I have created you to be a
subject not an object
you are a unique person
imbued with innate dignity
made in My Image and Likeness
designed to share My Divinity
a union of body and soul
formed by and for Love-
the gift of self to the other-
a mirror of My Nature
most purely embodied in the
sexual union of
husband and wife-
the whole-hearted donation of
one's being to the betrothed
accomplished and signified
through their bodies-
a mystical sign open to new life-
passion's fruitful expression of
two complimentary hearts
each committed to the
good of the other-
subject to subject but...
when a subject becomes
an object to be used for:
-selfish gain
-taking not giving
Divine Life dies within
only the flesh remains
leaving the body to be
treated as a commodity
whether for pleasure / money
fame / career / self-esteem
flaunted for favors while
losing all sense of self-respect
whether admitted or not
it should be no surprise that
the subject now object is
regarded as such by all...
understand that the
exterior expresses the interior
respect for self
means to
treat yourself and others
with reverence and honor
which the world pretends it does
while objectifying the body
rendering it only for what our
fallen nature deems as
suitable for self-gratification but
not true love and therefore
without worth in and of itself
it is the way of
-darkness not Light
-sin not Holiness
-self-gratification not self-donation
-flesh not Spirit
-using not revering
the way out of all this is simple
though not easy...
surrender your heart to Me and
let My Spirit empower you to
treat yourself and others as a
subject not an object
that is the Way of True Love
but if you fall ..
I am here for you...
-repent / turn away from
lust of the eyes to
modesty of the eyes
-do not place yourself in the
near occasion of sin
-treat the other as a subject
even when they do not
-reverence yourself and others as
you would your Sister / Brother
in-the-Lord whom you love / respect
-pray for those who do not do so or
who are not there yet because
they need help
I call you on...
run...do not walk to Me
you are made Perfect
through your weakness for
My Grace is sufficient for you
despite the strength of
your temptations
you are My Witness to the
Truth of My Creation's
Purpose and Dignity to be
subjects not objects
Sons and Daughters of God
Holy in body and spirit
Reflection / Discussion:
-Where do you see subject v object most played out in our culture?
-What does "modesty of the eyes" mean?
-What is a "near occasion of sin"?
-How are we "made perfect through weakness"?
-What does it mean that "we are created to share in God's Divinity"?
-How can you get/give support for this area?
-How can the Sacraments help us?
My hope for you
Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free: genefirn@yahoo.com
Table of contents: October 7, 2012