My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Seeker


in your silent depths
you seek to love and
be loved without
limits or measures-
the security of a union
whose acceptance and
self'-donation is a
dream of endless ecstasy
you also realize-though
do not always admit -that
it is far more than
finite love can
deliver in this life since
everything passes and is
restricted by the
earthly boundaries
of the temporal
only imagination's limitless frontiers
extend fulfillment beyond its
confined expressions-
even marital love-
however satisfying - is still
full of trials / suffering and
always desires more than
your fallen nature
can deliver and so
your craving remains for
something more...lasting... may seem
that you seek in vain but.
the Truth is that I have 
placed that longing in your heart
for it is I who first seeks you
it is for you that I hunger...
aware or not
self-absorbed or generous
trapped in sin or saint
proud or humble
bitter or thankful
hater or lover
enemy or friend
it is your heart I treasure
your love
for which I long-
in a Union
Infinite and Passionate
like Me...some of
you question My veracity-
can this be True?
is He truly like He says He is?
you think...
does He really Love... me... that way?
maybe for others but
not for me because in
your heart of hearts
you know your
weakness and poverty
secrets hidden from
everyone's eyes but Mine
sins that feel unforgivable
accusations / shame swirl in your mind
wounds buried deep within
lies about yourself and Me that
you still believe to this very day...  
I do not utter
empty words
they express
My Tender Mercy
the Truth of
who I Am
it was for YOU
I bore the Cross-
the burden of your sins-
for YOU that
My Hands and Feet were nailed
My Heart pierced
Blood and Water flowing to
Wash your heart to
make it like Mine-
a stark testimony of
My Personal Love for YOU
as I looked
into your eyes
and said...
I thirst...
Say Yes to...
My Infinite Invitation...
My Love for YOU
Repent of your sin
Accept Me into your heart
as Lord and Savior
Follow Me

-Is "finite love" ultimately not fulfilling?  Why/not?
-How is the love of Jesus different than our love for one another?
-How are they related?
-Do you think people tend to question God's Love for them? Why/not? 
-In what way does that pertain to you?
-What are some of the 'lies' talked about?
-How can we receive His Love for us?
-What does it mean here that Jesus says "I thirst"?
-What does it mean to say "yes" to Jesus?
-How can you communicate this reality to others?
-How has Jesus proven His Love for you?
-Is there anything keeping you back from deciding to receive Jesus 
 into your heart as your Personal Lord and Savior? 
-If yes, then, what is it? Work through it. Maybe talk it over with a trusted friend.
-If no, then, just ask Him into your heart in your own words. Day by Day seek Him, listen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful reflection... I love how at every chapel of the Missionaries of Charity, they have the words "I thirst" posted by the crucifix...
