sustain life
while proposing
risky lifestyles which are
not only unhealthy
as well as
objectively disordered by
deviating from the
Creator's  purpose for
human sexuality
but also are
presented as
progressive enlightenment
to which all are
expected to bow down as
idols of a
radical social utopia where
tolerance and
emotional safety are only
tools in the war against
religious liberty
rational family values and
society's established norms
where free debate is an
unwarranted option when
social engineering is god as
young minds and hearts
become fodder for
The New Culture
a captive audience
ripe for indoctrination
ready for grooming
primed for confusion
where true is false
false is true
right is wrong
wrong is right
no one can dissent
no one can object
all must submit
without a peep or the
demonizing hammer
will be unleashed
at the so-called
bigots and haters of  the
persecuted minorities
Christian morality is
portrayed as
no longer relevant
moral even Christian and
relegated to the
dregs of bygone centuries
but know this:
it is not out of hate but Love
that speaks the Truth in Mercy
offering Freedom
bringing Holiness  and
Wholeness to
those who are
willing to
turn to Jesus
forsake sin
receive forgiveness
claim their true Identity as
Sons and Daughters of God
experience they are Loved for
who they are in their
inmost being
live a New Life
be clothed in the same
Chastity to which
all are called to
take up the cross
follow the narrow way in the
Power of the Spirit for
Strength in our weakness
bringing as many as possible
to know the
Fulfillment and Joy of
His Personal Love

-How can we grow in understanding God's plan for family life?
-Try to explain in a few sentences, in your own words, His plan for family life?
-Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2331-2391
-How does satan's seduction come into play?
-How does our physical bodies evidence God's plan for sexuality?
-Suggest to your parish priest to talk about this topic.
-What is the basis of our identity?
-Is homosexuality a healthy lifesytle? Why/not?
-Is disagreement with someone's lifestyle "hateful"? Why/not?
-How are single/married people to live lives of Chastity?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Unveiling

The veil is forever lifted
For the redeemed
So we may enter into
The Holy of Holies
To offer the Passover Sacrifice
In sacramental thanksgiving.
Now we are no longer separated
From the Great I AM
But come face to Face
With the revealed Abba Father
And with the Lamb in Glory
By the Power of the Holy Spirit
Surrounded by the hosts of Heaven
Crying Holy...Holy...Holy is the Lord
Not just for some
But for all who accept the call
It is the marriage feast of the Lamb
With the Bride of Christ
Sealing the New Covenant
By our Communion
With the Body and Blood
Torn and shed that we may be holy and one
Free to worship without fear
To become part of the
Offering of the Perfect Sacrifice
By the hands of the Perfect Priest
Each one and the same
The Lamb of God
Slain for our sins
Now as Bread and Wine
On the altar of sacrifice
In the new Temple
Of the heavenly Jerusalem
Here we encounter the Presence
Who surrounds and fills us
The visible sign of the invisible Reality
By our acceptance we declare
That it is the Word of God
We believe and follow and so with pause
Receive also as Judge
When He comes again
Riding on the Clouds
Let our Family's sign be crossed with care
For it shows who we are
And the Mysteries we celebrate
Let us listen with open ears
To the Truth of our Covenant
And resolve to live as we profess
Let us offer with open hearts
All that we are
Mixing with the water and wine
Our sacrifices with His.
Let us worship in Spirit and Truth
With reverence and awe
The Father through with and in the Son
Let us humbly receive the consummation of Love
We are so generously offered -
The heavenly Manna for our earthly journey
And shout with all the saints and angels
The Great Amen...yes
So be it!

