My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Outsider

I walked away so...
I had no say...
I can't believe I did that...
she was my daughter
and I had no say
whether she lived or died -
how insane is that? -
it sucks...I was goin' nuts...
a lot of other guys wouldn't 
give a damn but...I did though
I wasn't in a place where I
could do anything about it...
her Mom didn't want me in her life
so I wasn't 'free' to save my baby...
I had no
I took the 'easy' way out- but
in reality it wasn't that easy...
I wanted to take care of my baby but
I felt like I had to back off....
I loved her Mom- especially after
I knew we were going to
have a baby girl...
it drove me crazy that
I could lose my baby...
I wanted to be a Dad -
I didn’t want anything
to happen to her...
I felt so responsible...
we didn’t expect to get pregnant...
we thought we were being careful
but things happen...
even in the best of circumstances
then when we found out...
everything fell apart
what I thought was a good relationship
turned out to be more one-sided and
finally the truth came out-
she was leaving me and
with her went my daughter...
her Mom was so confused...
it was agony watching her
close the door
without even saying goodbye...
phone calls went unanswered
knocks echoed in an empty hallway...
what if she didn’t want my baby girl?  
what if she felt she couldn’t handle it all?
what if she couldn’t bear to
give our baby up for adoption?
my daughter would die and
me with her -
even though everyone says
it’s the mother’s choice 
she was my baby too but
her Mom didn’t care about my feelings...
I felt so powerless 
I tried praying for the first time
in a long time...
I begged the Lord to save her - to
help her Mom to
know I’d be there for her -
if He cared at all for my daughter
He'd save her...
if He was who He said He was 
He wouldn't let her die -
I begged... but...
silence was my answer -
only silence -
nothing more...
then... one day... I got the call...
it was over -
the deed was done -
my baby was gone...
I was numb...
I couldn’t say anything so 
I just hung up...
why Lord?
why did you let this happen?
if you are so Powerful... so Loving...
supposed to be the Lord of all 
why didn't you stop her from
killing our baby?
why didn’t you do anything?
my girl was helpless
just a tiny baby and
you let her be killed...
what is wrong with you?
if only I could have talked with her Mom...
if I could have just showed her
how much I loved them both...
I didn’t understand...   
I was really pissed...
and frustrated...
the why’s and 'if only's' kept intruding but
nothing resolved my questions-
no answers were good enough-
and in the desert
of my loss -
for months to come -
I could only weep and mourn for my baby
as I thought of
what could have been-.
the life we could have had together...
a life I can only dream about
and imagine...but then... sometime...
someway... somehow... I began to
have a faint and desperate hope
that I would someday
be reunited with my little girl...
it would be in heaven -
a redemption of this whole mess -
we would finally be united...
we would recognize each other -
see each other face to face... I 
would look into her Mother's eyes 
and I would hug my little girl...
kiss her...
pick her up and
she would screech in delight at
having her daddy
swing her ‘round and ‘round
toss her up in the air
and catch her
laughing / crying in joy...
knowing we would be together -
please Lord...
make it happen

-Describe the father's experience.
-How would you answer his protestations to God?
-How common is it for the father to regret an abortion?Why/not?
-What would happen if more men took responsibility for the pregnancy? 
-Why isn't adoption a more frequent option to abortion?
-Why don't we hear very much about fathers who do?
-How can that change?                                                               
-What is the hope for fathers whose child was aborted?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Griever

