My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Tribulation

from the beginning
the enemy has sought to
ensnare the Father's children by
deception's lure into the
darkness of rebellion's lair
attacking My Gift of  Family Life
idolizing selfish appitites
pursuing conquests of the
opposite sex without
limitations of conscience nor
thoughts of lifelong commitment
draping another with the
wounded mantle of
pride's many colors
tightly fitted with
self-professed adoration or
ensuring confusion's child of a
transitory gender that
crys for acceptance yet
does not accept their own
I Gifted at conception
Redemption's bounty for hearts
paid-for with My Precious Blood
provoked satan's fury
against Me and all who
serve My Kingdom to bring
Love to the loveless
Hope to the hopeless
Life to the dying
Salvation to the lost
My journey traveled the
Via Dolorosa to the Cross as
witness after witness of that
Heavenly Kingdom's Gift
conquered that same darkness
within and without
by mingling
blood with Blood
white and red
heart to Heart
each pierced
throughout time to
encourage the fearful
strengthen the weak
embolden the timid
ushering victories
through losing acceptance
sometimes even life itself
Eternity's battle of tribulation
ebbs and flows and now
it flows for you to
share the Burden
bear Light into darkness
Salt to insipid souls
though many fall away
submit not to coercion nor
threats of prohibition to
speak My Truth in Love
nor be deterred by
false accusations of
hatred and bigotry for
My Word brings Life to
those who hear and receive
but Death to those who
reject and rebel so
embrace your Calling and the
Strength of My Spirit for the
enemy does not rest and
many are succumbing to his
marketing treachery
in this you shall prevail if you
persevere in faith
trust in My faithfulness
love with My Love
forgive your enemies
knowing that
I shall never leave you
nor forsake you
it is time

-What are some of today's "deception's lures"?
-Describe "Eternity's battle of tribulation". 
-Who are some of past/present "witnesses" who paid the price?
-What signs of persecution are here?
-How do we prepare for the tribulation?
-What areas in your life need shoring-up?
-How are you going to accomplish that?  
-How do you "embrace your calling" in your life?
-Get support, don't be a "lone ranger".

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Son

He was always there for me
our bond like no other
His beginning
shrouded in Mystery
was a blessing
beyond my imagination
a grace finding 
an unworthy home within
He was always a joy
so playful in pleasing me
yet so serious 
with a purpose
far beyond His years
we shared devotion
with memories
treasured to this day
He grew to manhood’s strength
with a wisdom unmatched
and a knowledge Divine
possessing the lively eyes
and character of His father
He graced our family
‘till called into the desert to
begin a mission leading to
a bitter end
signs and wonders followed Him
with words to be hallowed of
a Kingdom that had come
years passed too quickly
the sorrow that
I always foresaw
began to claim Him  for
His enemies were many 
despite His tender love
nothing could prepare me for the
horror of His sentence 
so brutal and 
more than I could bear 
my painful watch 
hung on my brokenness
and lingered long after
the meeting of our eyes
as a sword
pierced my heart
binding us in
Passion's embrace
His final request for
my love to bear so many
was beyond 
my infirmity
impossible to refuse
I could do no other 
than to honor His wishes
finally finished at last
at rest in my arms 
one last time
we spoke without words
after pain was spent though
I would endure the more
‘till we would meet again 
with wondrous Glory

-Describe Mary's relationship with her Son.
-What did you like best about the description? Why?
-Does it make Jesus relationship with His Mother more real? Why/not? 
-How does this description compare with the poem "The Mother Mary"?
-Describe your relationship with Mary.
-Do you want to make her more a part of your life? Why/not?
-How can you grow in your relationship with Mary?

