My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Monday, August 2, 2021

The Tyranny

feelings are your servants
not your tyrannical masters
dictating true / false / right / 
wrong no matter the rational
objection nor evidence to the 
contrary...which necessarily
follows from the argument that - 
strictly speaking - they are YOUR 
feelings and therefore YOUR truth...
others may disagree but that is THEIR 
truth - not yours - because that is how 
YOU feel and that's all that matters...
others must respect that...accept you 
as you fact...celebrate your 
truth...and, if they don't...they're simply 
'haters' / 'bigots' since they can't tell 
you what is true for you...only you can... 
because...who are they to judge?.. and 
of course...all truth is relative which is 
absolutely true! it?...step back...
examine your past decisions...actions...
feelings. whether it's about identity...
career...finances...big or little things...
have you ever changed your mind about 
an important matter?  or felt impelled to 
do something which felt 'right' even 
though it might be 'risky' and then later
regretted it? or... gotten angry at someone 
for what they said / wrote because you 
thought they meant one thing when they 
really didn't mean that at all?... feelings
change...truth / objective reality does not...
but just because someone feels something
is true does not just 'make it true'...
many factors can influence your 
feelings such as making assumptions...
mood swings....alcohol / drugs...
not enough sleep...stress from work /
relationships.....incorrect information....
jumping to conclusions...lies from 
someone's agenda...the reality is that 
feelings provide data to our intellects which 
then need to be discerned / examined / 
evaluated  by our reason to put them 
into the proper perspective - many times 
with the help of others who can provide
us with other facts / data that perhaps we 
haven't considered / known / realized - so 
we can finally make a decision with our 
wills...feelings change...truth does not...
you may have a red cape and no fear of 
heights but 'feeling like you can fly'?....
hmmm...let's postpone 
your test flight for least until 
you take some lessons! may
feel like...not studying for your finals /
skipping your scheduled court appearance
for a moving violation...not...paying your 
rent / car payment / taxes or that somehow
were born in the wrong body and you
need to start treatments to change your
body to 'look how you feel' and then
everything will be 'right'  but then
what about all those who 'de-transition'?... 
feelings / emotions need to be put 
into their proper place in our lives...
put to the test...they are an important part 
of our human nature but are not what sets
us apart from other creatures...our
intellect and will - the ability to reason 
and freely choose are our highest faculties - 
our greatest dignity - feelings / emotions 
change  / can be fickle...influenced by a 
plethora of factors to the lies of
the evil one...the unbelieving world or even
our own illusions... so do not build your life 
around them...carefully examine them to 
determine their source...why do I feel this 
way? what I feel true 'objectively' not
 just 'subjectively'? what are the 'facts' 
behind my feelings?....when did they start?
what was going on then?...what is really 
going on now?...and don't be afraid to get 
help from someone who will not just 'tell you
what you want to hear' but who is wise and 
will be honest with you and who isn't just
being 'politically correct'...feelings play an 
important role in our lives but do not make 
them 'gods' which command you to obey at
all costs...let truth be your guide...truth that
doesn't depend on how you feel today...
make more measured - rational - responses 
rather than emotional - irrational - reactions...
more in-control than out-of-control...
servants...not masters....

Dictionary Definitions:

-'Reason': verb- to think or argue in a logical manner: to form conclusions, judgments or inferences
                  from facts or premises.
-'Irrational': not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical
-'Emotion': an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate or the like is 
                     experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness
-'Obsess': to dominate one's thoughts or feelings or desires: haunt persistently or abnormally
-'Discern': to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect
-'Logic': the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study
-'Data': individual facts, statistics, or items of information 
-'Fact':  something that actually exists, reality, truth
-True': being in accordance with the actual state or conditions, conforming to reality or fact, not false
-'False': not true or correct, erroneous
-'Illusion': something that deceives by producing a false or misleading of reality
-'Real': true, not merely ostensible, nominal or apparent: being an actual thing, having objective 
              existence not imaginary
-'Objective': adjective- not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations or prejudices: based on 
                      facts external to the mind rather than thoughts or feelings.
-'Subjective':  adjective- existing in the mind, belong to the thinking subject rather than object of                                   thought
-'Relative': existing or having its specific nature only in relation to something else
-'Absolute': free from restriction or limitation; not limited in any way

Reflection / Discussion:

-What is 'the tyranny'?
-What does "feelings are our servants...not our masters" mean
-Why do people have different feelings about an objective fact?
-Why do 'feelings' change? 
-If you feel something is true, can it still be objectively false? Why / not?
-What is the proper place of 'feelings' in making decisions?
-What determines if your feelings about something are "true or false"?
-How would you teach young children the art of making a decision?
-Give a simple example where danger / attraction are factors.