the gift of life-
creation's marvel- is
Mine to give
intended or not by
those bestowed...
this daughter of Mine is
made in My Image
imprinted with My Likeness
sparked with My Eternal Flame
given a call to share My Love-
an Intimacy unmatched-
only hinted at by the
coming together of
man and woman in
breathless wonder 
she has
her mother’s eyes
her father’s smile
but also 
My Heart to serve
My Will to love
imprinted in her soul
precious in My eyes
intended for heroic mercy
destined to bring hope to the
lonely and defenseless
life was torn from her before
seeing the light of day or the
dawn of night
what was designed to be a
time of knitting together
was instead a
tearing apart
unborn by a choice-
not her own-
made by the one closest
yet furthest from her
innate desire to live
she was rejected with
unjustifiable cause
lured by songs of
freedom’s false face
though intended for harm
I make all things new
though left to die alone
she is nearer to Me than the
womb from which
she was wrenched 
though treated as refuse
she is My precious treasure
though rejection
leaves the temporal unfulfilled
she finds eternity waiting for her
in My arms singing
lullabies of Love
with tears of grieving
not only for her but
her mother as well for
each victim has died
one in body
one in spirit
having refused 
freedom's offering
ignored a
proven truth of life
Love conquers for all who
hear and respond to
My Word of New Life
a new choice
by a Grace received
and a reality embraced
a turning away from darkness to
grasp the Light
an offer of salvation and a
forgiveness beyond hope
I hate the sin but
I love the sinner
so much so that I bore
her just punishment
by a sacrifice
without bounds
evil will find justice
unless a turning back is turned
by a heart choosing
unmerited Mercy over the
throne of self
but for now the result is the
cleansing of innocence
leaving only the promise of
healing and hope of
unending reunion
to those who
surrender in trust

-How is God described in "The Griever"?
-What does the image of God "singing lullabies of love" convey?
-Why is the Mom a victim as well as the Daughter?
-What does "choosing unmerited mercy over the throne of self" mean?
-What does it mean that God hates the sin but loves the sinner?
-Why doesn't God just stop the evil of abortions?
-Whose responsibility is it to help stop abortions?
-What would you do if someone came to you for help?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Regret


she would have been
three today
her deathday is the
hardest to endure
my thoughts race
that day as if were
yesterday when
she no longer
grew within me
my feelings were
so  conflicted
after I saw her image
but I felt so alone
cornered with
no way out
the people at
Planned Parenthood
encouraged me
that it was for the best
it would be ok
I could get on
with my life now
only I found out
I couldn't
I couldn't stop
thinking about her
that she didn't
have a choice in
all of this
her right to life was crushed
darkness began
to overtake me
I lost interest
in everything
if it wasn't for
my family I
wouldn't be here now
it was that way
far too long
then I heard about
a retreat called
Rachel's Vineyard
it was different
I found acceptance there
courage to face
my past decision
I experienced forgiveness
from the Lord
myself and
my little girl
it was almost like 
she was praying for me to
turn back to the Lord
surrender my life to
follow Him
wherever He leads                                                                                 
and slowly
things began to change
I  resolved to
help others not to
make the same mistake
to bring His Love where
heartache reigns
I still regret it all
but when it gets
most difficult
like today
I join my sorrow
with His
for other Moms to
save their little ones
I have a hope
that the Lord will
bring us together again
but this time
with open arms

-Describe the Mom's experience.
-How common is it for women to regret their abortion?
-How does "The Regret" relate to "The Daughter"?
-How can some women NOT regret their abortion?
-What steps can a post-abortion Mom take to find peace?
-What part does forgiveness play?
-What is the hope offered in this poem?  Real or not real? Why?
-What can you do to support Moms who are thinking of aborting their child? 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Third Day

as the
third day dawned
sorrow's silent dirge
persistent yet
finally spurred me to
His resting place
longing for a comfort
that only He could impart
my tears vainly
sought to mend my
open wound created by
His Passion's agony
a loss daily endured
now made unbearable by
His disappearance
empty garments
enshrined the mystery
announced by
radiant messengers
which only
added to my confusion
till my Devotion's Identity-
at first unrecognized-
Caressed my name
revealing that familiar
Tenderness which forgave 
so much and now Anointed 
me with Healing Joy even
without any embrace for
Love's Mission to bring 
this Good News which
purposed my soul and 
wedded my spirit to 
His as now all things 
were made New...