Reflection / Discussion:

--Explain, in your own words, what happens at Mass.
-What is your experience at the Holy Sacrifice?
-What are some things you can do to prepare for Mass?
-What are some things during Mass that can enhance your experience?
-Do you stay after Mass for a time of Thanksgiving? 
-If not, try it out. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Accuser

it is I who has
called you by name
it is I who has given My
Most Precious
to you so that
you may know how
precious you are
how much I Love you
your sorrow and pain
heartache and loss are
not from Me
it is satan who accuses Me
who whispers in your ear
that it is I who
causes your suffering
they are the result of
mankind's rebellion from
My merciful ways
it is your enemy that has
ushered-in the
abundance of wickedness
the summation of
sin's relentless negativity

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Holy One

finding myself
ultimately unworthy yet
ushered into
His Presence
I could only
fall upon my knees
burying my face in
my arms at the
Magesty of
His Holiness
humbled by the One
whose Perfect Love
was beyond the
limitations of my humanity to
nothing in this earthly life
before or after
compared to or explained
such a Reality
it captured a familiar longing
planted deep within and
long ago at my second birth
but now finding fruition
as a fulfillment of the
hidden Divination in myself
yearning to blossom
though never fully realizing
what that meant nor
that it was even missing
I dared not peek
I could only Be there
settling spontaneously into
silent adoration
receiving an acceptance
without compremise
apprehension or effort
recognizing in His Presence
an undeserved Love
generous in Giving
rich in Mercy
pure in Joy so that
I never wanted to
leave Him
have nothing past or future
but only now
beginning to realize that-
though not always perceived-
He is always Present
it is only I who am absent
forgetting His Love
off into my own world of
my own little kingdom of
false gods into whose
presence I rush headlong by
momentary excursions into
illusions of fulfillment
or anxiously emersing myself into
this world's daily needs
interests or proclivities
sometimes good and
begrudgingly necessary
but never reason enough to
remove myself from His Presence
now I need to constantly
remind myself to
know that only
One Thing is Necessary-
to Be... in the Presence of
The Holy One
there to find my
Alpha and Omega
my all in All
my True Rest
Yes Lord Jesus
-Do you have a reverential sense of God's Holiness?
-What can you do to show your reverence to the Lord?
-How can Eucharistic Adoration increase your reverence?
-Do you reverence the Name of God/Jesus? How?
-What can you do when others disrespect the Lord in your presence?
-How can you show reverence in your personal prayer?
-How can listening to Christian Worship music increase your devotion/reverence to the Lord?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Chance

you don't
really understand
what the big deal is
about Jesus but
you think you do
you vaguely
remember when
you were a kid
preparing for your
First Confession
First Communion
then later
they made you go to Mass
even your parents who
didn't always go
made you go all the time
'till finally
they stopped forcing you
because of all your pushback
nobody else was really into it
so why should you be
the only one
then came College
and it was
crazyness personified and
God wasn't even an issue
it's the stress of  trying to
get a job
then... a better one
bills to pay
relationship challenges
while adjusting to the
responsibility of
our first child coming soon
sometimes in the
interruptions of life
thinking back on my history
and questioning
what if
there WAS something more there
than I realized
what if
Jesus was who
He said He was
what if
it was ALL TRUE
some of my fellow workers
seem to experience
more than I ever did and
have something I don't have
they talk about Jesus as
someone Real and Alive
who loves them and
they love Him
it's hard to understand
when all is said and done
I'd like to have what they have
they seem pretty happy
even though they deal with some of
the same stuff I do
I don't know
sometimes it's confusing
but maybe
I should take a chance
like they've suggested
make that decision to
ask Him to
show me if He's Real
start there
then maybe to
come into my life as my
Lord and Savior
when and if
He does show me
at least I'd know if
what they're saying is
true or not and
if it is true
it'll change everything
but if it's not true
I haven't lost anythimg
I'm looking for more
there's got to be more than
what I've seen up to now
well....why wait?
I want to know you
help me to know you
reveal yourself to me
show me if you are real
if you're alive
show me
and... after many days of
countless requests
without a resonse
in the quiet stillness of the night
a surprise Intimacy uploads
an unfamiliar tear and
unraps an unexpected Gift...

