humanity's original sin
has left us wounded
divided within
from our conception
no one is unscathed and
though Baptism has
removed the stain of sin
its ramifications remain
each must deal with them
but most are ignorant
because it's wound is left
unspoken as if it is
assumed that
everyone of course
knows about it and has
taken steps to overcome
its consequences-
reality says otherwise-
intellects are darkened
easily deceived
wills are weakened
ripe for rebellion
just as satan declared
'I will not serve'
making 'I' the center of life
creating proud idols to worship
pleasure - power -
success - wealth
feelings rule behavior
confusing right and wrong
while temptations lead us
even to do things we
don't want to do and
not do things we
want to do
it's called sin ...
some more mortal-
spiritual life killing- than others
suffering and death are
now part of life
we were separated from
The Father who
reached out to us
through His Son Jesus who
took upon Himself
our nature with all of its
weakness and sin
put it to death and
conquered it all through
His Resurrection and
pours out His Power by
the Holy Spirit so
we can overcome our wound
it's called Grace...
undeserved yet
freely offered
why wouldn't He
just be angry at our
continual failings?
ignoring Him by
worshiping false gods?
why not just write us off?
Love.....only Selfless Love
but even more stunning is
His offer to
share in His Divinity-
in His very Nature-
the Inner Life of the Trinity-
simply by our yes
our decision to
accept His Love and
Love Him in return
we are still wounded
still weakened
still sin but we can
also choose to
ask forgiveness
walk the narrow path
follow Jesus as Lord and Savior
Love Him above all
depend on His Grace to
learn to love one another
give witness to His Mercy
accept and use the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit and
by His Power
become like Jesus
One with Him-
a transformation called
a lifetime journey to
an Eternal beginning
-How does humanity's wound affect your life?
-Do you have false idols in your life?
-If so, how is that manifested? How can you begin to change?
-What does it mean to walk the narrow path, to follow Jesus?
-What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
-What Gifts do you have?
-How have you changed your lifestyle to follow Jesus?
-What else needs to change and how can that start?
-Where can you find support in your decision?
My hope for you
Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:
Table of contents: October 7, 2012
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
The Father
The Father's Identity is
often masked by the
difficiencies of
our own Dad
too often we
have been wounded
sometimes seemingly
beyond repair
whether through sins of
commission or omission
compounded by the
lies of the evil one
making those offenses
feel deserved because of
our own woeful self-worth
we are wounded
feeling abandoned
looking to be loved
even as we fight back
taking what affection we can
we try to make-up for the loss
by whatever means available
though the overwhelming pain
often remains hidden beneath
our ill-formed interiors
protected by our
well-manicured exteriors
yet only an unravelling
led by the Spirit can
begin to heal and renew
our True Identity as
sons and daughters of God
it is in letting go of
our false self
that one crying for recognition
scarred by offenses
disfigured by falsehoods
by allowing ourselves
to be Loved by the
Lover of our souls
the One who purchased
our Redeemption by
taking our sins upon Himself
revealing The Father's
Self-less Love
for each one while saying
through His Son:
'Come all you who are
heavy laden and
I will give you rest'
admitting our plight
accepting His solution
embracing the process of healing
with each 'yes'
breaking away from
patterns of behavior/thinking
that continue to reiterate
our false identity
leading down into the
Darknesss of self-destruction
we can begin to learn
how to live in Trust today
forgiving our fathers
and ourselves
we recognize that
we are not alone but
at home with
our ABBA
-Describe your relationship with your father.
-What is your relationship like with The Father?
-Do you find it difficult to trust others, especially the Father? Why?
-Talk with Him about it all.
-For what do you need to forgive your father?
-How has the enemy lied to you about all this?
-Where have you looked for your self-worth?
-Get into supportive relationships to work through these issues.
often masked by the
difficiencies of
our own Dad
too often we
have been wounded
sometimes seemingly
beyond repair
whether through sins of
commission or omission
compounded by the
lies of the evil one
making those offenses
feel deserved because of
our own woeful self-worth
we are wounded
feeling abandoned
looking to be loved
even as we fight back
taking what affection we can
we try to make-up for the loss
by whatever means available
though the overwhelming pain
often remains hidden beneath
our ill-formed interiors
protected by our
well-manicured exteriors
yet only an unravelling
led by the Spirit can
begin to heal and renew
our True Identity as
sons and daughters of God
it is in letting go of
our false self
that one crying for recognition
scarred by offenses
disfigured by falsehoods
by allowing ourselves
to be Loved by the
Lover of our souls
the One who purchased
our Redeemption by
taking our sins upon Himself
revealing The Father's
Self-less Love
for each one while saying
through His Son:
'Come all you who are
heavy laden and
I will give you rest'
admitting our plight
accepting His solution
embracing the process of healing
with each 'yes'
breaking away from
patterns of behavior/thinking
that continue to reiterate
our false identity
leading down into the
Darknesss of self-destruction
we can begin to learn
how to live in Trust today
forgiving our fathers
and ourselves
we recognize that
we are not alone but
at home with
our ABBA
-Describe your relationship with your father.
-What is your relationship like with The Father?
-Do you find it difficult to trust others, especially the Father? Why?
-Talk with Him about it all.
-For what do you need to forgive your father?
-How has the enemy lied to you about all this?
-Where have you looked for your self-worth?
-Get into supportive relationships to work through these issues.
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