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Focus

the solution of
catechesis is
with a  lamented
"if only..."
when the purview of
empty pews or
listless hearts
elicit not a Great
but rather a
faint amen
or when cultural trends
against Church teaching are
publicly championed by
purported disciples
swearing allegiance
to the Faith
while watchmen silently
turn their attention to not
offending sensibilities
thereby not having to make
uncomfortable decisions
though scandalizing
the faithful few 
or worse
validate darkness
in the name of progress      
as the young are led astray
by a system of relative feelings to
decide right and wrong  
turning to self's pleasures
and ego's false idols
buttressed by the
previous generation's
tradition of dissent
all of which is to be mitigated
nay transformed by
classroom presentations
how utterly absurd
when hearts are hardened
unconverted and 
brittle from lacking
caresses from the Cross
unaware of their
Incarnate need for
transcendent embraces
so Personal
so Mystical
from the One who
Created them for a
Supernatural Identity of
Intimate Union and a
Glorious Eternity beyond
their limitations in this
broken world
only then
when their hearts are open to
receive the One for whom
they have been conceived
when Divinity is partaken
as they accept the invitation to
surrender themselves to the
Sacrificed Savior
Risen to New Life as
Lord of their lives
then when the Spirit anoints
Love is consummated and
lives are entwined
person to Person
to become
new citizens of the Kingdom
only then
are they eager to consume the
Banquet of Life
and therein lies
the Focus

-What is the place of catechesis?
-What is the focus?
-What is involved in conversion?
-Where do we start?
-Is is gradual or instant or both? Why?
-What can we do to help others in this process? 
-How can we grow in this New Life?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Question

unbelief fosters a
vague uneasiness about life
an anxiousness that
lingers beyond all
logical explanations
coating emotions with the
ground fog of insecurity
that even accompany
protestations of confidence
that all is well like...
attempting to navigate
life's  journey with no
GPS to guide the way to
constantly changing destinations
while unforeseen detours
even dead-ends harass our
dream trip into a nightmare
life's goals sometimes are
at odds with competitors
perhaps even partners
falling way short of ideals-
desires that motivated
years of effort and sacrifice
producing unpromising results
leaving disappointment in its wake...
then there's that, you know,
never enough
always more ?
another mountain to climb
one more gold medal to win
another championship trophy to kiss
all transitory satisfactions that will
pass into faded memories when the
present drains into a distant past
fame and beauty are
terrified of time which
attacks them without conscience
leaving only wrinkled photographs
and dusty scrapbooks to boast about
what used to be but will
never be anything more than
transitory fulfillment in the
race of life never quite
living up to their billing as the
sine qua non of happiness
because there are always those
terrible tremors of loss that
foster feelings of despair
when answers fail to satisfy
questions about life's trials
suffering and heartache
whether from circumstances of
pride's downfall
weakness of character
broken promises
fractured relationships
plain ol' sin
troubles of too many kinds
too few that are
acceptable with any
measure of peace and...
last but not least there's that
end...over...done...gone...passed away
ie  death thing that we really
don't like to talk about
as in the certitude of finality
so...all this and more
leads me to
ask the question
is this all there is?

-Does unbelief foster the stated description? Why/not?
-What if this is actually all there is?
-What if there is an afterlife? How does that affect the way you live now?
-Why are you here? What is your purpose for living?
-Why don't we talk about death? Explain.
-How do you talk about eternal truths to someone in today's culture?
-Prepare a 5-10 minute explanation of your relationship with God.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Golden Throne


at the center of your being 
resides the core of who you are -
your heart of hearts - there stands
the Golden Throne- the Royal
Seat of Authority over the 
entire kingdom of your life...
it is a position due great homage /
fealty for the allegiance of your 
life is to the one who sits upon 
that Throne regarding all personal
interests - private and public - 
nothing escapes the purview of 
the Lord and Master - all matters       
of purpose / agendas: priorities..
time... money... careers... morality...
faith...who or what you worship...
decisions of what or what not to do... 
each territory of your kingdom is 
under the control of the one who 
reigns with Authority upon the 
Golden Throne...that reality is 
reflected in the fruit of your daily 
life which leads Me to ask you to
examine yourself carefully...answer 
truthfully...for your response may 
eventually lead even to Eternal Life 
or it you or is it the Lord 
of Lords and the King of Kings that 
you obey and - in the end - Worship? 
if it is you... know that in Reality 
there are only two Kingdoms - the 
Kingdom of God and the kingdom 
of this world whose master is the 
Evil One and therefore the kingdom 
of your life is in reality ruled by the 
Enemy - even though you may not 
even believe in his existence since 
his kingdom is cloaked with deception     
and whose dominion can only lead               
to the Eternal Fires so... if that is the 
case now is a very opportune time to 
relinquish your control while you still 
have time because you do not know 
the day or the hour of My Return when
you will face Final to 
you I say 'Repent and Believe the 
Gospel' it is as simple as saying 'Forgive
me, Lord Jesus... Be my Lord and Savior...
I will Follow you' Me daily...
learn to listen for My Spirit will lead you...
immerse your heart in My Word...become 
an intentional disciple with others who 
Follow Me and know that I will never 
leave you nor forsake you... and now I Speak 
to you who have already pledged your loyalty 
to Me...examine the kingdom of your life - 
have you handed over each territory to Me 
or are you hesitant...reluctant...still holding 
on to some precious domains which you 
most covet - perhaps personal habits...only
going 'so far' in 'letting go' before 'holding 
on'?....the Enemy knows your weaknesses...
the tendencies of your fallen nature / 
attractions to pleasure / pride's ruthless 
dominion which must be broken in order 
to be fully their 
fruits you will know who Rules each territory 
then...proceed accordingly...Life is a Process 
of Recapturing what the Enemy has plundered 
through Original Sin's inborn consequences 
as well as each person's complicity by their
own sinful decisions...Holiness is the Goal...
Grace is the Means...Surrender is the Process...
Love is the yourself 
thoroughly...Ask My Spirit to Lead you...Guide 
you...Strengthen you...Change you... for there 
is no more crucial question than this...
Who sits upon the Golden Throne?

