My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Magis

dissatisfied with the lesser
Craving the Greater
you sense something different...
something... more...out
uncharted territories but nevertheless
drawing you...challenging you to
venture into the unexplored...
unanswered...which you simply your heart that He is 
Moving / Calling you to go
further in....higher up...
beyond your present circumstances...your
estimated boundaries of likely possibilities...
it is a New...Unfamiliar Way of 
fiercely stepping out...determined to
Follow Whatever Direction is 
Opening before you- no matter its
undiscovered nature...nor its seeming
impossibilities -  but it is rooted in
Grace's Infinite Possibilities...its
ongoing Power of Transformation...a 
Dependency on the Supernatural... 
beyond this world's mortal strengths 
or Assurance of Being 
Equipped to Accomplish the Eternal
Mission / Vision of the Master whom 
you desperately...vehemently pursue...
spurred on by the Spirit to Seek Him...
His Will to be set apart for His Purposes -
to bring His Love... Mercy... Compassionate
Saving Word to lost souls...tortured by sin...
enslaved by their the 
deception that this world will bring them 
the fulfillment for which they yearn-a 
fanciful utopia of temporal happiness- rather 
than the Kingdom of Eternal Peace and Joy 
that only Jesus can bring by His Death and 
Resurrection for our sake which we then 
receive and emulate by laying down our lives 
for Him so as to fulfill His Bring 
His Word... His Kingdom to the ends of the earth...
it is only in Seeking the 'Why not's' of His Infinite 
Capabilities that you can experience the 
Extravagance of His Power and Love which 
surges forth from His Victory over Death and 
the Anointing of His Holy Spirit with whom
you have entwined yourself...His Mission
is now your Mission...your daily burden to go
higher up...further on...deeper into
His Passionate Purpose to bring...
Mercy to the sinner
Light to those in darkness
Healing to the wounded
Meaning to the seeker
Life to the dying
Love to the forsaken
Vision to the blind
Freedom to the enslaved
Glory to His Name
indeed... there are 
Greater Needs
Greater Challenges
Greater Goals
out there requiring even
Greater Desires
Greater Visions
Greater Efforts...beyond the
confines of your experiences...
purview of your meager understanding...
what you formerly thought was 
unthinkable but now the "what if's"
of Infinite...Creative... Boundless 
Love is More,,,much much More...
than you can Imagine or 
Dare to Dream about...where
greater obstacles merely mean
Greater Overcoming...
so then...with your foot raised
ready to proceed
detached from your own
former ways
familiar fears
narrow expectations
limitations of vision
deficiency of strength
Relying on His Power...
unfettered from
this world's allurements
its enthronement of self through
poised to creatively
compete for the Prize...
win the Eternal Race of
Light v Darkness
Truth v Deception
Good v Evil
Holiness v Sin
Life v Death
Heaven v Hell...
God v you 
Now Give Him your heart...
Fiercely Declaring...'Lord... I will
Live for You Alone..
Have Your Way in me' you
you are Knighted with the
Sword of the Spirit and thereby
Accept your Heroic Calling of

-What does "Magis" mean?
-How could living by "Magis" change your perspective?
-What limitations are you called to 'put aside'?
-How do you do that?
-How can "Magis" affect your prayer life? Service? Marriage? Work? Evangelistic outreach?
-More...there is you want it?  What will you do to get it?
-What does 'fiercely declaring Lord I will live for you alone' mean for your life?