-What is your religious/spiritual background?
-Are you willing to take a chance to see if Jesus is real?
-If not, what is holding you back?
-Do you see the value in moving forward?
-Who can you talk to about moving forward?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Security

am I really
your ALL?
the only One you
rely upon?
your only Security?
or do you
look to Me
only when
you have to?
you seek it
long for it
plan for it
count on it
the world-that which is
under the control of
the evil one-
the deceiver-
tells you to
look for it in
other people
even "spiritual" things that
take My place
sometimes you
hedge your heart
often inadvertantly
looking for the
safe and
without risk
relying on your
competencies and
not My Grace
but all these are like
shifting sands
stable one day
gone the next
and because I Love you
I will not leave you in
your deception nor
let you stay in your
less than
surrender to Me because
I desire to give
more of Myself to you
and so...
whatever is not
centered in Me
whatever directs you into
self-sufficiency- the path
leading to the Pride of Life-
I shall remove
sometimes slowly
other times expeditiously
but always purposely for
Holiness is My plan for you
a Life beyond your abilities
reached only through
trials of faith
purifications from
your nature's
proclivities of idolotry that
lead you into darkness
there is only one Goal
everything leads you
either toward or away from
attaining- to
know and love Me above all
sharing My Divine Life
now and forever so
set your heart on Me
keep your eyes upon Me
cling to Me in Love
as I uphold you and
do not wonder at the
firery ordeals that
enflame your life
be Thankful for
they are the
Fires of My Love
purifying and
forming you into
My Image and

-Have you experienced this purification?  How?
-What was most difficult for you?
-How can you give/receive support in this proess?
-What changes in your life can aid you in this process?

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Invitation

I know you
everything about you
nothing is hidden
from My eyes
before you came to be
I knew you
created you to be
with Me forever
so, take this in:
I love you
it was for you that
I bore the cross
it was for you that
I carried your sorrows
suffered your pains
took upon Myself
your punishment
died your death
rejected and despised
all ...for....YOU
you may wonder
how can this be?
what have I done to
deserve all that?
who am I that
without even asking and
knowing all my sins
you would first
Love.... me?
I know it is
beyond your understanding
yet it is true that
I created you to
know Me
know My Love for you and
I will reveal Myself to you
reveal My Love for you to taste
if you only ask
accept My invitation to
come into your life
to be your Savior
to receive
My Salvation for
although it is you I love
I do not love your sin-
when you choose
your own way rather than
The Way of Love
disclosed in My Word
when you choose
your flesh which leads to
your destruction
instead of Me- so
receive My invitation to be
your Lord
seeking to do My Will
instead of your own
follow after Me
serve My Kingdom
take on My mission
receive My Spirit and
Gifts beyond nature's limits is late...and
everyone must choose
one way or the other for
not to choose is to
choose against Me and
against your best interests
so say yes
turn away from sin
turn to Me for
life is short and
Eternity awaits

-Do you feel Jesus actually wants you to know Him?
-That He actually loves you? Why/not?
-How would deciding to follow Him affect your daily life?
-Is there anything holding you back from deciding to follow Jesus?
-If so, talk it through with a trusted follower of Jesus.
-How can you help others to make that decision?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Suffering Fellowship

bearing our griefs
carrying our sorrows
sharing our suffering
rejected and
despised by humanity
He came to
Redeem His Beloveds
take upon Himself our
overwhelming sins and
Just punishments
offering forgiveness to
all who choose to
receive His Love
bestowing Divine Adoption-
a New Identity of
breathtaking Dignity-
unreachable when
left to our own
limitations but
despite these Truths
Jesus did not come to
prevent all our suffering in
this present existence for
it was freely chosen when
humanity's rebellion
set in motion
within sin's decision
the consequences of
anguish and death as our
daily bread
though He took them all
upon Himself as
Redemption's insufferable Price
they remain embedded in
our nature's experience by
Satan's hand to
wreck havoc in this life and
eternal damnation for
all who freely choose to be
chained to sin's dominion in
this present age
however when we
unite our suffering with
His upon the Cross in
timeless wonder
they are Redeemed by Grace
into good for us and those
for whom we pray
though often
hidden in faith they
bring meaning into the
adversity of pain by
being entwined with
His Enduring and thus
made One in
Suffering Fellowship
validating the Truth that 
we are Not Alone when
sorrow washes over us and
trials engulf us - even 
death's dark shadow
has been conquered by the
Light of His Resurrection
promised to each Disciple who
passes through its portal
rising to Eternal Joy
with sorrow banished and
every tear wiped away
so it is the Reality that we can
foretaste their demise now in the
experience of the Power of the Spirit
Whom He  Promised to send
which we now see and hear
as the first Fruit of His
Eternal Victory and the
Crown of Everlasting Life