-Have you invited Jesus to sit on the Golden Throne of your life?
-If you are not sure, is there anything keeping you from inviting Him now?
-If yes, what is it and why is it keeping you back?
-What does "Repent and Believe the Gospel" practically mean?
-How does the "fruit" of our lives reflect who sits on the throne?
-Which of the areas mentioned are / not fully under the Lordship of Jesus?
-In what ways? 
-Pick the most important and work on that.
-What does 'intentional disciple' mean?
-Find them and get involved with them.
-What steps can you take to grow in your relationship with the Lord?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Sin

regardless of the silence
bestowing a cloak of
invisibility to its existence we
absolve ourselves of any guilt  by
pragmatic subjectivity-
decrees of justification- by
self-righteous formulations
untethered from nature's law
whose logic is suppressed by
secularism's reliance on
transitory feelings bestowing a
crown of unbridled relativism
on morality thus ensuring
sin's disappearance-
even from the pulpit- which
obfuscates Calvary making the
Cross irrelevant
Resurrection superfluous
Christian Morality into
caricatures of religiosity
but look around...
death terrifies 
disease overwhelms
selfishness reigns
pride is idolized
murder justified
lust idealized 
envy trivialized
lukewarmness normalized
resentment rationalized
greed exceeded
debauchery exalted
anger validated
forgiveness resented
reality equivocated
enslaving  humanity into a
hopeless depravity wrapped in
fantasies of a guaranteed utopia by
intelligentsia's progressive decrees
dictating compliance since
they know better than you
perfection of this world is
an illusion
fixing ourselves is
beyond our capabilities
only a transformation of
our nature can
conquer Eden's curse
only at an infinite cost can
infinite debts be pardoned
someone must pay the price for
our redemption from
sin and evil's domination or
it doesn't happen
Someone did-
the Savior Jesus Christ
Offering His Precious Blood for our
unequivocal Love-
exchanging His Life for ours
conquering sin and death
raising humanity into
sharing His Divinity
Born again into a
New Creation-
an Event and Process-
waiting for our
yes or no...hint...
yes is better

-Is sin talked about in your parish/church? Why/not?
-What does "perfection of this world is an illusion" mean?
-What are some of the manifestations of sin in today's culture?incorrec
-What is relativism? Why is it an incorrect/inadequate philosophy?
-What does it mean to be "born again"?
-How is being "born again" an event as well as a process?
-How much is the Sacrament of Reconciliation part of your life? Why? 
-How does your sin limit your growth in holiness?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Encounter

yearning for more
than meets the eye
a vague uneasiness
filled my emptiness
within and without
the insufficiency of
temporal everything 
despite striving to
vacuum fulfillment
into my ego
I realized that
nothing finite could fill
infinite desires
nothing temporary could satisfy
eternal longings
Infinite and Eternal Love
finally admitting a
conviction of my life's
a sorrow for sin
led to a turning away from
wrongdoing's false glamour
then a turning toward
reconciliation by
finding forgiveness
from a Savior
whose Identity is not ethereal
but rather Incarnate
the Person who initiates
an unspeakable offer
a transfer from slavery
to freedom-
death to life- but
only by my free choice
a Decision to follow Him as
my personal Lord and Savior
thus beginning a
Nuptial Journey
He is known
first by Word
then by heart
as the One who
died for me
but now is Alive
no longer just an idea
but now Real
through a
Passionate Encounter

