I AM pleased that you have
responded to My Invitation to enter
into your life...there to Dwell in your
heart - the Core of who you are - to be
your personal Lord and Savior...I Love
you with an Infinite Love and I shall
never leave nor forsake you... My
Presence is meant to become your Refuge...
a Stronghold of Peace where you can Rest
when the storms of life - both from exterior
circumstances buffeting your foundations or
interior forces raging within your walls...fears...
doubts...lies and accusations from the
evil one - temptations of every kind meant
to lead you away from My Temple within
where our Hearts beat as One in an ever
Deepening Communion - not by self-reliant
striving but by Graced Surrender -Trusting in
My Love for you - I Love being with you but...
I need to ask you why you so rarely linger
when you deign to visit with Me? My Heart
when you deign to visit with Me? My Heart
longs for you - not merely for momentary
glances- but for you to Abide with Me -
to be a Resident in My Heart - not just a
to be a Resident in My Heart - not just a
casual Visitor who comes when you have an
urgent need that you want Me to take care of
urgent need that you want Me to take care of
or you're worried about someone you love
whom you know I Love as well but then...
you disappear...gone...until the next emergency
awakens your remembrance of Me...Listen closely...
there is so much More I Desire to Reveal / Share
with you...Say and Do through you...Give you
but...so many times when you get what you need...
you move on because you have so many other
things to do or think about...you get busy with
this or that...so much going on in your life..
sometimes I'm lost among your other important
relationships...at other times I'm very far down
your priority / to-do list...I respect your freedom and
leave you free to...come and go...listen or not...
receive or ignore...open or close your heart... but
I want you to know this...I shall continue to
leave you free to...come and go...listen or not...
receive or ignore...open or close your heart... but
I want you to know this...I shall continue to
Pursue you and sometimes even allow the
negative fruit of your decisions to fester deep
negative fruit of your decisions to fester deep
within your wounded nature...whether it be anxieties...
insecurities...some things falling apart in your life
where you have not yet allowed Me to be Lord and
therefore are still in 'disorder' with the goal that you
will notice something is missing / not right and ask
'why is this happening?' or 'where is the Lord?'...
-Are you more of a Resident or a Visitor? Why?
-What does it mean to be Resident not a Visitor in the Lord's Presence?
-Is it even possible? Why/not?
-What practical decisions can you make to be more in His Presence"
'why is He not helping me?' in order to bring you
back into My Presence so that I can lead you into
a deeper Union -.otherwise I may lose you to the
enemy through his deceptive ways in this fallen
world ...so full of self-centered preoccupations...
so many idols to worship.. passions to pursue....
so I Call you to Come back to Me...become a
so I Call you to Come back to Me...become a
Resident in My Presence...Step by Step...Grace
by Grace...More and More...Day by Day...you
are meant to thrive in My Presence with ALL the
Graces I offer you... learning to Trust / Rest in
My Love for you especially when Purifying Trials
strip away and I Heal that which hinders you from going
Higher / Deeper in our Union and thus reaping the
boundless harvest of the Fruit of My Spirit... so...
when you find yourself wandering away from
My Presence simply turn to Me whispering My Name
as in the 'Jesus Prayer'...Humbly asking with Thanksgiving
for all you need especially the Grace to Surrender once
more by permitting My Spirit to usher you into My
Presence there to Rejoice and becoming the Clay for the
Potter molding you into My Image and Likeness... Forged
by the Fire of My Love that you may 'say what I am saying
and do what I am doing'...so...yes.. become My Abiding
Disciple - a Permanent Resident - for you are called to
become as I AM - GLORIFIED!!
-Are you more of a Resident or a Visitor? Why?
-What does it mean to be Resident not a Visitor in the Lord's Presence?
-Is it even possible? Why/not?
-What practical decisions can you make to be more in His Presence"
-What is the 'Jesus Prayer'? How can it help you to be a Resident?
-What is the first Fruit we reap when we live in His Order?
-Does the Lord Will bad fruit to happen to us or Permit it? What's the difference?
-Why does He let that happen?
-How can we take advantage of His Presence more each day?
-How can we learn to "say what He is saying and do what He is doing"?
-What is the first Fruit we reap when we live in His Order?
-Does the Lord Will bad fruit to happen to us or Permit it? What's the difference?
-Why does He let that happen?
-How can we take advantage of His Presence more each day?
-How can we learn to "say what He is saying and do what He is doing"?