My hope for you

Poetry speaks to our minds and hearts and is meant to communicate more than the sum of its words. It is an apt expression of our walk with the Lord. I encourage you to forward this link to those you love. I pray this poetry leads you into reflection and prayer but I also want to start a conversation. You, too, have something to share with others-not only in person, but also here. Your experience is yours to give away to build up and learn from others in the Body of Christ. Share the word that you hear, the experiences you have lived. We are all part of the New Evangelization.If you also want to contact me by email, feel free:

Table of contents: October 7, 2012

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Seeing

trials compete for the true perception of our present reality
often filtered by our finiteness and the prism of subjectivity
adversity challenges our Faith's vision as we seek understanding and relief

Eternity's advantage provides a more enlightened perspective
especially from the One who has already trod the Via Dolorosa and
triumphed over death's dark dominion
so let us commence the Seeing together and find the Truth midst labor's pain

you see your cross and say "Why me?"

I see your burden and say "Why not you?"
give Me the name of a loved one upon whose shoulders
you would place it in your stead for
all must walk from the darkness of the fall through change's portal
into Purity's Light though many decide to travel in the shadows
'till  in the end they find horror in the rewards
they vainly pursued

you see your cross and feel others elude such agony
seeming always to prosper while you struggle
from day to day

I see all and say no one escapes suffering
though appearances deceive
each journey is different yet the same
My call and offer have no limits save in the will of
every man since the battle for the soul is inward
and therein lies the many unseen afflictions

you see tribulation's pressure and wonder when it
will end and what purpose could it ever serve

I see gold in the making when in cooperation with My allowances
the flame of purification is accomplishing its mission

you see the temptation to escape everywhere you look
and find momentary solace in pleasure's company
sometimes turning from My Ways to seek freedom's play

but I see only a ball and chain when self is enthroned
while never finding the satisfaction sought

you see simply the struggle to carry your cross

I see your willingness to endure
Trusting despite uncertainty's din

you see your solitary journey and
despite prayer and personal support
feel the loneliness of your painful watch

I see your trusting faithfulness and the angels who
accompany your every step while My Presence fills
your sacred temple

you see the struggle to face your hardship and give
thanks in all circumstances as your feelings resist your will

I see the Spirit hovering over your waters re-creating
and renewing you in the image of Gethsemane's passage

you see a self of weakness and need

I see a heart becoming like Mine for
love is transformed by Love and in the end become One

so take comfort in these Truths
keep your eyes fixed upon Me and
Unite yourself with My timeless Calvary
for the sake of those you love and so
while seeing your present challenge
submerged in sorrow
know that this too shall pass

-Which thoughts reflect your experience? How?
-Which "seeing" by the Lord struck you the most?
-How does an "eternal perspective" help?
-When looking back at past trials, how did the Lord use them?
-How do faith and feelings relate in your experience of trials?
-Do you have supportive relationships in your walk with the Lord?
-If yes, evaluate the openness and honesty with one another.
-If not, seek and you shall find at least one person to whom you can confide.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Mother Mary

she was always there for Me
our bond like no other
My beginnings
shrouded in mystery
deterred her not in
her acceptance of Life and a
mission of humble service
joy was her covering
surrender her heart's desire
love her gift
though My Identity was
beyond her understanding and
more than she could touch
she bathed My Soul with tenderness
with a strength Divine
while her smile fed my days
always lifting Me higher
she guided others to follow Me
as she herself grew in stature
'till sorrow's lance pierced her being
while gazing in disbelief at
My stark end
yet again her submission
responded to My final request
taking all as her very own to
draw them to Myself
as her eternal calling
never yielding to temptations
she bore My spent Body
as the Gift to every soul
without ceasing her hope
despite the cost
she remains faithful
even to My return
once more but
this time in a
Glorious Finale

-Describe Jesus' relationship with His Mother.
-What role did Jesus give to Mary?
-What part does Mary play in your life?
-How would you explain Mary to someone inquiring about her?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Offering

Suffering can be devastating. The process of grieving has ebbs and flows, and, like a beautiful
but uncomfortable song, it replays in our souls 'till it becomes part of us. But, in that process of acceptance, meaning resurrects our spirits as we learn to join our suffering with the Lord's greatest gift to us, and, together, bring others to benefit from our own offering.

The Offering

sorrow propels the soul
along paths illumined by darkness
calling for surrender in the
valley of shadows
so we make our way to eternity's shore
by sight unseen burdened
under the weight of the fitted cross
'till grieving is spent by acceptance renewed
we can nonetheless
capture meaning in our loss by
joining in Love's brokeness
our wounded heart to
Another's offering
whose bitter pain from long ago is
made present by Grace and
in that decision
purpose can abound for
intentions lifted by
wings of tears and
Love's embrace
together bearing a
willingness to fulfill
what is missing in the Body
we share and extend
Grace's measure while
deepening a union of
noble caresses with a
Heart pierced and
offered for all

-What is your experience of suffering?
-How can good come from our suffering?
-What does is mean to unite our sufferings with Jesus'?
-How can Jesus' suffering bring meaning to ours?
-What does Jesus' suffering for you mean to you?