each self is
infected by an
enemy within-
a self-centered volcano
poised to erupt at the
slightest provocation
imagined or not
a corruption handed down
throughout the ages from
humanity's original decision to
attain self''s control /
dominance / an
independent identity-
free from a
willing surrender to
their Creator's Desires
turning away from
Selfless Love to
selfish passions that
immediately transformed their
integrated nature into a
distorted / broken vessel
no longer insulated from evil
no longer able to forgo
behavior / attitudes /
thinking / feelings that would
now pull to overpower
any semblance of orderly
self-donation for the
good of the other
the "I" would reign supreme
concerned only for its own
distorted welfare
first and foremost
The Father's Love was
made unattainable-a
Loss that created an
idol of self to be
worshiped / adored /
served with a dedication that
stripped humanity of its
Innate Dignity and
made ready to accept
indignity's onslaught of sin
every corruption of integrity
imaginable in the name of
self-determination / freedom
but in reality abandoning itself into
satan's power with all his
deceptions / confusions now
gaining direct access and
forming humanity into
seeing reality in terms of self
ruled by transitory feelings
instead of in terms of objective reality
so that rebellion /
pride and selfishness
became humanity's identity
its modus operandi...
and yet.......My Love did not
abandon you in your misery
I took on humanity's flesh
became one of you to
pay the price of
redeeming humanity's integrity
pierced and broken
that you may become whole
to know your True Identity as a
Son or Daughter of God
and share...
My Life
Know My Love...
Pure and Holy
Eternal and Immutable
Always Personal
Always Dependable..
Share in the Power of My Spirit to
overcome the power of
your wounded self
through trials and tribulations
showing its fleshly limitations
so that you learn to...
-love as I Loved you
-sacrifice as I Sacrificed for you
-serve as I Served you
-rely as I Relied upon the Father
-glorify and I Glorified the Father
giving you the ability to
put to death the
incessant pandering to self
which enslaves mankind to
the enemy within
Reflection / Discussion:
-Describe our fallen nature.
-How do you experience its pull?
-How does Grace help you overcome its influence in you?
-Find a support group for your Christian life.
-Pray daily, read His Word, frequently receive the Sacraments.
-If you are doing these things, be faithful.
-If not, why? What will you do to change?
My hope for you
Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free: genefirn@yahoo.com
Table of contents: October 7, 2012