This is your Official Notice -
Like it or not...Believe it or not.-
and you probably would rather
not think about it this way but
here it is will be
Downsizing your Primary Residence -
whatever that might be right now -
and it'll go something like this...
and finally.....Coffin / Urn - and won't need all those
expensive things you're so proud of... home...
fancy fashions...won't need those
golf clubs...uh room for
all those trophies you spent your
life striving after...maybe you'll be
in a few fading pictures in someone's
photo album whenever it's taken out
of it's dusty closet space and get a
few comments - hopefully pleasant
ones - but you won't notice anyway -
you'll be in your tiny resting place...
oblivious....and Oh could
go from house to urn like...BOOM!!
Yes it could..- not quite the Downsizing
you had in mind eh? I'd say 99.9% of
us don't think this way but nevertheless
it actually is happening now someplace
somehow with someone but then we're
ALL in one stage or another of Downsizing
to our Final Tiny Resting Place aren't we?...
Yep...Downsizing...So.. Question...You
Ready for that? Because It's Coming...
maybe sooner than you think.....So...let's
talk about 'Then what?" - Realities that
are Crucial to Address Now - before it's
too late - what's left of your physical body
will be in your Final Tiny Resting Place
BUT your Soul - that which makes you...
YOU...will - FOREVER - be either in
the Bliss of Heaven or the Fires of Hell -
Everything in THIS life is temporary..
fleeting...passing...the NEXT Life is
Eternal...and HOW you live in this life
will determine WHERE you live in the
next...Who decides that?...the Judge...
Jesus...the One Offered by the Father to
take your sins upon Himself - Purely
out of His Personal Love for you and
pay their Just Punishment by His Death
on the Cross but then Rose to New Life
and Offers that Eternal Gift to you if
ONLY you Choose to Repent and Follow
Him in THIS life...All the Injustices of
this life will be Reconciled in the Next...
There will be Justice for ALL...But...
NOW is the time for Mercy / Forgiveness
while you still have the Opportunity to
Ask and
you can not believe any of this and
go to hell first class...OR you can ..
Repent for your sins...Ask Forgiveness -
Give them to Jesus and end up in Heaven...
so What's it going to be? keeping
Downsizing in mind and realizing that
'not to choose is actually choosing'...Ask
yourself...Am I ready to meet Him face
to Face? Because then it will be either
Heaven or is THAT STARK...
Light or Darkness... Joy or Pain...Love
or Hate...Jesus or Satan...Don't Wait to
Decide might be BOOM!
Reflection / Discussion:
- How does John 3:16-18 relate to this poem?
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
- Describe what 'Downsizing' means in this poem?
- Describe your feelings after you've read this poem?
- What have you been striving after in life?
- Where does Jesus fit in?
- What stage are you in?
- Why is 'not choosing actually choosing'?
- What does it mean to Choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
- How should you nourish this Relationship each day?
- A Simple Prayer of Commitment: 'Lord Jesus, Thank you for the Gift of Salvation...I ask your
Forgiveness for all my sins and I ask you to be my Personal Lord and Savior. Help me to Follow
you Faithfully by the Power of your Holy Spirit. I Love you and desire to be with you Forever'