My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Everyman

Despite witness's message
Everyman needed evidence
Even as belief’s desire beckoned
Seeing is believing his legacy
Eyes must see
Hands must touch
For death’s conquest
And faith’s fulfillment
Tender Mercy responded when
Weakness cried out 
Eternal wounds bearing testimony
Of the Anointed One’s Gift
So faith was born by senses filled
Everyman seeks inspection still
When the invitation is given
Seeing and touching the need
And as always Mercy responds
Overcoming by Revelation in 
Mind and heart touched by
A Presence making everything New
Yet when the dark valley’s mist
Veils the traveler’s vision
Testing everyman in everyway
Opportunities arise for Love’s 
Devoted Trust
When feelings flee Grace abounds
Held fast by Hands
Scared by Love's Donation
A Sacrifice for everyman
In Faith’s Decision secured by
His Abiding Presence even
Though Veiled in Mystery

Reflection / Discussion:
-How is Faith a Decision?
-What Evidence is there to Believe?
-What is your 'story' of Faith in Jesus?
-If you don't Believe, why not?
-What would it take to 'Accept Jesus into your life'?
-How can you help others to Believe in Jesus?


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


in a hook-up culture of
moral relativism where
right and wrong is
based on one's
subjective viewpoint and is
of course always correct-
feelings are enthroned
pleasure is worshiped
narcissism enshrined
desires deified and
freedom is transformed into
slavery as our whims
thrust sex into degradation-
used merely as a
recreational activity by
willing actors
outdoing one another to
win the Oscar for
Best Performer in an
Erotic Fantasy...
bodies...even our own...
are there to be "used" to
satiate our
infinite cravings which are
viewed as "natural"...
"God-given" and "normal"
to be obsessed as objects
for our compulsions-
no longer as subjects
with inherent Dignity as a
Person created to
share in Divine Life and
treated with
Deference and Respect
so therefore instead of
being our servant-
ruled by our
intellect and will-
sex becomes our
overbearing taskmaster
an OCD-like tyrant who
commands compliance
even morphing into
our primary Identity and
purpose in life
which reaps what it sows
with STD's abounding and
HIV/AIDS destroying
even the innocent...yet
its gravest penalty is the
death of the soul
placing our own desires
above God's Word only to be
lost in the self-centered mire of sin...
but as powerful a drive as sex is
Grace is more potent to
live a life of Chastity-
the freedom to live God's plan
for human sexuality-
an expression of the
gift of self to our spouse-
the embodied donation of
1 man and 1 woman in marriage-
nature's obvious fit-
which is ordered to the
fruit of children where
each is committed to
the good of the other-
not just a choice but
an Objective Truth
not hateful and repressive
but loving and liberating-
a symbol of and participation in
Christ's Selfless Gift to His Bride-
the Church- as well as the
Mystical Union of the Trinity-
whether married or single
we are all called to be chaste-
to daily live out God's plan for
sexual love according to our
state in life
a fruitful sacrifice of Love to be
lived out day by day...
easy? no....
possible? ...only by Grace
yet the power of sex drives
lustful temptation toward
its misuse seemingly
everywhere we turn
and though we may
struggle to be faithful
freedom begins in humility
surrendering our desires
minds hearts and wills to
our Savior and Lord
admitting our need for
His Power in daily prayer
living in the light by
seeking the support of our
brothers and sisters
in the Lord
virtue is gained through
prudent self-discipline
turning our attention
away from temptation
an expression of our desire to
love the Lord above all and
whose Intimate Spirit is
within the Temple of our bodies
Chastity is a jewel in the
Crown of Glory
not resulting in a life
unhappy and
but of
Joy in the Beloved-
the Fulfillment of
All Desires

-Is Chastity a valued virtue in your life? How?
-What is moral relativism?
-How does a "hook-up culture" degrade people?
-How do you guard your relationship with the Lord regarding Chastity?
-What does "prudent self-discipline" mean in this context?
-What are the "near occasions of sin" in your life?
-What support do you have for a chaste life?
-What is the "natural law" argument for one man, one woman marriage?