My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Hour

it is upon us
so it begins
we descend into darkness
into the enemy's hands
persecution justified by
pretentious progressive machinations
in the name of human rights
but in reality is
human degradation
majorities become minorities
when deception converts the
masses into believing
right is wrong and
wrong is right
vacuous opinions serving as facts
with only force as a foundation
laws become instruments of
enforcing the latest logical extension of
relative principles conceived in
enlightened imaginations
devoid of tolerance
while nature's law enhanced by
revelation becomes supposedly the
trivial pursuit of
ancient prejudices clothed in
modern sophistries of
religious neanderthals who have
no regard for human advancement and
deserve whatever ill
may come their way
faithful followers of Jesus
become the hunted prey of
social exterminators wearing the
regalia of authority making
melodramatic accusations of
hate and bigotry 
against everything that
doesn't fit their latest assertions
no matter how ridiculous their
take on reality proves to be
just as long as no one observes that
the emperor has no clothes on
wheat must be separated
from the chaff
renewal of the Body
through purification's fire
how long that takes is providential
but salvation or damnation
is at stake
the time of apostasy has arrived
though it won't be
viewed as such
rather only as being
tolerant and
trials and tribulations
hatred and ridicule
await Jesus' disciples who
resist the world's pressure to
cave to their tyrannical
new order of
humanitarian ideals
which in reality only serve to
tighten the grip of the
ancient adversary
whose way is wide and easy
while hidden by
authoritative arguments
from a new generation of
rebellious minions...
be prepared to
speak the Truth in Love
stand firm in the Lord and
in the Power of the Holy Spirit for
the hour is here

-Where do you see persecution happening in our culture?
-How does it affect you?
-How are you growing in your relationship with Jesus?
-What are you doing to deepen your understanding of Christian Morality?
-What does it mean to "speak the Truth in Love"?
-How can you Love your enemies?
-If enemies looked at your life, would it merit persecution? Why/not?



Friday, July 19, 2013

The Desert

without direction
a journey with
limited results
unsuccessful attempts
rooted in desires
searching for fruition
while petitions ending in
endless frustration
leaves me to question
my motives even
my decisions of surrender
each peeling away
layers of self
mired in the world
reactions not founded in Love
weaknesses open to
deadly spiritual sins
motivate me to seek
Grace's intervention
cleansing bit by bit
slowly discovering a
glimmer of Light
leading upward
squinting for clarity
sensing yet again to
let go of the lesser
though lofty goal to
serve the mission of the One
though often chained to
self's centrality
for the more pure
union of a Lover
release me
from myself to
embrace surrender in
everything to You
jealous for my heart to
burn with
singular Passion
despite being
beyond my power to
complete which begs for
You to make it so since
I cannot
this invitation is
painfully grasped
without assurances of
perseverance in
surrendering my control
leaning not on my own
understanding while
acknowledging His Lordship
provides an inkling of Trust in the
night's caressing breeze and
captures a Promise to
work all things for good
though now unseen and
unfelt while living in
suspended space

-What is the Desert?
-Where is the hope in this poem?
-How does a desert experience fit into faith?
-Is it "normal" in our faith development? Why/not?
-How have you experienced something akin to the desert? Expain.
-How do you deal with the desert experience? 
-How does the desert purify you?
-Is this something to desire? Why/not?

