not the earth but
the sum of cultural
powers even laws
that are
opposed to God
it is the
living out of our
fallen nature-
basically full of sin-
orchestrated and
dominated by satan-the
king of this world-
all sworn enemies of
The King of kings-
this is the atmosphere
in which we live out our
calling to be witnesses of the
Kingdom of God- though
that reality means
we are at enmity with the
kingdom of darkness-thus
spiritual warfare rages
within and without
composed of many skirmishes-
opportunities to choose
between rival kingdoms though
temptations often disguise
their true indentities in order to
lure us into minor
"turning aways" that
down the darkened path
can ultimately result in a
final "turning away"- a
victory for the losing side-
in such an embattled world
standing for the Truth
insures that we receive the
same hatred and persecution as
Jesus -sometimes the same
punishment-but likewise that we
also conquer with Him for
He has overcome this world
with all its might and corruption
our challenge is to bring
His Word of
Selfless Love and Forgiveness
Mercy and New Life to a
broken humanity
it is only by Grace that
true Justice can be attained
only by His Spirit can
Truth be enthroned
bringing Light to the darkness
only by Redemptive Suffering can
life's sorrows be ransomed
only by Supernatural Power can
our fragile nature be
transformed and in turn
Redeem our Society
but even then we
will be resisted unto death
so what then?
we can begin now-today- to
seek the Lord first-
be faithful in our calling to
Love Him and one another in
vulnerable relationships to
help win our common cause
while embracing the Cross to
entwine with His
Passionate Victory by
accepting what comes in
living out our duties
faithful to the Lord
spending time with Him
learning to hear His Voice then
speaking His Word in Love
using the Gifts of the Spirit
He has bestowed upon us
but in all this
let us not forget to
find our true Joy and Peace
in the One who
First Loved us
Gave us His All and
calls us to be
in this world but
not of it
-Where do you experience the influence of the world in your daily life?
-What challenges do you have in living out your relationship with the Lord?
-Describe your prayer life.
-How are you growing in knowing His Word?
-What Gifts of the Spirit do you have?
-How are you using them?
-What supportive relationships do you have to follow the Lord?
-How can you develop authentic, transparent, vulnerable relationships?
My hope for you
Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:
Table of contents: October 7, 2012
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Wound
humanity's original sin
has left us wounded
divided within
from our conception
no one is unscathed and
though Baptism has
removed the stain of sin
its ramifications remain
each must deal with them
but most are ignorant
because it's wound is left
unspoken as if it is
assumed that
everyone of course
knows about it and has
taken steps to overcome
its consequences-
reality says otherwise-
intellects are darkened
easily deceived
wills are weakened
ripe for rebellion
just as satan declared
'I will not serve'
making 'I' the center of life
creating proud idols to worship
pleasure - power -
success - wealth
feelings rule behavior
confusing right and wrong
while temptations lead us
even to do things we
don't want to do and
not do things we
want to do
it's called sin ...
some more mortal-
spiritual life killing- than others
suffering and death are
now part of life
we were separated from
The Father who
reached out to us
through His Son Jesus who
took upon Himself
our nature with all of its
weakness and sin
put it to death and
conquered it all through
His Resurrection and
pours out His Power by
the Holy Spirit so
we can overcome our wound
it's called Grace...
undeserved yet
freely offered
why wouldn't He
just be angry at our
continual failings?
ignoring Him by
worshiping false gods?
why not just write us off?
Love.....only Selfless Love
but even more stunning is
His offer to
share in His Divinity-
in His very Nature-
the Inner Life of the Trinity-
simply by our yes
our decision to
accept His Love and
Love Him in return
we are still wounded
still weakened
still sin but we can
also choose to
ask forgiveness
walk the narrow path
follow Jesus as Lord and Savior
Love Him above all
depend on His Grace to
learn to love one another
give witness to His Mercy
accept and use the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit and
by His Power
become like Jesus
One with Him-
a transformation called
a lifetime journey to
an Eternal beginning
-How does humanity's wound affect your life?
