My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Chosen

when you only focus upon 
your choice to follow Me
it can turn your attention back
upon yourself...'see what I
have done'...'look at me'...
evaluating your own efforts...
your accomplishments...
successes / failures...what gifts 
you have / how you want to use 
them...what goals you want to 
achieve in 'building the Kingdom'...
maybe comparing yourself to 
others for better or worse and 
without even realizing it fall into
the trap of  being a 'check-list 
Christian' striving to attain your
next 'merit badge' in the Kingdom
thus continuously gaging your own 
progress in gaining the praise of 
other 'disciples' put it simply...
becoming 'proud of your humility'...
it is a deceptive focus on self...a false 
independence which leads one further 
away from rather than closer to Me...
more of you and less of 
instead... focus on the fact that I 
Chose you to follow Me even though 
I knew your every thought . word / deed
every imperfection / sin...
every failure as well as 
every temptation your mused
upon and still... I Chose you...
before you even thought about it...
before you loved Me in return...
humbling isn't it?...Knowing 
you as I did and still I Chose you
why?...because I Love you
as you are...but I Love you 
so much that I do not Choose
to leave you as you are...rather
I Choose to transform you into a 
Perfect Image of Myself in order
that you may share My Divine Life
Perfectly for all Eternity...
that is My Plan for you and your
role is to Cooperate with My Grace
working in Follow My 
Holy Spirit wherever He Leads you..
to use the Gifts as He Directs...
to Live out My Life within you
by His Power...not by is
a Journey of Transformation that
begins and ends with My Love...
Calling out to you to Become One
with you experience 
your weaknesses...failures...sins...
when following Me becomes
really difficult...when I ask 
things of you that stretch your
boundaries...that require you to
repent / change / sacrifice in order 
to be a witness of My Love / Word
in a fallen world which may then 
cause you to be 'cancelled' / persecuted / lose your possessions / 
family even life itself...Know that I 
Love you...that I Am always with you-
even when you do not experience Me
I Am Faithful...You are Mine and 
I Belong to you... so...Remember...
Ponder this Reality...

Reflection / Discussion:

-How does it feel to be Chosen / Selected by Jesus Personally?
-In your own words, thank Him, tell Him what it means to you, 
  what kind of disciple you want to be and ask for His help especially to....
-What are some of the ways pride can influence our faith-walk?
-What are some of the 'merit badges' we can go after?
-How can we avoid centering our faith-walk around ourselves?
-How can having a spiritual director or sharing group help us?
-Remember how He Chose you...your story, so you can tell others.

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Line in the Sand

the day is at hand
time to choose
for or against
no matter the cost or
personal price to pay
they will not let you
slip away unnoticed 
hide in the basement
blend into the crowd
you will have to 
wear the badge if you 
disagree with them
a sign of your 
nonconformity - hatred
in their eyes but
nonsense in your eyes -
it will be your badge of
love / honor / standing
for the Truth / Reality
but ignorance / bigotry in 
their will have
to endure like your Master...
receive like unto what 
He will be 
they will come for you...
your family....job / business...
careers will have to change...
relationships will be ended...
friends will no longer be 
there for you...nor some 
family members despite 
your love for them...problems
will arise that you never
imagined would come knocking
on your door let alone take over
pressures of every kind even on 
your children....all because of 
Him...yes...He is the Line in
the Sand...the Pont of Contention...
what He Said...Taught...Passed on...
the Truth about Reality...Life...
Who you are...What you are
Called to Be in this World...
His Witness...Follower... speak as He say what He is
Saying now...Truth in Love...
to deny His Teaching is to
deny please the world
is to displease agree
with the world is to disagree
with Him...He told you this 
was coming...that they would
hate you because they first 
hated Him...only now it's 
not just written words...
it's your
your children's faces...what 
others - in times 
other places...cultures...
circumstances have had to do... you are 
called to replicate...make your own...
Stand...Fight - not with weapons
of this world but in Spirit / Truth...
not returning hatred but Love...
not by might / power but by Grace
for on your own you will fail...
you will not be able to live
Virtuously by merely trying will only be possible
if you are One with Him...
depending upon His Spirit of by day...supporting
one another in the Lord...loving
one another as He loves us...and
lastly...Rejoicing in the Lord...
that you are Chosen to suffer 
along side Him .knowing that 
He is Risen!...He lives within you...
He will never leave you nor 
forsake you...He will always
Love you...Dearly / Infinitely....
remembering that all you see / 
hear / experience will pass away...
only what is in Him will Stand... not fear those who 
can merely kill the body...rather
be in Awe of He who has 
Power over death...who can
Destroy the soul in Fire Forever...
He is the Line in the Sand so
Choose Wisely and Fearlessly 
Obey God rather than man

Reflection / Discussion:

-How is Jesus the 'line in the sand'?
-What are some of the issues at stake?
-How do you handle family members who don't follow the Lord?
-Where have you seen 'persecution' in Western society?
-What can you do now to prepare yourself / family for persecution?
-What is your prayer life like?
-Have you / family made a personal commitment to Christ?
-Be informed so as to make a 'simple / loving' defense of your faith.