My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Dream

sorrow's incense leaked from the
silent recesses of my soul
marking the throes of a death-watch
endured through years of
vain determination to
revive a broken bond
ultimately arriving at it's
predetermined destination
a dream of married love
in the Lord which
never seemed to
take direction
but honestly
never really began
four loves brought joy
though never enough to
prevent the inevitable
decades' days desperately seeking a
faint light of clarity
yielded only confusion as
mourning began each day and
night awoke the
darkness of dejection
my sowing of other unions'
purported joy
reaped a harvest of
self-pity gathered into
sheaves of depression when
facing the loss of divorce
unanswered questions impelled
counsel's futile intervention
friendship's relative support
somewhat lightened
the crux of my burden but
nevertheless produced
isolation even in company
while prayer's indiscernible fruit
grasped at faith's blinded insight
yet even with the compassionate
Lord's Hand in mine
I could barely measure Comfort's
meager consequence while
trekking in the valley of shadows
kindled a grief as yet unknown by the
piling on of our young loves'
unasked questions
arising from our unasked-for decision
as insufficient explanations
stripped away their precious familiarity
ripping apart security's mantle by
having to digest the
forced feedings of brokenness in the
silent wonderings of their young hearts
we banished enmity with
mutual respect never
speaking ill of the other in their company
always mindful of our
treasures' delicate nature
then at long last
the sigh of my relief' echoed in the twilight
as I departed without fanfare though
agony's companionship
accompanied my mitigated hope
for years to come
Love's supplication proved daunting to
carry my cross
share His burden
heal the wounds with
Grace to forgive-
little by little to
let go of the loss
surrender to a greater Love
offering far more than dreams
trusting that
the Lord will
bring about some good
out of all this mess
as a shoot of New Life-
moistened by tears-
sprouted imperceptibly

-How can you overcome the isolation of divorce?
-How can both parties make it "easier" for the children?
-How can the Church support the divorcing couple?
-How can you support a friend getting divorced? 
-What part does suffering play in the Christian Life?

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Lover

the unexpected Presence
bearing a startling Revelation
pierced my heart-
an arrow of Light
entwined with conviction
so bright 
so provoking
so Other
I dared not peek
as I cried in anguish at the
Truth emitting back at me
through the veil of Holiness poured
Mercy undeserved
my Savior's Chalice bearing
unbearable debt strained
by Compassion's filter
lifted my soul from
guilt's quagmire
leaving me weightless of
sin's burden and
certain that I was lifted in Love
borne by a forgiveness unearned
yet weakness I fumed-
angered that my
own idolatry was the
answer to my petitions
lo all these months to
show me ALL of my sins
so as to repent and be free
to know the Joy of  Liberty
this unveiling surpassed
my naive expectations
propelling me to ask in awe
as Mercy cascaded over me...
why... why do you Love me so
without reservation or judgement?
how is it that I am
so generously received when
I have been so
pitifully self-absorbed and
enamored with my own image?
the answer came
so clearly
so simply...
'That is Who I Am 
a Turning is all I Desire'
an amazed acceptance was
my only response to...
so heavy a Presence
so taken the weight
so dark the burden
so great the flow of tears
so Light the One
in Patience Thirsting for
hearts to come home
spurned too often by
His beloved yet...
everything changes when
Love is encountered
then embraced and
the hard way commenced
through the narrow gate so...
seek and
you shall find
knock and
it will be opened
ask and
you shall receive as the 
Holy One of Israel...
Creator of Heaven and Earth...
Eternal and Immutable...
King of Kings...
Lord of Lords...
Savior of the World 
your Lover

-Are experiences like the one described earned? Why/not?
-What place do feelings have in our Faith experience?]
-What do the saints say?
-How can we come closer to the Lord?
-Do you have a daily prayer time? Why/not?
-Describe you prayer time.