-Do you have false idols in your life?
-If so, how is that manifested? How can you begin to change?
-What does it mean to walk the narrow path, to follow Jesus?
-What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
-What Gifts do you have?
-How have you changed your lifestyle to follow Jesus?
-What else needs to change and how can that start?
-Where can you find support in your decision?
has left us wounded
divided within
from our conception
no one is unscathed and
though Baptism has
removed the stain of sin
its ramifications remain
each must deal with them
but most are ignorant
because it's wound is left
unspoken as if it is
assumed that
everyone of course
knows about it and has
taken steps to overcome
its consequences-
reality says otherwise-
intellects are darkened
easily deceived
wills are weakened
ripe for rebellion
just as satan declared
'I will not serve'
making 'I' the center of life
creating proud idols to worship
pleasure - power -
success - wealth
feelings rule behavior
confusing right and wrong
while temptations lead us
even to do things we
don't want to do and
not do things we
want to do
it's called sin ...
some more mortal-
spiritual life killing- than others
suffering and death are
now part of life
we were separated from
The Father who
reached out to us
through His Son Jesus who
took upon Himself
our nature with all of its
weakness and sin
put it to death and
conquered it all through
His Resurrection and
pours out His Power by
the Holy Spirit so
we can overcome our wound
it's called Grace...
undeserved yet
freely offered
why wouldn't He
just be angry at our
continual failings?
ignoring Him by
worshiping false gods?
why not just write us off?
Love.....only Selfless Love
but even more stunning is
His offer to
share in His Divinity-
in His very Nature-
the Inner Life of the Trinity-
simply by our yes
our decision to
accept His Love and
Love Him in return
we are still wounded
still weakened
still sin but we can
also choose to
ask forgiveness
walk the narrow path
follow Jesus as Lord and Savior
Love Him above all
depend on His Grace to
learn to love one another
give witness to His Mercy
accept and use the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit and
by His Power
become like Jesus
One with Him-
a transformation called
a lifetime journey to
an Eternal beginning
-How does humanity's wound affect your life?
-Do you have false idols in your life?
-If so, how is that manifested? How can you begin to change?
-What does it mean to walk the narrow path, to follow Jesus?
-What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
-What Gifts do you have?
-How have you changed your lifestyle to follow Jesus?
-What else needs to change and how can that start?
-Where can you find support in your decision?
Saturday, November 4, 2017
The Father
The Father's Identity is
often masked by the
difficiencies of
our own Dad
too often we
have been wounded
sometimes seemingly
beyond repair
whether through sins of
commission or omission
compounded by the
lies of the evil one
making those offenses
feel deserved because of
our own woeful self-worth
we are wounded
feeling abandoned
looking to be loved
even as we fight back
taking what affection we can
we try to make-up for the loss
by whatever means available
though the overwhelming pain
often remains hidden beneath
our ill-formed interiors
protected by our
well-manicured exteriors
yet only an unravelling
led by the Spirit can
begin to heal and renew
our True Identity as
sons and daughters of God
it is in letting go of
our false self
that one crying for recognition
scarred by offenses
disfigured by falsehoods
by allowing ourselves
to be Loved by the
Lover of our souls
the One who purchased
our Redeemption by
taking our sins upon Himself
revealing The Father's
Self-less Love
for each one while saying
through His Son:
'Come all you who are
heavy laden and
I will give you rest'
admitting our plight
accepting His solution
embracing the process of healing
with each 'yes'
breaking away from
patterns of behavior/thinking
that continue to reiterate
our false identity
leading down into the
Darknesss of self-destruction
we can begin to learn
how to live in Trust today
forgiving our fathers
and ourselves
we recognize that
we are not alone but
at home with
our ABBA
-Describe your relationship with your father.
-What is your relationship like with The Father?
-Do you find it difficult to trust others, especially the Father? Why?
-Talk with Him about it all.
-For what do you need to forgive your father?
-How has the enemy lied to you about all this?
-Where have you looked for your self-worth?