-Describe Mary Magdalene's experience.
-What does "wedded my spirit to His" mean?
-What does "Caressed my name" communicate?
-Do you think He "Caresses" your name?
-If yes, how have you experienced that?
-If you don't know or don't believe so, why?
-Do you experience the joy of the Resurrection? Why/not?
-How can you grow in joy?
-Why is all this 'Good News'?
-What is your Mission? 

The Centurion

duty called to oversee a
verdict fulfilled for One who
though recently received
with cries of exaltation
as the Messiah-King now 
was being self-righteously 
condemned to die despised... 
rejected... mocked and scorned 
then shredded and crowned with 
thorns in feigned adulation of 
the new King of the Jews who
then commenced a Royal 
procession to His place of
Enthronement as faces turned 
away from His appalling 
appearance while in silent 
Dignity He desperately crept 
under what I now understand 
was the weight of the world's 
guilt to His place of punishment 
there to perish in a spectacle of 
torturous death as Passover's
spotless Lamb who midst the guilty 
was welcomed by the din of 
haughty jeers impatiently clamoring 
for a miraculous sign to prove 
His claimed Divinity yet the
bedlam was overwhelmed by the 
stately silence of a Mother’s 
enduring presence which helped 
transform two hearts into One each 
bearing the other's burden without 
complaint producing a Conflicted
Innocence which nevertheless bore 
the sentence with Majestic Humility 
in an extreme solution for an extreme 
dilemma for One whose unrequited 
Love so freely bestowed seemingly 
found no home but mine and as He 
breathed His last Surrender darkness 
came as Light departed and by 
pierced efficiency water and Blood 
entwined washing guilt away birthing 
a new conviction in me which fulfilled 
an ignorant need - a Revelation born 
from a Sacrificial Purchase - which
pointed me in a new direction as
reverent tenderness gently lowered Him 
from His Throne into His Mother’s arms
and while she caressed Him with final 
kisses and bathed Him with tears of 
mourning's dew I was left longing for
something more...


-How does "The Centurion" make the crucifixion personal?
-Describe Mary's response.
-What does Mary's response tell us about how we can respond to suffering?
-What does 'Conflicted Innocence' mean?
-What does 'Majestic Humility' mean?
-What does 'an extreme solution for an extreme dilemma' mean?
-What does 'unrequited Love' mean?
-What was the 'ignorant need' of the Centurion?
-What was the "something more" for the Centurion?
-Describe what you have done to deserve all this.
- How does the Lord's Passion affect your walk with the Lord?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Benchmark

at the end of
your life
when it's all about
to be over ...and your
-money will
no longer matter
-next career move is
not going to happen
-challenging goals are unnecessary
-dreams will be undreamed
-words will no more be spoken
-familiar voices unheard
-when only the
past is present signifying
tomorrow's nonexistence
in this life... for...
that last day's task is to
the sum as well as
the parts of your life
what benchmark
would you use or
have others use
in this endeavor?
were you a success
or a failure...
not living up to your potential?
this gift of your life
passed on by particular
parents in particular
circumstances at
particular times and places
for X many years
in Y careers with
Z accomplishments
and alphabetic
what did you do with
all those years...
measured on what
imaginary scale?....
the answer
if known now
how would that change things
if there was still time?
in reality
it matters not
what my standard is
nor yours either
for each one is relative
it is only
the Lord's benchmark
that is absolute for
He alone is the Judge-the
Source and End of all-
and He says....
His criterion is Love-
to Love Him above all-
faithfully and
not be double-minded 
to Love others
in self-sacrifice
as He has loved you
only THAT brings the
true...good... and beautiful of
your life into fulfillment and
worthy of honor in
heaven forever
so then...
that being proffered
do you accept it as
your personal benchmark?
and if so then...
how is that going?
and what are you
going to do differently
from this day on?
if unaccepted...and
think about this carefully..
all eternity is  at

-What is the point of "The Benchmark"? 
-Imagine that you are the person about to die,
 do you accept the Lord's benchmark?
-If yes, how does that affect your life today?
-What changes do you need to make?
-How can you ensure the changes "stick"?
-If not, then what?