My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Whisper

He is speaking but
are we listening?
or rather
do we even care?
too much interference
social and financial goals
problems at work or home
or both
so little time to
do so much
it's easy to say:
at least I go to Church
well, sometimes or
maybe when I'm
pestered to go or
feeling a little guilty
for not going in a while
but I don't
get much out of it anyway
so why torture myself
let my wife take the kids
that'll take care of it all...
then... reality strikes a discord
whether it be
sickness / crisis
job loss / lay off
affair / divorce
injury / death
any one or combination
to learn that
life is fragile and fleeting
many times unstable
with heartaches and sorrows
as unwelcomed invaders
things change
sometimes drastically....
so now, I'm listening but
don't hear anything except
echoes in my anxious mind
stability fades away
searching ascends while
darkness descends
only to find that
control is a fantasy
so is self-reliance and
in the end bring only
insecure self-absorption...
it is solely surrender that
opens my heart to
know the One who
gave Himself up for me
in an Encounter that
changes everything
He is Real and Alive
and Loves me
so I decide to give myself
over into His Hands
Ask Him to be my 
Personal Lord and Savior
to Take up my Cross 
Follow and Serve Him 
Always and Above All
for His Love is always
reaching out
the First to speak
actively not passively
with longing not indifference
deep within
piercing my defenses
resting in my soul
only then to recognize
His Whisper


-Do you take the time to listen to the Lord?
-How can you practically do that?
-How do you discern if it really is the Lord?
-How does Sacred Scripture help you discern His word to you?
-Talk about this with someone who prays each day.
-Join a support group of fellow disciples of Jesus.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The True Intimacy

though unnamed
nor identified yet
so easily assumed but
so likely undeveloped and
True Intimacy
beckons us from within
like a soft whimper
lost in the loneliness of night
longing for love
yearning for completion
while telling no one-
even your spouse- of
your emptiness and
desire for more
while you settle for the
status quo despite
vain pledges of
affection smothered by
colliding schedules
self-sufficiency delusions
self-fulfillment dreams and
self-protective habits which
drive you into
self-absorbed fantasies
and semi-acceptable losses
descending into desolation-
alone... wounded from
long ago..vaguely.aware of the
consequences but not
the source and questioning
what happened?
how did we get here?
is this all there is?
what do we do now?
but ...all is not lost because
Grace is always already offered
and can intervene if
we... seek and ask...
are open to
Love's Reality who can
redeem our forlorn
condition when we are
washed by Water and Blood
from His pierced side...
renewed by the Spirit
we willingly open ourselves to
knowing and being known
accepting humility's
confession of failure
giving and receiving forgiveness...
committing to change by
guaranteed Grace....willing to
get whatever help is necessary...
step by step
beginning with authentic
self-disclosure-not hiding
or masking my true
thoughts / feelings but
transparently communicating
what is really going on inside
thus being vulnerable-not
self-defensive / protective  but
making the decision to
willingly reveal our true selves
because we are willing to
pay-the-price to attain the prize
by embarking on the journey into
the promised land of
I and Thou...
Husband and Wife
Brother to Brother
Sister to Sister
a willingness to risk all to
a foretaste of Heaven's
Perfect Union...
courageously accepting the
possibility of
getting hurt or
being rejected yet
surrendering to a
healing process of
Divine Transformation to
live out our actual selves in
True Intimacy

-What comprises true intimacy?
-What does it take to initiate true intimacy?
-Do you have true intimate relationships?
-Why? Why not?
-What prevents you from attaining that?
-How is this a "healing process"?
-Do you have an intimate relationship with Jesus?
-How can that happen?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Imitation

if you desire to
follow Me
to love Me
above all
take up your cross
embrace your calling
with Passion for
My Way is not for the
faint of heart
nor the slothful self
bound to aggrandizement
I have handed My Body over
that you may gain the
same victory over
death's dominion and
gather the harvest by
Mercy's supplication
your imitation of My sacrifice by
your death to self
gaining eternity's joy
requires handing over your
will for Mine
plans, preferances and
egotistical agendas for
Love's discretion
self's importance and interest to
wash wayward feet in
humble service
it is a daily martyrdom
deliberately chosen
with full
knowledge and consent
it is the Via Dolorosa
ultimately leading to the
empty tomb
robed in Glory
wrapped in My Presence
My Image within