-Get into supportive relationships to work through these issues.
often masked by the
difficiencies of
our own Dad
too often we
have been wounded
sometimes seemingly
beyond repair
whether through sins of
commission or omission
compounded by the
lies of the evil one
making those offenses
feel deserved because of
our own woeful self-worth
we are wounded
feeling abandoned
looking to be loved
even as we fight back
taking what affection we can
we try to make-up for the loss
by whatever means available
though the overwhelming pain
often remains hidden beneath
our ill-formed interiors
protected by our
well-manicured exteriors
yet only an unravelling
led by the Spirit can
begin to heal and renew
our True Identity as
sons and daughters of God
it is in letting go of
our false self
that one crying for recognition
scarred by offenses
disfigured by falsehoods
by allowing ourselves
to be Loved by the
Lover of our souls
the One who purchased
our Redeemption by
taking our sins upon Himself
revealing The Father's
Self-less Love
for each one while saying
through His Son:
'Come all you who are
heavy laden and
I will give you rest'
admitting our plight
accepting His solution
embracing the process of healing
with each 'yes'
breaking away from
patterns of behavior/thinking
that continue to reiterate
our false identity
leading down into the
Darknesss of self-destruction
we can begin to learn
how to live in Trust today
forgiving our fathers
and ourselves
we recognize that
we are not alone but
at home with
our ABBA
-Describe your relationship with your father.
-What is your relationship like with The Father?
-Do you find it difficult to trust others, especially the Father? Why?
-Talk with Him about it all.
-For what do you need to forgive your father?
-How has the enemy lied to you about all this?
-Where have you looked for your self-worth?
-Get into supportive relationships to work through these issues.
Monday, September 11, 2017
The Healing
forever assuming
abandonment by an
uncaring Father
when sorrow's arrow
ends its journey by
finding its mark
in my heart
a recurring nightmare of
debilitating loss
disturbing daily life
without apologizing
for its intrusion
reliving yesterday's pain today
without the benefit of
tomorrow's perspective
despite the protest
from my soul's
rebellious emotions
squandering Faith's life-savings
only to discourage
an embattled belief
struggling to stay afloat
buffeted by turbulent seas of
unanswerable questions that
plague my spinning mind only to
grasp at a lifeline of rescue
when Grace intervenes
through prayer's supplication
leaning on a trusted shoulder of the
Man of Sorrows
resurrected by the Father to
bear my burden
carry my cross
sooth my wound
speaking words of comfort
relieving my agonizing memories
knowing my frailness
without remembering
my doubts based on
anxious imaginations and
terrorizing dreads yet
offering only Faithful Love
which overcomes heartaches
with an Embrace of
never-ending assurance
providing relief
though only temporarily
knowing that acceptance
ushering-in Peace is
short-lived... but cyclic
growth is ensured and ultimate
healing is assured yet measured in
increments of daily surrender to a
Savior who Loves to Save while
Trusting despite the challenge of
conflicted Hope
-How does "The Healing" describe dealing with loss?
-How can we let Jesus "bear our burden and carry our cross"?
-What does "the challenge of conflicted hope" mean?
-What is your experience of healing?
-How is it similar/different?
-How does sharing with others help?
-How has your healing changed you?
abandonment by an
uncaring Father
when sorrow's arrow
ends its journey by
finding its mark
in my heart
a recurring nightmare of
debilitating loss
disturbing daily life
without apologizing
for its intrusion
reliving yesterday's pain today
without the benefit of
tomorrow's perspective
despite the protest
from my soul's
rebellious emotions
squandering Faith's life-savings
only to discourage
an embattled belief
struggling to stay afloat
buffeted by turbulent seas of
unanswerable questions that
plague my spinning mind only to
grasp at a lifeline of rescue
when Grace intervenes
through prayer's supplication
leaning on a trusted shoulder of the
Man of Sorrows
resurrected by the Father to
bear my burden
carry my cross
sooth my wound
speaking words of comfort
relieving my agonizing memories
knowing my frailness
without remembering
my doubts based on
anxious imaginations and
terrorizing dreads yet
offering only Faithful Love
which overcomes heartaches
with an Embrace of
never-ending assurance
providing relief
though only temporarily
knowing that acceptance
ushering-in Peace is
short-lived... but cyclic
growth is ensured and ultimate
healing is assured yet measured in
increments of daily surrender to a
Savior who Loves to Save while
Trusting despite the challenge of
conflicted Hope
-How does "The Healing" describe dealing with loss?