-How do your desires point to the Infinite?
-What does "Passionate Encounter" mean?
-What are the elements necessary to encounter Jesus?
-What prevents you from encountering Jesus or
  growing in your relationship with Him?
-What is the relationship between faith and feelings?
-What does " a nuptial journey" mean?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Refusal

demanding policies that
require strict observance
at odds with conscience
lawless lawgivers
coerce a
sham of freedom forcing
participation in the
breaking of Truth's Realities
contrary to the principles of
this country's foundation
self-justified by
simulating compassion in
disguises masking
intolerance by
tyranny's charade
negating nature's truth by
professing human rights
founded in
creative imaginations
promoting injustice
shutting down
dissent despite
religious principles to
the contrary
no less obvious to
all observers of
reason's deliberation of
right and wrong
unjust laws
untethered from
Divine foundations
require a
personal decision
not merely the
blind obedience of
fearful subjects
laws must be just to
be obeyed
secular commandments with
fraudulent  requirements 
must be refused for
they bring death to the
heart created for life
eternity's King
temporal tyrants
whose claims of
overreach with an
immoral ruse and
echo from hell's chambers
disguised in sweet
dictations of human rights but
in reality are
liberation's dehumanization
not gonna happen here

-What are some examples of laws/policies "at odds with conscience"?
-How is dissent shut down in our culture?  
-What is the principle(s) involved in civil disobedience?
-What part does "spiritual warfare" play in today's culture wars?
-Learn to defend Scriptural/Church moral positions using the "natural law" and reason.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Crux

I have designed you to
share My Divinity
nothing less
though hidden now in the
depths of your humanity
clothed in weakness
born of a fallen nature yet
reborn from within when
washed in the waters of
such is the offer for all to
journey home but
each must view
their destination 
with spiritual eyes
life v death
each an eternal consequence
forged in temporal steps of
liberty v license which are
sometimes confusing identities
similar though different
like identical twins 
love v lust
treating others as
subject v object for
self-giving v self-serving or
privilege v power as
discovered in
humility v pride
being authentic v arrogant
where in the end
fruit ripens or rots by the
wealth of poverty's
trusting dependence v
poverty of wealth's
self-aggrandizement which
diminishes treasures into
dust by bowing down to false gods
the crux of all life decisions is
rooted in worship for
you become
whom you adore
being transformed into
God-like Character v
god-less egotism
One a Gift
True and Real
the other
deception's counterfeit
no one escapes
the decision for
each one of us
will determine our end
for one Grace abides
when accepted freely and
followed faithfully
nurturing Life but
for another when rejected
only darkness follows in
costumes of gratification
nurturing death
both Eternnal destinations
whom do you worship?
consider carefully for the
answer is revealed
step by step

-How is our destiny to share Divinity hidden in our humanity?
-What is "The Crux" of the question being asked?
-What is the difference between liberty and license?
-How is the decision reached "step v step"?
-What challenges in your life impact your Eternal decision?
-How can you give/receive support to/from other disciples? 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Race

Unity's perfection
born through
quid pro quo-
Infinite Union for
ego's finite
Love's gentle proposal
proves daunting
for my list is
each a fortress
defended by
pitiful constructions of
a fallen nature
ever an issue-
a barricade
when promises have
invisible rewards and
past disappointments
weave doubt and fear
into my
mystical defense-
a reluctance
to accept
dependent returns or
dire consequences
but Passion's
extremist Love
proves indefensible
penetrating my
heart's armor by
Revelation's Reality
too intimate
too true
too real
to deny-
only then is
liberty's progress
traveling further in
and higher up by
handing over
precious treasures
both seen and unseen for
the Pearl of great price
each decision
a battle
each battle
a war
yet Grace encapsulates
the challenge
yielding Peace's
gradual transformation
into Joy's parusia
persists each day to
close my hand
withdraw my offer of
ever contending
within life's
outward display
until release is
captured without fanfare
a decision of dying to
self's enthronement-
the tyranny of
ego's dominion-
running the race of
redemption with
one step closer
into His Likeness
realized in
delicate measures

-What does "Divinity's quid pro quo" mean?
-Are "trust" and "control" an issue in your life? How?
-What does ongoing conversion mean in your life?
-What are some of the ways you die to "self's enthronement"?
-What are some your difficulties to "running with perseverance"?
-How can you find and give support in your walk with the Lord?
-What does "realized in delicate measures" mean?