Saturday, July 13, 2013


hope comes from faith,
is rooted in the Love
of the One who first loved us.
but, in the face of death, trial and sorrow
who can stand?
why’s so often triumph
over hope
in the face of seemingly
overpowering odds.
questions pierce our armor
and deal dark blows to our souls:
who can understand loss?
why is this happening to me?
this is unfair;
where is the justice in all this?
others seem to get off scot-free,
why me?
is there any sorrow like mine?
this is too much-
I cannot bear it all.
so much, too soon.
where is God in all this?
where is the end?
where is the promise of hope?
where is the promise of
all things working for good
for those who love him?
I don’t see it.
I don’t feel it.
only darkness surrounds me,
and, no answers secure peace.
the One who said He
will always be with us
seems so far away.
I know He isn’t a liar, but,
where is He?
comfort avoids me
no matter how much I beg,
the trial goes on and on
without a certitude and
end in sight.
but, the Word stands.
it doesn’t waver.
it doesn’t collapse
in the face of dark power.
it’s light beacons hope.
faith in the One who bore
our sorrow,
who suffered for our wrongs,
who walked through the valley of death
sharing our trials and aloneness.
he is the One who touches us
when we cannot feel His embrace.
he is the One who loves us
when we feel we are unloveable.
he is the One who is with us
and promises the End will be just.
He is the One who carries us
when we cannot walk anymore.
hope is in Him because we can believe
even when we are numb.
not feeling faith and hope
doesn’t mean we are conquered.
it only means we need others
to help us bear the burden
of our calling right now.
flesh and blood grace us
and, become our conduit of Life
from the Source of all Love.
and, does this not show
our poverty?
does this not show our need for more?
is not our vision limited?
are we not called
to an eternal fulfillment
which points beyond
these  pitiful limits?
does not the love of others
manifest His heart of comfort?
do not His wounds and scars-
still visible in risen flesh-
cry for us to come to Him
with our willful essence
so often turning away from
what He has to offer?
death, trial and sorrow
can conquer us, but, they
can also bring us closer
to the One who first
loved us, and,
loves us

Faith II


is your faith real or
only words?
how do you know?
by the fruit it bears when
lives are changed
sin is overcome
habits of death are gradually
starved by the gospel and
Life’s treasures are uncovered
what is the measure of true faith?
it is only when
faith is lived out in
obedience to His Word
as taught in His Body
passed down from
the beginning
only then can
faith be secure and
grow in fruitfulness for
faith and obedience
go hand in hand
it is easy to say
I am a believer
not so with
I am obedient
picking and choosing
what I believe and
what I do
only makes a Pharisee
love demands consistency
in belief and action
faith is expressed in truth
truth is expressed in obedience
obedience is expressed in fidelity
it's easy to talk ‘faith talk’
it’s easy to pretend faithfulness
it’s easy to push one’s own agenda
in the name of faith but
not so much when
is at stake
it is in giving over our self
values plans will control that
faith encounters trust
and trust encounters love
Jesus is the model of
trust and love
Mary and the disciples
show us how to
believe trust and love
their Savior
blood was spilled in the
holding fast of faith
not in the transitory gains of
self's willful choice
faith will grow when we
put ourselves in a position of
service and readiness to
follow the One who
followed His Farther and
believed His Word
even when it lead to
his Death
so, which way will you go?
which path are you following
the way of self-will or the
way of death to self?
it is only in asking plainly
and simply that you will
find your answer
how willing are you to
see reality?
are you ready to give away your life?
are you willing to put aside
your dreams for the Dream of the
Kingdom of Heaven?
faith is the answer to your questions-
even when that doesn't seem enough
faithfulness in obedient action
proves the truth of belief
as it is rooted in righteousness
not letting itself be
deceived by disobedience
in a faith
gutted of truth

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Rest

silence boasts dawn’s darkness
winter winds searching for a direction
empty hearts longing to be filled
infinite desires needing more than limitations
illusions of meaning fighting for survival
restlessness crying for cessation
Love knocking on lonely doors
breaking bread on heaven’s table 
turning wheat into earth's salvation
seeing with closed eyes the One unseen
life receiving the Gift of a 
Death freely given as
night blossom's into Light while
tears fall in sorrow and joy 
when I encounters Thou
my journey turns from
seeking to finding
my Treasure's

-How do our many desires speak of the eternal?
-What isi the rest sought?
-With what do you identify in this poem?
-How do we deal with our earthly desires after rest?
-How do we bring order into disordered desires?
-How do you go from seeking to finding?