-How can we let Jesus "bear our burden and carry our cross"?
-What does "the challenge of conflicted hope" mean?
-What is your experience of healing?
-How is it similar/different?
-How does sharing with others help?
-How has your healing changed you?
Monday, August 14, 2017
The Glory
bowing down
without taking a peek
wishing I could do so but
I dare not because
I cannot bear the
sight of
His Glory
His Beauty nor
His utter Holiness
without feeling like
I would disintegrate
He bids me to
come into His Presence
why? how can it be that
He Loves me so?
He knows full-well that
I have failed Him
time and time again
I have not done
great things for Him nor
brought fruitful numbers to
Love and Serve Him
what have I done to
deserve His
Passionate Embrace?
His Kiss from the Cross?
His Spirit of Power and Life?
it is all a Gift with
only a Yes being requested
and yet
even with my acceptance I
still cannot bring myself to
gaze upon Him without
acknowledging my
non-the-less I shall
Worship Him
The King of Glory
Mighty Lord
Risen Savior
Son of God
Prince of Peace
Lover of my soul
and accompany Him
into the Presence of
The Father by
The Holy Spirit
I weep in Joy only
Knowing that
I am Loved
Thankful to
Be Here and
Give Him
-What can we do to deserve His Love? Why?
-What is the Lord asking of you now?
-How can you prepare now to come into His Presence?
-How can you be accountable to grow in your Love and Witness?
-How can you grow to Praise and Thank Him in your daily life?
without taking a peek
wishing I could do so but
I dare not because
I cannot bear the
sight of
His Glory
His Beauty nor
His utter Holiness
without feeling like
I would disintegrate
He bids me to
come into His Presence
why? how can it be that
He Loves me so?
He knows full-well that
I have failed Him
time and time again
I have not done
great things for Him nor
brought fruitful numbers to
Love and Serve Him
what have I done to
deserve His
Passionate Embrace?
His Kiss from the Cross?
His Spirit of Power and Life?
it is all a Gift with
only a Yes being requested
and yet
even with my acceptance I
still cannot bring myself to
gaze upon Him without
acknowledging my
non-the-less I shall
Worship Him
The King of Glory
Mighty Lord
Risen Savior
Son of God
Prince of Peace
Lover of my soul
and accompany Him
into the Presence of
The Father by
The Holy Spirit
I weep in Joy only
Knowing that
I am Loved
Thankful to
Be Here and
Give Him
-What can we do to deserve His Love? Why?
-What is the Lord asking of you now?
-How can you prepare now to come into His Presence?
-How can you be accountable to grow in your Love and Witness?
-How can you grow to Praise and Thank Him in your daily life?
Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Trials
trials are the power washings
of your soul and that is why I
permit them...they push you beyond your limitations..
beyond your own strength /
coping abilities / endurance to
beyond your own strength /
coping abilities / endurance to
where discouragement - even
feelings of despair - turn your
focus inward to protect yourself
as the storms of life threaten
your stability and expose your
weakness of talent...character...
faith... hope... love in the midst
of circumstances you cannot /
will not control and bring you to
humility's realization that you
simply need help and no longer
can do it all by yourself...that
you... need to change...are not
simply need help and no longer
can do it all by yourself...that
you... need to change...are not
easily transformed into Holy men /
women - sometimes resisting
what you know in your hearts
to be best for you... frozen by fear
or stubbornly seeking your own
will...even sometimes pursuing
deadly behaviors to satisfy fleshly
deadly behaviors to satisfy fleshly
desires or avenues of worldly quests
that enthrone the self in order to
build your own kingdom not Mine
these harden your heart to My
that enthrone the self in order to
build your own kingdom not Mine
these harden your heart to My
Love and can lead you to turn away
from My Light down into the Darkness...