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Witness

you are My Beacon
guiding hearts
lost among the
terrors of the night
back to My
safe harbor
you are My Icon
a living image of hope
midst souls
enslaved by deceptions
entangled in webs of despair
you are My Witness
called to embrace
My Cross to Love
as I Love
laying down your life
in daily death-to-self to
bring My Light to a
world darkened by
empty promises of fulfillment
masked by pleasure's
freely you have received
now freely give for
My children perish
in their sins
beguiled by bangles
of banality
ego's vapid
conferring immortal death
speaking My Word
though ushering freedom
elicits anger and  resistance
from the evil one
seeking to impose
idolatry's beliefs of
worldly principles
proffering delusion in
costumes of
progressive sophistication 
resist him
firm in the faith
willingly embracing
temporal concequences
for Eternal Glory
hide not
your love for Me
be transparent
without apology
for when they see you
I desire they see Me
all the while knowing
your calling is
beyond your means
leading you to
surrender your spirit
to My Spirit
your heart, will, life
and yes, weakness to Me
then when you are offered
the opportunity to walk
the Via Dolorsa
by My side as
lambs bound together
you may stay strong
knowing that
My Kingdom within you is
untouchable by your
persecutor's misdeeds
even so 
My Love for them is as
My Love for you since
Salvation for all is My Goal
so let your heart rejoice
that you are
Perfectly Loved
Precious to Me and
Graced each moment to be
My Beacon
My Icon
My Witness

-What are the challenges you face in being a "witness"?
-Are there situations in which you "hide your love" for the Lord?
-If so, describe them.
-How can that change? Be specific.
-Describe your spiritual life?
-What can you do to improve it?
-What support can you get for your call to be a "witness"?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Presence

My Presence is
a Gift to you
a glimmer of Glory 
too Radiant for
your frail existence to
fully behold
but nevertheless
a taste of your
inheritance as
My precious
Sons and Daughters
that is meant to
wash away your
weariness and
draw you to Myself
I am
your refuge
a shelter
when the
waves of life
crash upon you and
anxiety cascades in a
cacophony of  whirlwinds
when persecution lurks
and ridicule
tempts you to
hide your love for Me
but even when
lesser constraints of
daily pursuits
overwhelming schedules
responsibilities stretched
far beyond capacity
when temptations are
nipping at your fingertips to
feed unwieldy appetites
self's circus of delights
or pride's
incessant aggrandizement
craves to be fed
because of envy's hunger
so in every circumstance-
especially your daily visitation-
decide to seek My Face
drawing upon My Power to
enter through prayer's portal in
the language of angels
into the great
silence of surrender
there to rest in
pastures of peace by
quiet streams of
tender tears
there to consume
the fruit of
My Presence
Love's nectar of delight
without measure
there to share your
heart's inexpressible desires
our eternal dreams for
Life together while
listening in
quiet expectation
even as storms
come and go

-How do you come into the Lord's Presence?
-Do you experience the Presence of God in your life? How/when?
-How has the experience helped you?
-Is the Presence of God something common to believers? Why? Why not?
-Is it a "reward"? Why? Why/not?
-How has ridicule tempted you to hide your love for the Lord?
-What is the "language of angels"?
-How do we enter into a deeper life in the Spirit?
-Prepare a 5-10 min testimony of how you came to the Lord.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Challenge

is a magnet for
our attention
pulling our pity inward
forcing our focus
away from
Love's calling to
serve the other especially
when crying for relief from
the challenge to                                      
stay afloat in an
unwelcomed storm which
batters our security while
the losing of our perceived control 
begrudgingly recommends humility
through our finite frailty-
the truth of  our
ultimate dependency on the
One who knit us together in the womb-
adjusting for weakness and
pain's 911
feels formidable
while uncertainty
wreaks havoc with
our self-sufficiency
intensifying the temptation to
drink deeply of the
whine squeezed from trials
too long endured as
faith ebbs and flows
questioning the reality of
life's sharp turns and
fearsome dead ends
suffering seemingly ratifies
Satan's lies against
God's existence or
His Love for you
accusations of
His abandonment
lack of concern
powerlessness to help
all prove daunting when
your experience touches
Passion's extreme ordeal with
reluctant reliance and
tumbling feelings
yet your affliction advances the
choice to
trust or worry
love or withdraw
detach or despair
receive or reject
suffering's incessant
provision for purification
an invitation to imitate
Jesus' surrender of Self
and in this
we can prevail by
joining I to Thou's
terrible agony
entwining our crowns
offering our immolations
together as One for the
sake of those we love
entrusting Him to
Redeem our sufferings
for our good and theirs
forming a bond
fused in the
fire of sacrifice
fixing our eyes
on the prize to yield a
fruitful harvest
beyond our own strength
yet within our grasp by
Grace sufficient

