My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Desperate

desperate for true affirmation...
wounded from its denial...                             
the unaffirmed seek to satiate
their solitary starvation for 
unconditional love by any means 
necessary...wherever their isolated / 
distorted feelings lead them
no matter the depth of their 
rabbit holes nor the long-term 
consequences for their health 
and well-being let alone their 
Eternal Destination...spurred-on 
by bizarre influencers spewing 
imaginative hokum as a solution 
to their identity conundrum by 
encouraging radical transformations 
which though unattached to actual 
Reality none-the-less spark vain 
mythical dreams to conform their 
exterior appearances to match their
perceived interior identities as if one 
can make the immutable mutable and 
all-the-while coercing everyone around 
them into celebrating their perilous 
tragedy lest they be cancelled by the 
ever-watching ideologues of diversity / 
inclusion all-the-while knowing in their 
darkest unspoken recesses that xy's can 
never become xx's nor visa-versa no
matter how vehement the protestations
that such "cultural conjectures" are not 
part of the equation nor of the preposterous 
web of lies that undergird their obsessively 
narcissistic claims to be traveling in uncharted 
territories of a fantasied human nature no
longer shackled by Objective Universal Truth 
which itself is postulated as a hater's hallucination...
all of which screams for an answer to the 
question...when will someone of merciful mind 
and heart Accompany them and proffer the 
TRUE and ONLY Fulfillment for the Desperate 
Heart of the Lost by Speaking the Truth in Love?
the Answer lies in the Truth of Creation...
discovering the One who Created Human Beings 
as a Masterpiece of Creation knitting them 
together in their Mother's Womb from their 
very inception each in His own Image and Likeness...
Male and Female...Separate yet Equal...
Complementary...Created to Join Together
in a Sacred Act to bring forth New Life...
each Unique like a facet of a diamond United
in a Creation of Beauty and Structure with an
Order that goes beyond the visual...
Universal yet Individual / Distinct that surpasses 
even the most complicated algorithms or Science
and the Mysteries of the Universe...sui generis 
patterns Created by an Infinite Designer
captivated in Finite Beings who incessantly 
seek More than their imperfect nature can 
measure...a hunger for the Perfect mysteriously 
imbedded in their incomplete hearts which
long for the mending of their brokenness solely 
rooted in the One Crucified specifically for them
whose purpose and goal was to Heal the wounded 
hearts of a fallen humanity prone to deception 
by the evil one whose aim is always to capture 
and destroy any resemblance to their Perfect
Creator whose Invitation is to share His Devine 
Nature as a Beloved Son or Daughter Eternally 
Affirmed...Unconditionally Loved...Unique 
yet One in Mind and Heart with the Father 
of All who is with All and in All who Receive 
the Son in a Personal Relationship United by the 
Spirit who Abides within by Love as it was in 
the Beginning and will be in the End...Order... more Chaos / Confusion...
Desperation Eternally Ended

Reflection / Discussion:

-Why is Truth Universal / Objective?
-Why is it not based on Subjective feelings?
-What does Affirmation mean?
-What does 'wounded human nature' mean?
-How does Creation show the imprint of the Creator?
-How does Creation show order / structure in human beings?
-How do you know the 'evil one' is real?
-Where do you see in culture his 'lies / deceptions'?
-How does 'hunger for the Perfect' show itself?
-What does 'unconditional love' mean?
-How can we help those caught-up in gender dysphoria?
-What does 'speaking the Truth in Love' mean?