I have so much More for you
than you can ever realize -
Realities of the Kingdom that
I have so much More for you
than you can ever realize -
Realities of the Kingdom that
I freely offer but many times are
never accepted and though you
may not understand the why's
and the how's of this particular
trial you are now enduring
what I am presenting to you is a
powerful opportunity to enter into
powerful opportunity to enter into
My Passion which bore your
every sorrow...
every pain...
every doubt./ fear..
every sin by
uniting your trials with Mine
permitting Me to have My Way
every sorrow...
every pain...
every doubt./ fear..
every sin by
uniting your trials with Mine
permitting Me to have My Way
with you to lead you into My
Tender Treasures that await you by...
Purifying you to become purely Mine...
Growing into My Divine Purposes to...
Think as I Think
See as I See
Hear aa I Hear
Speak as I Speak
Love as I Love...
Surrender as I Surrendered
Depending not on your own
strength and natural abilities
but upon My Generous Graces
Depending not on your own
strength and natural abilities
but upon My Generous Graces
in the Holy Spirit so Freely Given
by the Father to Re-create you
by the Father to Re-create you
into My Image and
Stay close and Keep your eyes on Me...
Stay close and Keep your eyes on Me...
Simply ask for what you need
Surrender yourself / circumstances to Me
Persevere one day at a time....
Praying...'Jesus, I Trust in you'...
'Have your Way in me'...and.
My Spirit will Transform you into a
Holy Disciple...
Faithful Witness...
Joyful Sign of the
Kingdom of Heaven -
your Eternal Home - after
all your trials have passed and
every tear is wiped away
-What struck you about this poem? Why?
-What is your experience of trials?
-What have you learned?
-Are you going through a trial now?
-If yes, be open to share it with others.
-How can you support others in their trials?
-Reach out to them in prayer and presence
Joyful Sign of the
Kingdom of Heaven -
your Eternal Home - after
all your trials have passed and
every tear is wiped away
-What struck you about this poem? Why?
-What is your experience of trials?
-What have you learned?
-Are you going through a trial now?
-If yes, be open to share it with others.
-How can you support others in their trials?
-Reach out to them in prayer and presence
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
The Narrative Battle
Satan has a narrative
created specifically
for you
you don't understand it
you don't even know it exists but
you believe it
you live it
it is the source of
your pain
the basis of your unspoken insecurities
the reason why you may
doubt your worth and
look to trinkets or titles for
value and fulfillment or
live with sometimes
debilitating depression
irrational fears / anxieties
stemming from
wounds that stoke your
anger, resentment
even vindictiveness
robbing your life of peace or
fueling self-destructive behaviors
while stuffing
unresolved pain
together with
justification's unforgiveness
further down your
ever hidden true self
desiring a life of love but
silently harboring in your
heart of hearts the
naked calumny that
you are unloveable
otherwise why these
incessant feelings of
abandonment and rejection
zero self-worth
it all comes from the
lips of the evil one
all designed to achieve
dominion over your
pushing your "hot buttons"
towards your ultimate destruction
using the sins of others against you
whether of
commission or omission
then you interpret them
construing their motivations
letting your bitterness fester
deciding to sin in vengeance but
now you open the door to
demons who
play their games with
your mind luring you
into the acceptance of lies
about yourself or others
and onto paths of
habitual sin down the
rabbit hole of annihilation
now they have you where
they want you
living in a web of deception
turbulent feelings of
confusion and disorder-
if only you were ...whatever...