-How is your illness challenging you?
-How is Colossians 1:24 used in this poem?
-What is the relationship between faith and feelings?
-What does it mean to unite our sufferings with the Lord's sufferings?
-How can our suffering with Jesus be a prayer of blessing for others?
-How is the Lord calling you to love while enduring your illness?
-What is the difference between surrendering to the Lord and giving-up? 

The Challenge

is a magnet for
our attention
pulling our pity inward
forcing our focus
away from
Love's calling to
serve the other especially
when crying for relief from
the challenge to                                      
stay afloat in an
unwelcomed storm which
batters our security while
the losing of our perceived control 
begrudgingly recommends humility
through our finite frailty-
the truth of  our
ultimate dependency on the
One who knit us together in the womb-
adjusting for weakness and
pain's 911
feels formidable
while uncertainty
wreaks havoc with
our self-sufficiency
intensifying the temptation to
drink deeply of the
whine squeezed from trials
too long endured as
faith ebbs and flows
questioning the reality of
life's sharp turns and
fearsome dead ends
suffering seemingly ratifies
Satan's lies against
God's existence
His Love for you
accusations of
His abandonment
lack of concern
powerlessness to help
all prove daunting when
your experience touches
Passion's extreme ordeal with
reluctant reliance and
tumbling feelings
yet your affliction advances the
choice to
trust or worry
love or withdraw
detach or despair
receive or reject
suffering's incessant
provision for purification
an invitation to imitate
Jesus' Surrender of Self
and in this
we can prevail by
joining I to Thou's
terrible agony
entwining our crowns
offering our immolations
together as One for the
sake of those we love
entrusting Him to
Redeem our sufferings
for our good and theirs
forming a bond
fused in the
fire of sacrifice
fixing our eyes
on the prize to yield a
fruitful harvest
beyond our own strength
yet within our grasp by
Grace sufficient

-How is your illness challenging you?
-How is Colossians 1:24 used in this poem?
-What is the relationship between faith and feelings?
-What does it mean to unite our sufferings with the Lord's sufferings?
-How can our suffering with Jesus be a prayer of blessing for others?
-How is the Lord calling you to love while enduring your illness?
-What is the difference between surrendering to the Lord and giving-up? 

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Call

always personal
never detached
I have sought you out
from your beginning
when I formed you
in the womb
preparing you to
share My very Life
always remaining
never leaving
even when
you left Me
your own way
only to discover
futility's reward
always remembering
never forgetting
that our enemy's lies
about Me
My Bride
My ways
lead to separation
seeking fulfillment in
finite passions
when only
infinite Love can satisfy
human longing
always encouraging
never haranguing you to
leave behind
this world's allurements
which consistently fade
though incessantly promise
what they cannot deliver
yet through it all
My quiet voice
calls your name
to end your resistance
and accept My Gift
of New Life-
a pledge sealed
in Blood
by freedom's ransom from
sin's bondage-
a Risen flesh
promised as the
first fruits of
Power from above
always wooing
never forcing
even at
eternity's peril
I reach out
for you to
come home
so now
listen to My plea
for...time is short
freely I offer
freely receive

-Which word, phrase, idea did you like best in The Call? Why?
-What was your impression of the the Speaker?
-Is that impression a reality for you? Why/not?
-What are some of the hurdles to "freely receive" the Lord's free offer?
-How has the Lord reached out to you?
-Where can you find/give support in your relationship with Jesus?

