My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Haters

it really offends me 
when you so callously
call into question my...              
especially my feelings about
what is TRUE for ME
because these are...
-part of me
-my experience
-describe who I am and
 make me feel more...ME-
the person I have finally 
discovered -and now accept-
so for you to stand there
and cross-examine me is
really disrespectful and frankly...
very hateful and deeply hurts me so....
STOP IT! ..NOW! need to...
-be on my side
-be more welcoming / accepting...
-accompany me on most 
 intimate and sacred journey...
-support me to be who I am..
and - hopefully- CELEBRATE with me...
then...and ONLY'll stop
being such a hater or more accurately...
a completely Neanderthal human being...
you really need to accept / support
my personal feelings about myself
so whether you think I'm being too 
subjective. or am simply 'confused' please..
keep your opinions to yourself...I don't 
want to hear them.. whether they come 
from what you say the Bible says...or... 
what you say the Church teaches...or
how we all have been supposedly
created in our God-given natures...
or even what "reason" and "science" says...
whatever...because...those are just YOUR
interpretations o so-called truths but
that's not the way I see
I don't want to hear any of that.. and-
if I can be candid- your Jesus 
seems to be the CHIEF 'Hater'-
you make Him out to be so...judgmental....
so.. 'narrow-minded'...I say that 
because MY Jesus is ..compassionate, 
affirming and accepts me as I am since 
I feel He made me this way so at the 
end of the day none of your views matter
because they're all tainted by your prejudice
and hate-filled mind-set... be 
perfectly clear...only MY feelings matter 
because I base my life on how I feel about
my own identity and what YOU call morality-
which is not something "out there somewhere"
but only truly 'within' me and only I can 
determine what's really right for 
bottom line is...each person has to decide 
for themselves what is right or wrong...true 
or false...who they are or are not...all based 
on their own life experiences...values and no one can tell me...
-who I am or am not
-what to do / think because....
they don't REALLY know  me or
what's going on inside of me...
it's all about MY life...
not YOUR life or anyone else'
what I need from you is your...
-support and
 -love so... please...
be a supporter...
not a hater 
because haters
don't deserve a
platform to spew their
offensive filth and so...
you force me to say that...
if you persist in your
hate-filled rhetoric and
narrow-minded bigotry...
you'll force me to .
write you off and frankly...
hate you...but then...
that's what you'll deserve...

-Is Truth Objective or Subjective? Why?
-What role does our feelings have in determining Truth?
-What is the Natural Law?
-Does it have a place in determining Morality? Why/not?
-If someone disagrees with you, does that make them a hater / bigot?  Why/not?
-Can love and disagreement go together? Why/not?
-What is the best way to form our Conscience? Why?
-How do you know if what you believe is true or not?
-Why do people feel offended when others disagree with them?
-How can we have healthy discussions when we disagree?
-Do we have the right to disagree with one another? Why/not?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Paradigm

it is no small thing that
I require of you
it is not to be
taken lightly
nor is it of
little consequence
it is a matter of
Eternal Life or Death
and so
listen to My Voice ...
I call you now to a
New Way of Life
one which requires you to
examine yourself
where do I
fit into your life?
am I the LORD of your life?
am I your first priority or
somewhere down the list?
if so, where on that list?
and, as I asked Peter:
do you Love Me?
before you answer
your actions reveal the
truth or falsehood of
your words...
is My Will for you a
practical factor in your decisions?
does My Word guide your daily life?
how much time do you spend
with Me each day in prayer?
do you prayerfully read My Word?
are you My Witness before others?
do you pick and choose which teaching of
My Church to believe and follow?
do you hide your sins from others
feinting righteousness?
do you seek to please
Me or others first?
are you living a
double life....pretending to
follow Me while
following your own sinful habits?
are you passionately committed to Me or
are you lukewarm?
do your relationships with others
bring you closer to or
farther from Me?
are you on the broad way or
the narrow way?
make your case...
you may fool others...even yourself..
but you cannot fool Me..
I see all, know all...
nothing is hidden from Me...
I know your thoughts
what you are going to say
before you even say then...
if you find yourself
lacking in any of these areas
I say to you:
Repent and
Believe the Gospel
Change your heart
Renew your mind
Turn away from
your old ways 
Turn to Me with
ALL your heart
Take Me seriously because
I take you VERY seriously
I offer you Grace NOW to
leave behind your
precious sins:
-those which you pridefully
embrace as your right-
even though My Word and
Church teach otherwise
-those you secretly choose that
fulfill your disordered desires
-those that are habits
committed without a
-those about which you
presume upon My Mercy
without considering My Justice-
Love's Righteous Balance-
Change your heart
Decide to follow Me as your
Very Own LORD and SAVIOR
give Me your allegiance for
I AM Sovereign
freely let go of the
Control of your life
Center your life around Me and
no longer around yourself...
your desires... goals... and dreams
Leave behind the ways and
thinking of the world which
only bring death to the soul
Come apart from those who would
defame My Name
who seek fulfillment in the
flesh and pride of life
because in reality...
belonging to the world means
belonging to satan-
the ruler of this world-
Decide to
seek Me first
Confess your sins
resolving to
live in the Light...not
in the darkness
let My Spirit heal, free and
equip you to
serve My Kingdom by
leading you into the lifelong
Paradigm of Metanoia:
Holiness of life and
Perfect Union
it is I who
calls you by name
paid the Ultimate Price with
My Blood
who gives you Power to
Radically Change your mind and heart...
so now... commit yourself to
take up your Cross and
come after Me
become My Faithful Disciple and
enter into your


-What does "metanoia" mean?
-What is your assessment of your faith commitment?
-Find trusted Christians with whom you can share your assessment and be accountable to them.
-Are you being honest with yourself and others about your faith? How?
-What do you have to do to practically deepen your faith life?
-Do you have a daily prayer time? If not, begin today.
-If you are married, how does faith impact your family life?
-How can it deepen in your family?