you get angry at God
He should have done this or that
prevented such and such so
you take the
"I'll show you" approach
you rebel
take control of your life
live for yourself
do what you want
whenever you want
obsessed with things
always going your way
or...... be the victim
feeling sorry for yourself
living like you have to be perfect
then you will be loved
but you know you can't
so now you are
insecure and frustrated
always striving
always not quite getting there
always the "do-gooder"
always the one that can be counted on
always so "nice" but
fear and doubt
strip your success of joy
knowing you still have
so much more to accomplish before
you have truly proved yourself...
it is all LIES
you are already Loved
you are already Precious to
the Father
Jesus died for you because
He Loves you
you don't have to prove yourself
it's ok that you are imperfect
that's the point
He knows that
it's why He became
one of us
He Loves you anyway
He knows your weakness
that's why He
gives you His Spirit to
Empower you to change to
become the person He
calls you to be
He has a Purpose for you
your restless heart now
can Rest
so it all comes down to a
His Love for you and
your love for Him
let TRUTH be the
narrative you live by
looking to Him for
Freedom from sin
Freedom to forgive
Power for
spiritual warfare and
healing from wounds
long ago inflicted and
rooted in
powers of darkness
ask Him to reveal your
true identity- a
Son / Daughter of God
let Him tear down your
false identity
walls of self-protection
fortifications of lies
bringing them into
Light's revelations
renouncing their
power over you
embracing Truth's power
persevering through the
process of painful healing
opening yourself to
loving relationships of support
giving over your own
goals and desires
in order to
serve His Kingdom first
there is MORE for you
beyond what you can
think or imagine
begin today to
understand and reject the
web of lies
know the Truth
live in Freedom
embracing your
New Life...
created specifically
for you
you don't understand it
you don't even know it exists but
you believe it
you live it
it is the source of
your pain
the basis of your unspoken insecurities
the reason why you may
doubt your worth and
look to trinkets or titles for
value and fulfillment or
live with sometimes
debilitating depression
irrational fears / anxieties
stemming from
wounds that stoke your
anger, resentment
even vindictiveness
robbing your life of peace or
fueling self-destructive behaviors
while stuffing
unresolved pain
together with
justification's unforgiveness
further down your
ever hidden true self
desiring a life of love but
silently harboring in your
heart of hearts the
naked calumny that
you are unloveable
otherwise why these
incessant feelings of
abandonment and rejection
zero self-worth
it all comes from the
lips of the evil one
all designed to achieve
dominion over your
pushing your "hot buttons"
towards your ultimate destruction
using the sins of others against you
whether of
commission or omission
then you interpret them
construing their motivations
letting your bitterness fester
deciding to sin in vengeance but
now you open the door to
demons who
play their games with
your mind luring you
into the acceptance of lies
about yourself or others
and onto paths of
habitual sin down the
rabbit hole of annihilation
now they have you where
they want you
living in a web of deception
turbulent feelings of
confusion and disorder-
if only you were ...whatever...
you get angry at God
He should have done this or that
prevented such and such so
you take the
"I'll show you" approach
you rebel
take control of your life
live for yourself
do what you want
whenever you want
obsessed with things
always going your way
or...... be the victim
feeling sorry for yourself
living like you have to be perfect
then you will be loved
but you know you can't
so now you are
insecure and frustrated
always striving
always not quite getting there
always the "do-gooder"
always the one that can be counted on
always so "nice" but
fear and doubt
strip your success of joy
knowing you still have
so much more to accomplish before
you have truly proved yourself...
it is all LIES
you are already Loved
you are already Precious to
the Father
Jesus died for you because
He Loves you
you don't have to prove yourself
it's ok that you are imperfect
that's the point
He knows that
it's why He became
one of us
He Loves you anyway
He knows your weakness
that's why He
gives you His Spirit to
Empower you to change to
become the person He
calls you to be
He has a Purpose for you
your restless heart now
can Rest
so it all comes down to a
His Love for you and
your love for Him
let TRUTH be the
narrative you live by
looking to Him for
Freedom from sin
Freedom to forgive
Power for
spiritual warfare and
healing from wounds
long ago inflicted and
rooted in
powers of darkness
ask Him to reveal your
true identity- a
Son / Daughter of God
let Him tear down your
false identity
walls of self-protection
fortifications of lies
bringing them into
Light's revelations
renouncing their
power over you
embracing Truth's power
persevering through the
process of painful healing
opening yourself to
loving relationships of support
giving over your own
goals and desires
in order to
serve His Kingdom first
there is MORE for you
beyond what you can
think or imagine
begin today to
understand and reject the
web of lies
know the Truth
live in Freedom
embracing your
New Life...
