The Word of God
The Truth
spoken by The Father
from the Beginning
His Eternal Son
together We send
The Spirit of Truth
into a fallen world to
Witness to My Calling as
The Way / Truth / Life
I took on human flesh
in doing so I
took upon Myself
all of humanity's sin
all its consequences
all its consequences
all of its just punishments by
My Sacred Passion and Death
My Sacred Passion and Death
Rising to New Life
Transformed and Transfigured
into Radiant Glory-
a New Creation- which now
I offer to you if
I offer to you if
you let go of your
old self by giving your
whole heart to Me in order to
whole heart to Me in order to
Love Me above all else as
your Lord and Savior
consciously renewing your
Baptism by which you
became a Son / Daughter
of the Father - your
True Identity...
in this revived Commitment you
share in My Divinity and
your Lord and Savior
consciously renewing your
Baptism by which you
became a Son / Daughter
of the Father - your
True Identity...
in this revived Commitment you
share in My Divinity and
are equipped to share in
My Calling to
Speak My Word of Truth /
Love / Mercy / Forgiveness /
New Life to
sinful humanity in
The Power of the Holy Spirit
but...know this as well...
in Witnessing to My Truth
in Witnessing to My Truth
you shall also share in
My Passion...perhaps My Death
for as they hated Me
so shall you be hated
as I was persecuted
so shall you be persecuted
for...even though I have
already won the victory
over Satan - the liar / ruler of
this world - that realm of
deceit / darkness / death -
rooted in the flesh -
humanity's idolatry of self
rebellion and pride - you are -
rooted in the flesh -
humanity's idolatry of self
rebellion and pride - you are -
by your very existence -
engaged in this warfare
but like Me you shall
conquer even in death for
My Truth is Not...
-hidden in the darkness but
revealed in the Light
-subjective but Objective
-relative but Absolute
-confused but Clear
-based on feelings but on Reality
-passing but Constant
-just for some but for ALL
-temporal but Eternal
-oppressive but Liberating I now speak
conquer even in death for
My Truth is Not...
-hidden in the darkness but
revealed in the Light
-subjective but Objective
-relative but Absolute
-confused but Clear
-based on feelings but on Reality
-passing but Constant
-just for some but for ALL
-temporal but Eternal
-oppressive but Liberating I now speak
so many perish.....
do not follow Me.....
are deceived to....
are deceived to....
-worship self and are thereby
enslaved to Satan's rule
-rebel against rationality while
exalting emotion's authority thereby
choosing death
instead of Life
enslaved to Satan's rule
-rebel against rationality while
exalting emotion's authority thereby
choosing death
instead of Life
-seek this world's allures
instead of My Kingdom's Riches
instead of My Kingdom's Riches
following the broad road to
hell's perdition
instead of the narrow road to
Heaven's Joy
so then Today.....
-Hear My Call
instead of the narrow road to
Heaven's Joy
so then Today.....
-Hear My Call
-Take up My Banner
-Speak My Word of Truth
-Live for My Kingdom
-Love as I Love
-Be Merciful as I AM Merciful
-Embrace My Cross
-Be led by The Holy Spirit
-Rejoice and Be Glad
-Embrace My Cross
-Be led by The Holy Spirit
-Rejoice and Be Glad
Now is the Time to
Stand for The Truth for
The Spirit of Truth is upon you
The Spirit of Truth is upon you
Reflection / Discussion:
-What does it mean to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
-Why is being a Son / Daughter of God your true Identity?
-Where can you find mutual support from others who have done so.
-How is Jesus The Truth?
-Is morality objective or subjective, relative or absolute? Why?
-How is the Spirit leading you to witness to Jesus?
-What Gifts has He given you?
-What does it mean to Embrace the Cross?
-What does it mean to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
-Why is being a Son / Daughter of God your true Identity?
-Where can you find mutual support from others who have done so.
-How is Jesus The Truth?
-Is morality objective or subjective, relative or absolute? Why?
-How is the Spirit leading you to witness to Jesus?
-What Gifts has He given you?
-What does it mean to Embrace the Cross?