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Discernment

sweet abandon
beckons me
come home to
find a rest
long pursued
from a combat
rooted in fear of
giving up ideals
wrapped in
holy desires
nourished by
hurts long forgotten
clutched by a
death-grip of
a quest viewed through
the lens of
my visions of
His calling
always beyond
my grasp and
but then
without a warning
it was Love
that cut the tether
Grace that
unbound my heart by
Wounds of Freedom
endured by the Healer
made present in prayer
decisions from within
intercession from without
trustfully letting go
into my Lover's Hands
what was so precious
from ages past
melded into
my identity
a brand never
to be removed
what's next
I know not
nor does it matter
for the fit
shall be perfect
His Will
a path discerned
in silence
listening for
the Shepherd's Voice
softly spoken
midst the competition of
counterfeit calls and
my wounded perceptions
step by step
by signs of consolation
in circumstances 
surrounding darkness
without clearly
seeing the end
I yield- with my
brothers' support- to
the Adventure
through a process of
aggressive surrender

-What areas of your life are you trying to discern God's Will?
-What does "aggressive surrender" mean to you?
-What part do our feelings play in discernment?
-Why is it hard to "let go" of certain things in your life?
-How can a Spiritual Director help discern God's will?
-If you can't find a Spiritual Director, what can you do?
-Find a support group to whom you can be accountable.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Name

So Sacred...
the Name is
equal to
the Person
proclaiming the Truth
with Reverence
and Awe
in highest esteem
describing Infinite Identity
He who is Holiness
the One who Saves
with words that Create
and deeds that Heal
not boastfully
proclaiming superiority
but rather ministering
with Humility...
a Suffering Servant
gathering all who respond
at the end of time
so shall every knee bend
and tongue confess
the Name
above all names
yet on our inner thrones
does that Name Reign?
is there Honor
on our lips?
Reverence in our hearts?
sensitivity in our hearing
as that Name is cast down?
cursed and abused
equaled to evil
condemned to darkness
where do we stand?
I Am
Holy Holy Holy
Now and Forever

Reflection / Discussion:

-Examen your Reverence for the Name
-What is your response when His Name is abused in your presence?
-Ask Jesus how He wants you to respond.
-Repent if you need to.
-Ask the Holy Spirit for the Grace of Reverence and Boldness. 
-Resolve to Revere His Name.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Decision

do good
avoid evil
simple enough
to say
complicated to
figure out-
though actually doing it is
another matter altogether-
but first
consider this
within each is
written on the heart
the Truth of
God's loving law
to guide us to live in
fulfillment by self-gift
voices abound
within and without
fostering forgeries
that lead to
darkness not light
confusion not clarity
opposites of reality
bearing the fruit of chaos
ultimately to destruction
in and around us
support abounds
for self-taking
instead of self-giving
preference over principle
over nobility
license over liberty
where vice is virtue
and virtue is vice
following the
dictatorship of feelings-
rationalizing the illogical-
making objects
out of subjects
justifying the ends
by any means-
disasters of delusion- 
especially when
unfortunate consequences
lead to inconvenient
criticisms of behavior
emptiness as fullness
degradation as fulfillment
sin as righteousness
disorder as order
yet for those who object
to their mandate
ridicule awaits
accusations of hatred
antediluvian attitudes 
shouting down
in the name of
freedom from tyranny
all the while
boasting tolerance
but living
decisions of
right and wrong
based on emotions
today's inclinations
culture's elastic boundaries
relative righteousness
individualism's enthronement
as the crowd's
least common denominator
confidently confuse
to say the least
prove to be the
narcissist's dream
leading to abasement
in the costume of
proof abounds if
actually looking for it that
such is rooted in
our enemy's sham
with the telltale
odor of decay
yet to be fully human
through reason
conscience must be formed
by objective truth
not just
what I say it is-
the silly
true for you
but not for me-
disciples seek
formation in the Word
interpreted by
the Body's teaching
handed down through
centuries of Wisdom
under the covering
of the Spirit
by Peter's successors
with proven results in
harvests of joy
with power
beyond nature to live
even the
hardest of sayings
cross-cultural beliefs
unpopular to our
base tendencies
limiting self's
limitless capacity
for self aggrandizement
so we are left with choices
that take us in
different directions
like a nomad of morality
looking for an oasis
but finding only sand
one leads to death
disguised as life
approximating reality
always ensuring not to
interfere with what
you want
no matter what
the one that
relativism categorizes
as foolishly blind
stifling to behold
but in reality-.
proven by experience-
brings joy though
sometimes veiled
in garbs of the cross
a willingness to
obey the Truth
no matter what
you decide

