My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Selection

at the end
when temporal ends
and eternity begins
when judgement
has to be made for
those who
have not encountered Me
having kept their hearts
to themselves without
any thought of Me
many have questioned
what will happen to
these wayward souls
opinions one way
or the other are surmised
but no one really knows
except Me
I continually offer
New Life
Grace to repent and
turn to Me
time runs out
no one knows the
day or the hour
except Me
hoping for a
change of heart
My Love is
never held back
I allow difficult
circumstances  to
present opportunities for
coming Home but
some never accept
what am I to do?
it comes down to
one question for
each to answer
which brings each
face to face
with their own choice of
how they have already
determined for themselves
eternity's reward
by asking:
throughout your life
whom have you
freely chosen to
love and adore?
who was always first
in your heart?
for now and eternity
I shall permit you to
possess what you have
always selected to be
your all -
alone in the darkness
but then again
since you are reading this -
there is still time...

-Who is first in your life?
-How do you show that?
-What needs to change in your life to grow in holiness?
-Where can you get support to change?
-How can you help those close to you to put Jesus first?
-How can you love Jesus more openly?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Prodigals

wounded by
sin's original consequences
deceived by
modern fantasies of
independence and
ignoring the
reality of sin by
keeping their
hearts firmly in
their own possession
Prodigals have
withdrawn from My Presence
even those who call
themselves My Children-
followers of My Son-
by fulfilling the minimums
while resisting surrender
pretending to be faithful
while picking and choosing
what to believe while
others... without pretense
are conquered by the
forces of darkness by
having their feelings
direct their behavior
thus proving them
chained to the
whims of a fallen nature
while their pride prevents the
dignity of My Gift-
to share My Nature
bought by Precious Blood-
thoughtlessly ignoring
My Love they
pursue their own desires
following the world's ways
ignoring My offer of Mercy
here I stand on
Calvary's hilltop
suffering with My Son
waiting with open arms
just as His are spread by
nails of sin
Our Hearts pierced by
rejection's spear
still...We have sent the Spirit
far and wide to
call and empower
Our Prodigals to
change their hearts
return home by Grace
persevere through temptation to
finally sup with Us once again
We entreat in tears:
turn back from
wandering foreign lands!
your royal rings
and robes

-Who are the Prodicals?
-What are some of the pitfalls for Prodicals?
-What does it mean to "come home"?
-What are some of the obstacles Prodicals face to come home?
-How does a Prodigal 'come home'?
-How can you help bring Prodigals 'home'?
-What has to change to bring this about?