it may Surprise you that I
Really Look Forward to being
With you in that Special Way
each time you come to receive
Me in the Holy Eucharist...
Everything is Personal for Me...
I Know you...Everything about
you...your strengths / weaknesses...
what was going on before you arrived...
where you sit...who is with you...
around you...I know your thoughts...
what is on your heart / mind that day...
especially that you want to be with
Me which is a Joy to Me because I
Anticipate our being in Holy
Communion so much and then
when it happens...I Love it because
I Love you...Intimately.. and even
though you sometimes quickly get
distracted with this or that pressing
situation in your life...which BTW
I can appreciate and understand...
I just want you to let it sink-in -
to go from your head to your heart -
that you are Very Special to Me
and that I Cherish Our Time Together..
now... that might be hard for
you to accept sometimes knowing
your own weaknesses and areas
in your life that need work[ng on
but Please... Trust Me... I Do Love
Being With You...and one day
we Will See each other face to Face
and it will never end...the Joy from
the Love we Share will be Perfectly
Tangible and you will look back and
in a glance understand that I Truly
was With you...Working in you -
especially in those Purifying Trials
you struggled with but were so
necessary to Free you...Heal you
to become the Child of God I Created
you to be...and that each Reception
would be a Foretaste of Our Eternal
Communion and the Fulfillment of
your Deepest Desire - as well as
My Mine for you - may
Surprise you...but...It's Really True....
Reflection / Discussion:
-Does it surprise you? Why / not?
-What strikes you about this poem? Why?
-How is each Reception of Holy Communion a foretaste of Heaven?
-Is it helpful to look at the Eucharist from Jesus' point of view? Why?
-What can you do to get more out of Holy Communion?