Identity in a
Son / Daughter of God
-How does this poem relate to your experience?
-How have you been wounded by other's sins of commission/omission?
-What lies have you believed about yourself or others?
-Make a list of people who have hurt you, take them to prayer, repent where you have to repent and forgive them-verbally- remembering that forgiveness is a decision not a feeling.
-What is spiritual warfare and deliverance?
-Find out about the "Unbound Ministry".
-Where can you find support for your journey to healing?
-How does this poem relate to your experience?
-How have you been wounded by other's sins of commission/omission?
-What lies have you believed about yourself or others?
-Make a list of people who have hurt you, take them to prayer, repent where you have to repent and forgive them-verbally- remembering that forgiveness is a decision not a feeling.
-What is spiritual warfare and deliverance?
-Find out about the "Unbound Ministry".
-Where can you find support for your journey to healing?
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
The Identity Issue
who are you?
the world -
that which is at
enmity with God -
tells you your
identity resides in your:
sexual preferences
the world -
that which is at
enmity with God -
tells you your
identity resides in your:
sexual preferences
gender decisions
transitory feelings
job / career
transitory feelings
job / career
bank account
material possessions
physical appearance
is that really true?
we search
looking for.....what?
what makes me..ME
in reality
each one of us is
born into original sin
with darkened intellects
weakened wills
self-centered tendencies
material possessions
physical appearance
is that really true?
we search
looking for.....what?
what makes me..ME
in reality
each one of us is
born into original sin
with darkened intellects
weakened wills
self-centered tendencies
attractions to evil
in a word: sinners
then as we grow up
we encounter the
sins of others...including
our parents' sins of
then as we grow up
we encounter the
sins of others...including
our parents' sins of
omission or commission -
inflicting wounds in our
tender hearts
even in the best of families -
then we respond
out of our own interpretations
with our own sins of
omission or commission
then the evil one - and
yes he really does exist -
who originally led others to
hurt you
lies to you
your issues...value...defects
mostly that you are
nothing special and a
wouldn't be treated that way or
inflicting wounds in our
tender hearts
even in the best of families -
then we respond
out of our own interpretations
with our own sins of
omission or commission
then the evil one - and
yes he really does exist -
who originally led others to
hurt you
lies to you
your issues...value...defects
mostly that you are
nothing special and a
wouldn't be treated that way or
feel the way you do and that
leads you to look for your
leads you to look for your
identity / security in exterior
things or inward feelings...something...
anything to feel special...
not alone...always
needing to feel wanted
anything to feel special...
not alone...always
needing to feel wanted
needing to prove yourself
all the while combating the
feelings of rejection whether from
others or yourself
with the logical results of
self-absorption and
any or all supposed
thinking / behavior -
all the while combating the
feelings of rejection whether from
others or yourself
with the logical results of
self-absorption and
any or all supposed
thinking / behavior -
decisions / vows - that
brings you relief and that
feeling of being happy
but all that is NOT the
yes, they are what you
hang your hat on....but
you are more than
all those things put together
you are the Beloved
Created to share...Intimately...
in the very Nature of God
you are formed by the very
Personal Decision of the Father Himself
to be His Adopted Son or Daughter
to experience His Love
to cherish the realization that
Jesus, the Father's only begotten Son,
suffered extreme torture -
a horrible, unjust death -
stripped of all dignity
for take your
brings you relief and that
feeling of being happy
but all that is NOT the
yes, they are what you
hang your hat on....but
you are more than
all those things put together
you are the Beloved
Created to share...Intimately...