-What does it mean that God's law is written on our hearts?
-If so, how is it we disagree on moral issues?
-What does "relativism" mean?
-What does it mean that the law of God is written in our natures?
-What part do feelings play in moral decisions?
-How do you make moral decisions?
-How do you answer relativism? 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Approval

where do you look
for approval?
in whose eyes
must you find
fickle indeed is
the adulation
of the world
like the weather-vane
grasping at the wind
is the fawning for favor
the addiction of
pursuing a nod
to fill ego's
bottomless coffers
vainly obsessing to satisfy
insecurity's infinite appetite
bankrupts the spirit
devours integrity
enslaves the soul
bringing double-mindedness
to the heart
by focusing on
mirror's reflection
with a fascination for
the temporal....
hear this:
you are already approved
in My eyes
the One who created you to
become Divine
who bore you upon
the Cross
in sacrificial Love
who tenderly caresses
your heart
calling you
to Myself for
eternal intimacy
I name you
My Beloved
each one
My favorite
you have only to
turn to Me
to surrender
to know the truth
to begin to fathom
your precious Identity
I entreat you to
open your heart
let go of self to
live in Me
I in you
then seek to walk
in My Love
for only in the gift of self
is My Image perfected
in mutual donation of
one to another
only then will
freedom become yours
so when vanity
demands to be fed
provoking security's effacement
resist and
envision Calvary
there to comprehend
True Approval
and it's perfection
in the Resurrection
then seek ONLY
to please
the One who is
your ALL

-How does looking for the approval of others affect you?
-How does it "enslave the soul"?
-Does our sin affect God's approval? Why/not?
-How can already having God's approval free us?
-What are the blocks for that to happen?  

Friday, February 3, 2012


though left unspoken
with our eyes shut
ears plugged
minds closed
death always intrudes
imposesing its reality
into our space
touching us violently
with unwanted intimacy-
a rape of consciousness-
an outcome
against our will-
always inevitable
conveniently buried
somewhere in the dark
mausoleum of our minds
impervious to bribery
mocking medical marvels
heartless to pleading
defeating all comers
we relentlessly seek
some semblance of
mercy until realizing
the Truth that
only Surrender conquers
only Acceptance enlivened by a
Faith embracing the
Hope of Love brings
Peace Born of Life's
Victorious Resurrection
bearing scars as
triumphant trophies
now He
freely offers to be
freely received
a Mystery revealed to
all who seek
the balm for
death's sting
so before
it barges in
uninvited to
collect its
deadly toll
your options
one way or
the other
you will die
so the question is
are you ready for

-Why do people not talk about death?
-How has the death of loved ones impacted your life?
-How can reflecting on your death affect your life today?
-Besides legal matters, how can you prepare for death?
-Are you spiritually ready for death? Why/not?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Tragedy

the veneer of a life
without Jesus as the center
eventually delaminates
its delusion
even if it's only when
He is revealed
face to Face at the
Final Juidgment
having accepted deceptions by
disbelieving revelations
etched in beauty
embedded in desire
hidden in sorrow
shadowed in love
obvious when discovered
overwhelming when believed
though when dismissed
unexamined or
resisted out of rebellion is
a debacle for...
the True Purpose of Life is lost while
everything else ultimately
remains a disappointment
squandered in the
maze of earthly appetites
glittering goals
born out of our enemy's
diabolical deceits
through vapid promises of
vanity's obsessions
idols bred from pitiful illusions
so confidently worshiped yet
so mercilessly unfulfilling
even if attained because
it is never enough to fill the
Desire for Divine Love
planted at conception
Love whispers a
song of seduction-
wooing our souls
Passionately inviting us into a
Intimate Relationship by
an extravegant Redemption
born out of Suffering a
Death offering Life to seekers of an
Exodus into the Promised Land of
Ultimate Fulfillment-
Unending Joy-
an undeserved Grace for those
who receive but for
those who reject an
Eternal Tragedy

-Does life without the Lord eventually "delaminate"? Why/not?
-What are some of the ways Jesus reveals Himself to us?
-What is the true purpose of life?
-Are the "obsessions" of desires left unfulfilled? Why/not?
-How can we avoid the "eternal tragedy"?
-How can we help others to avoid the "eternal tragedy"?