-Compare Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 to this poem.
-How does Romans 8 fit-in with this poem?
-How does James 1:2-8 relate to this poem?
-How can you make "Redemptive Suffering" part of your life?
-Where in the Old Testament does it talk about the Holy Spirit being poured out?
-What does it mean to experience the Power of the Spirit?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Weapon

suffering is a weapon
in the Kingdom of God
though darkness
boasts its terror to
crack our faith foundation
toppling trust's temple
into the quicksand of self-pity
ready to swallow-up
all who journey
Calvary's path
impossible to avoid
the evil one nevertheless
paints nightmares in
our imaginations
tempting us to live
surrounded with comfort cushions
to protect against hardship
avoid pain
be happy always
spitting out sorrow's
taste of bitterness
whatever the price
whatever the source
whatever the purpose
whether from the
selfish withholds of
committed love
sickness's surprise
financial ruin
nature's power
sin's rebellious destruction
self-infliction of addictions
ultimately death's
fierce inevitability
but the One who
bore our sin
carried our sorrows
healed our hearts
became our weakness
conquered death
offers His Life to us
for the asking
suffering cannot be avoided
but it can be transformed
into a weapon to bring down
strongholds of darkness
change lives
heal wounds
calm fears
overcome barriers
bringing longsuffering

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Selection

at the end
when temporal ends
and eternity begins
when judgement
has to be made for
those who
have not encountered Me
having kept their hearts
to themselves without
any thought of Me
many have questioned
what will happen to
these wayward souls
opinions one way
or the other are surmised
but no one really knows
except Me
I continually offer
New Life
Grace to repent and
turn to Me
time runs out
no one knows the
day or the hour
except Me
hoping for a
change of heart
My Love is
never held back
I allow difficult
circumstances  to
present opportunities for
coming Home but
some never accept
what am I to do?
it comes down to
one question for
each to answer
which brings each
face to face
with their own choice of
how they have already
determined for themselves
eternity's reward
by asking:
throughout your life
whom have you
freely chosen to
love and adore?
who was always first
in your heart?
for now and eternity
I shall permit you to
possess what you have
always selected to be
your all -
alone in the darkness
but then again
since you are reading this -
there is still time...

-Who is first in your life?
-How do you show that?
-What needs to change in your life to grow in holiness?
-Where can you get support to change?
-How can you help those close to you to put Jesus first?
-How can you love Jesus more openly?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Prodigals

wounded by
sin's original consequences
deceived by
modern fantasies of
independence and
ignoring the
reality of sin by
keeping their
hearts firmly in
their own possession
Prodigals have
withdrawn from My Presence
even those who call
themselves My Children-
followers of My Son-
by fulfilling the minimums
while resisting surrender
pretending to be faithful
while picking and choosing
what to believe while
others... without pretense
are conquered by the
forces of darkness by
having their feelings
direct their behavior
thus proving them
chained to the
whims of a fallen nature
while their pride prevents the
dignity of My Gift-
to share My Nature
bought by Precious Blood-
thoughtlessly ignoring
My Love they
pursue their own desires
following the world's ways
ignoring My offer of Mercy
here I stand on
Calvary's hilltop
suffering with My Son
waiting with open arms
just as His are spread by
nails of sin
Our Hearts pierced by
rejection's spear
still...We have sent the Spirit
far and wide to
call and empower
Our Prodigals to
change their hearts
return home by Grace
persevere through temptation to
finally sup with Us once again
We entreat in tears:
turn back from
wandering foreign lands!
your royal rings
and robes

-Who are the Prodicals?
-What are some of the pitfalls for Prodicals?
-What does it mean to "come home"?
-What are some of the obstacles Prodicals face to come home?
-How does a Prodigal 'come home'?
-How can you help bring Prodigals 'home'?
-What has to change to bring this about?