in the very Nature of God
you are formed by the very
Personal Decision of the Father Himself
to be His Adopted Son or Daughter
to experience His Love
to cherish the realization that
Jesus, the Father's only begotten Son,
suffered extreme torture -
a horrible, unjust death -
stripped of all dignity
for take your
sin and its just punishments
upon Himself because
you are worth it
you are special
one of a kind and
He Loves You Passionately
you are worth it
you are special
one of a kind and
He Loves You Passionately
with all your weaknesses / sins
but doesn't want to leave you there
but doesn't want to leave you there
He has MORE for you...
don't believe the lies
don't follow the world's thinking
don't settle for less
don't look elsewhere because
you won't find
your true self or happiness in
feelings or externals
but only in THE TRUTH:
YOU..... ARE....HIS.... BELOVED!
you can receive that Truth by
just ask Him to:
reveal Himself to you.
let you experience His Love for you
forgive you
come into your heart
be your Lord and Savior to
find healing and freedom and
thrive in that Identity
now and forever
-How have you been wounded by others?
-Begin to be free by forgiving? Ask for the Grace.
-What have you hung your identity on in the past?
-Reject the lies in the name of Jesus.
-Ask and find support in your new life.
-How can you make the time each day to pray and read the Word?
don't believe the lies
don't follow the world's thinking
don't settle for less
don't look elsewhere because
you won't find
your true self or happiness in
feelings or externals
but only in THE TRUTH:
YOU..... ARE....HIS.... BELOVED!
you can receive that Truth by
just ask Him to:
reveal Himself to you.
let you experience His Love for you
forgive you
come into your heart
be your Lord and Savior to
find healing and freedom and
thrive in that Identity
now and forever
-How have you been wounded by others?
-Begin to be free by forgiving? Ask for the Grace.
-What have you hung your identity on in the past?
-Reject the lies in the name of Jesus.
-Ask and find support in your new life.
-How can you make the time each day to pray and read the Word?
The Word of the Cross
the Way of the Cross is
the Way of Love
in the laying down of
your will and your
very self that brings
My very Life to you
it is in Loving others that
you Love Me and
are conformed into
My Image and most
become One with Me
there to find the Joy
you were
born to bathe in the
Blood of My Cross
for others
so do not run away
nor hide from My Cross
but rather
embrace it with the
Grace I freely offer you
I know your weakness and
need for My Strength
all are born into frailty
daunted by trauma's potential
even resisting the hardship of Love
that is why I freely offer
My Spirit of Power for
Courage and Persevering
Trust in the midst of Suffering
All are yours for the asking
the Way of the Cross is
the Way to Eternal Joy
it is the Way back to
the Father
so Come with Me
bear My Cross with Me
let us Till your fertile ground
Reap the Harvest of
My Saving Cross
-Where is the Cross in your life?
-What strikes you about this Word?
-How does loving others bring the Cross into your life?
-How do you feel about suffering in your walk with the Lord?
-How would you relate to others in their suffering?
-How would you encourage them?
the Way of Love
in the laying down of
your will and your
very self that brings
My very Life to you
it is in Loving others that
you Love Me and
are conformed into
My Image and most
become One with Me
there to find the Joy
you were
born to bathe in the
Blood of My Cross
for others
so do not run away
nor hide from My Cross
but rather
embrace it with the
Grace I freely offer you
I know your weakness and
need for My Strength
all are born into frailty
daunted by trauma's potential
even resisting the hardship of Love
that is why I freely offer
My Spirit of Power for
Courage and Persevering
Trust in the midst of Suffering
All are yours for the asking
the Way of the Cross is
the Way to Eternal Joy
it is the Way back to
the Father
so Come with Me
bear My Cross with Me
let us Till your fertile ground
Reap the Harvest of
My Saving Cross
-Where is the Cross in your life?
-What strikes you about this Word?
-How does loving others bring the Cross into your life?
-How do you feel about suffering in your walk with the Lord?
-How would you relate to others in their suffering?
-How would you encourage them?
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